Blar i Department of Mathematics på tittel
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Flow Properties of Fully Nonlinear Model Equations for Surface Waves
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-11-03)The focus of this thesis is wave motion in shallow water. In particular, we investigate some properties of flows underneath long waves in shallow water and present the results in two parts. The first part contains a ... -
The FluidFlower Validation Benchmark Study for the Storage of CO2
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Successful deployment of geological carbon storage (GCS) requires an extensive use of reservoir simulators for screening, ranking and optimization of storage sites. However, the time scales of GCS are such that no sufficient ... -
Forståelse av matematiske tekstoppgaver. Hva bør man som lærer ha tenkt gjennom når man ønsker at elevene skal jobbe med tekstoppgaver i matematikk?
(Master thesis, 2018-06-21)Denne studien tar for seg matematiske tekstoppgavers oppbygning og ser på ulike typer utfordringer elever kommer over i møte med tekstoppgaver. Utfordringene handler i stor grad om det å oversette teksten i tekstoppgaver ... -
Fourier analysis on abelian groups; theory and applications
(Master thesis, 2017)Fourier analysis expresses a function as a weighted sum of complex exponentials. The Fourier machinery can be applied when a function is defined on a locally compact abelian group (LCA). The groups R, T = R / Z, Z and Z_n ... -
Fractal structures in freezing brine
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-09)The process of initial ice formation in brine is a highly complex problem. In this paper, we propose a mathematical model that captures the dynamics of nucleation and development of ice inclusions in brine. The primary ... -
Fresh Water driven primary Production in a Fjord
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1997-03) -
A Front Tracking Approach to a Two-Phase fluid Flow Model with Capillary Forces
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1997-04) -
Fronts in two-phase porous media flow problems: The effects of hysteresis and dynamic capillarity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In this work, we study the behavior of saturation fronts for two-phase flow through a long homogeneous porous column . In particular, the model includes hysteresis and dynamic effects in the capillary pressure and hysteresis ... -
Full family of flattening solitary waves for the critical generalized KdV equation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)For the critical generalized KdV equation ∂tu+∂x(∂2xu+u5)=0 on R, we construct a full family of flattening solitary wave solutions. Let Q be the unique even positive solution of Q′′+Q5=Q. For any ν∈(0,13), there exist ... -
Fully Automatic Whole-Volume Tumor Segmentation in Cervical Cancer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-11)Uterine cervical cancer (CC) is the most common gynecologic malignancy worldwide. Whole-volume radiomic profiling from pelvic MRI may yield prognostic markers for tailoring treatment in CC. However, radiomic profiling ... -
A fully coupled numerical model of thermo-hydro-mechanical processes and fracture contact mechanics in porous media
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Various phenomena in the subsurface are characterised by the interplay between deforming structures such as fractures and coupled thermal, hydraulic and mechanical processes. Simulation of subsurface dynamics can provide ... -
Fully dispersive water wave equations
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-02-21)The PhD project concerns the surface water wave theory. Liquid is presented as a three or two dimensional layer bounded from below by a rigid horizontal bottom. Above it can have either a free surface or an elastic layer ... -
Fully-implicit simulation of vertical-equilibrium models with hysteresis and capillary fringe
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-02)Geological carbon storage represents a new and substantial challenge for the subsurface geosciences. To increase understanding and make good engineering decisions, containment processes and large-scale storage operations ... -
Functional analysis and exterior calculus on mixed-dimensional geometries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-12)We are interested in differential forms on mixed-dimensional geometries, in the sense of a domain containing sets of d-dimensional manifolds, structured hierarchically so that each d-dimensional manifold is contained in ... -
Functional inequalities on path space of sub-Riemannian manifolds and applications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We consider the path space of a manifold with a measure induced by a stochastic flow with an infinitesimal generator that is hypoelliptic, but not elliptic. These generators can be seen as sub-Laplacians of a sub-Riemannian ... -
Fører omvendt undervisning til høyere læringsutbytte?
(Master thesis, 2017-12-20)Omvendt undervisning blir mer og mer populært. Omvendt undervisning er en undervisningsmetode hvor gjennomgangen av nye temaer gjøres ved at elevene ser en videoforelesning hjemme, når eleven kommer på skolen vil fokuset ... -
GAMLSS-modeller i bilforsikring
(Master thesis, 2012-06-01)I denne oppgaven tester jeg ulike modeller for prediksjon av total skadeutbetaling fra forsikringsselskap til forsikringstaker i et poliseår. Modellene som testes hører til rammeverket Generalized Additive Models for ... -
Gas exploration beyond the shelf break : an oceanographic challenge
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-02)Norway's second largest gas field, Ormen Lange, is located 140 km west off Kristiansund at an unprecedented depth when it comes to exploration. It will be the first Norwegian project beyond the shelf break. Exploration and ... -
Gasslekkasjar i Marine miljø
(Master thesis, 2012-06-19)I denne masteroppgåva studerast fluidstrøymingar gjennom marine sediment, og målet er å vurdere om ein enkel matematisk modell klarar å beskrive og bevare karakteristiske trekk for prosessen. Denne drøftinga vil baserast ... -
General Slit Stochastic Löwner Evolution and Conformal Field Theory
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-01-22)