Browsing Department of Sociology by Title
Now showing items 340-359 of 436
Samtidens forventninger til jenter. En komparativ studie av jenter i to ulike utdanningssituasjoner
(Master thesis, 2018-05-25)Denne studien undersøker hvordan jenter i to ulike utdanningssituasjoner forholder seg til samtidens forventninger til det å være jente. Dagens generasjon jenter har de senere årene vært i fokus for økt oppmerksomhet både ... -
Selvbestemmelse i et relasjonelt perspektiv. En empirisk analyse av hverdagsliv og samhandling i bofellesskap for mennesker med psykiske lidelser.
(Master thesis, 2018-04-17)Tema for denne masteroppgaven er hverdagslivet i bofellesskap for mennesker med psykiske lidelser. Oppgaven handler om hvordan selvbestemmelse for beboerne kommer til uttrykk innenfor en ramme hvor samhandling med personalet ... -
Selvforståelse i et individualisert samfunn. Anerkjennelse og livsmønster
(Master thesis, 2005) -
Setting out for new shores! An explorative analysis of agency in youth employment mobility
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Based on biographical interviews from an intra-European youth mobility study in Luxembourg and Norway the article aims to contribute to the debate on how to understand and account for complexities of agency in youth ... -
Siblings’ educational mobility and the educational stratification of families
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This study examines same-sex siblings’ educational mobility using high-quality register data from Norway. The study explores how the educational level of younger siblings varies with the education of parents and firstborn ... -
The Silences of Dispossession. The Dynamics of Agrarian Change and the Politics of Indigenous People in Chaco, Argentina
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-05-29)Recent studies of ‘accumulation by dispossession’ have highlighted the link between agrarian changes and the expansion of social capitalist relationships that has occurred in the neoliberal era. However, the high degree ... -
Skjønn og skjønnheit i den digitale tidsalderen
(Journal article, 2023) -
Skolestriden i Kvam herad. Et casestudie av en skolelokaliseringskonflikt
(Master thesis, 2010-06-27) -
Social capital formation : a poverty reducing strategy?
(Conference lecture, 2002)The title of the symposium is "Social Capital Formation in PovertyReduction: Which Role for Civil Society Organizations and the State?".The emphasis here is on poverty and whether poverty reduction can beobtained through ... -
A social climbing world. Impaired corporeality and the meaning contents of physical activity
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-12-16)This project is a sociological investigation of meaning experiences in persons with physical impairments who engage in physical activity. A group of climbers with impairments has been studied through participant observation ... -
Social Failure and Rage: The Downward Social Mobility and Unsettled Life Course of a Norwegian Terrorist
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This essay sketches out an analysis of some of the key aspects of the life course of Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian mass murderer and terrorist, as well as his typical delusional and paranoid traits. His acts of ... -
Social Policy as a Reflection of Social Distance Concerns
(Working paper, 1977) -
The societal impact of individual placement and support implementation on employment outcomes for young adults receiving temporary health-related welfare benefits: A difference-in-differences study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background Individual placement and support (IPS) is an evidence-based practice that helps individuals with mental illness gain and retain employment. IPS was implemented for young adults at a municipality level through ... -
Som Sisyfos : Faglig motmakt i det nye arbeidslivet
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-11-24)Sosiologi handler grunnleggende sett om å forstå individers forhold til ulike fellesskap. Denne avhandlingen omhandler individers forhold til ett slikt formelt fellesskap, fagforeningen, og hva som er betingelsene for at ... -
Some basic issues in the comparative methodology of cross-national social research
(Conference lecture, 1990) -
Some basic welfare measures for combating poverty: lessons from a formerly poor country
(Chapter, 1997)Poverty alleviation is mainly about redistribution of economic, social and politicalresources, and all forms of redistribution carry a built-in conflict potential.However, there are political and social means available to ... -
Some political and moral issues involved in decentralizing the welfare state. With particular emphasis on New Zealand
(Sociology in the World, Chapter, 1989)