Blar i Department of Sociology på tittel
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Vague orientations and weak institutions. A study of students and apprentices in vocational education and training for retail and office work in Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-03-31)About two decades ago, Norway expanded its well-functioning system for vocational education and training (VET) to also cover the retail sector and office work, which have no tradition of apprenticeship training. The Sales ... -
Valg av yrkesfaglig opplæring- elevens prosesser. En studie av elever ved slutten av Vg2 og overgangen til videre utdanningsløp.
(Master thesis, 2013-06-28)Temaet for oppgaven er valg av utdanning for elever som velger yrkesfaglig studieprogram ved videregående opplæring. Oppgaven vil forsøke å forstå hvordan valget av utdanning - gjennom valg av utdanningsprogram, programområder ... -
Vårt sosialpolitiske ansvar
(Journal article, 1970) -
Velferdsstat eller velferdssamfunn?
(Journal article, 1994) -
Velferdsstaten : den fornuftige samfunnsmodell
(Chapter, 1991) -
Velferdsstaten som kulturinstitusjon
(Chapter, 1995) -
Velferdsstaten som kulturinstitusjon
(Conference lecture, 1994)Sentralt i diskusjonen om medlemsskap i EU står spørsmålet om hvasom vil skje med den norske velferdsstaten dersom Norge går med i EU.Svaret er ikke enkelt, men en første avklaring får man ved å skillemellom de formelle ... -
Vil du hilse på Edwan? En studie av sosial integrasjon av flyktninger i Årstad og sentrum bydel, Bergen. En evaluering av Flyktningeguiden i Røde Kors
(Master thesis, 2006)Oppgaven er et kvalitativt studie av hvordan flyktninger og frivillige, kalt flyktningeguider praktiserer Prosjekt Flyktningeguide i Bergen Røde Kors (RK). Studien baserer seg på et datamateriale produsert gjennom kvalitative ... -
Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen: Et utvalg surrealistiske bilder fra 1930-tallet sett i dansk og internasjonal sammenheng
(Master thesis, 2008-06-04)Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen: Et utvalg surrealistiske bilder fra 1930-tallet sett i dansk og internasjonal sammenheng -
Vindkraft og verdsetjingar av miljøet. Ein kvalitativ studie av rettferdiggjerande argumentasjon
(Master thesis, 2013-05-22)I denne oppgåva viser eg korleis aktørar i konsesjonshandsamingsprosessen for to omsøkte vindkraftverk rettferdiggjer sine standpunkt. Ved bruk av ein multippel case-studie sett saman av case som skal representere nettopp ... -
Web Technologies in Practice. The Integration of Web Technologies by Environmental Organizations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)This article uses a structuration model to explore the interaction between technology and organizations. Based on a case study of three environmental organizations in Norway and opposing visions of a single predetermined ... -
The welfare state matters. On the economic consequences of partnership dissolution in Norway and Britain
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-09-07)Recent sociological observations have indicated that unstable family relations and lone parenthood present new social risks to society, posing a challenge to the welfare state and threatening to increase gender inequality. ... -
What is a world capital of culture? The case of Paris
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007) -
What Matters in a Job? A Multi-Level Study of Job Preference Orientations and the Intrinsic Quality of Work in 25 Societies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This paper examines cross-national differences in job preference orientations from the perspective of job quality. In particular, it investigates the extent to which preferences of workers in 25 developed societies are ... -
Who you know: the classed structure of social capital
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article focuses on the social structuring of social capital, understood as resources embedded in social networks. The analysis integrates key theoretical–methodological insights from two distinct approaches concerned ... -
Why do people participate in research interviews? Participant orientations and ethical contracts in interviews with victims of interpersonal violence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Researchers are increasingly interested in why people want to participate in qualitative interview studies, particularly what they hope to gain from participating. The present paper contributes to this research agenda by ... -
‘With a Heavy Heart’: Ethics, Emotions and Rationality in Norwegian Immigration Administration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-04)This article analyses decision-making processes concerning applications for family immigration to Norway by giving an account of the dilemmas and challenges faced by the employees of the Norwegian immigration administration. ... -
Women who cross borders – black magic? A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Norwegian newspaper coverage
(Master thesis, 2007)In some of Norway’s biggest cities; Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger there has been reported anincreased number of foreign women in prostitution (Pro Senteret 20062). The increase offoreign women in prostitution has led to changes ... -
Women’s sickness absence in contemporary Norway. The impacts of class, motherhood, and pregnancy
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-02-27)It is well known that in many countries, women have higher levels of sickness absence than men. In spite of several attempts to explain this gender gap in Norway, it is not very well understood. This thesis contributes to ... -
The Work Ethic and Social Change in the Czech Republic and Slovakia – a Modernisation Theory Perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The article investigates long-term trends in the work ethic in the Czech Republic and Slovakia from the perspective of modernisation theory. In particular, it examines whether the work ethic in the two culturally similar ...