Browsing Publication series by Title
Now showing items 422-441 of 625
Promoting deep learning in a constructively aligned system approach in a course in biomedical nutrition physiology
(UPED-skrift, Working paper, 2018)The discussed consists of several modules, teaching students the basic principles of biomedical nutrition physiology. This is achieved by a combination of background knowledge lecturing, critical reading of relevant ... -
Protecting the health of the poor: Social Movements in the South
(CROP International Studies in Poverty Research, Book; Peer reviewed, 2015-12-15)Despite the colossal amount of spending on health and healthcare programmes globally, why do massive inequalities in health remain, both within and between countries? Drawing on in-depth empirical research spanning Asia, ... -
Protoindustrial iron production in Østerdalen and challenges in managing this heritage
(Universitetet i Bergen, Arkeologiske Skrifter (UBAS) International, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2005) -
Protosamiska och samiska boplatser i Norrland under tidlig metalltid
(Universitetet i Bergen, Arkeologiske Skrifter (UBAS), Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2005) -
Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa
(CROP International Studies in Poverty Research ; 7, Book; Peer reviewed, 2019)Despite important strides in the fight against poverty in the past two decades, child poverty remains widespread and persistent, particularly in Africa. Poverty in all its dimensions is detrimental for early childhood ... -
Rapport Basismodul i universitetspedagogikk
(UPED-skrift, Working paper, 2015-06-30) -
Rapport om avsluttende oppdrag i forbindelse med basismodulen i universitetspedagogikk
(UPED-skrift, Working paper, 2020) -
A rare fragment of medieval jewellery
(Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen;26, Chapter, 2021-12)Rings of glass - mostly finger-rings - were in fashion throughout much of Europe between the 10th and 14th centuries. They have been found across a large area stretching from Russia to England, from the Alps to Sweden. ... -
Recent archaeological surveys in Ryfylke, with examples from Sandsa, Grasdalen and Forsandmoen
(UBAS – Universitetet i Bergen Arkeologiske Skrifter;13, Chapter, 2022)In 2015, Rogaland County Council began the most extensive archaeological surveys in the mountain areas of Ryfylke since the development of hydropower came to a halt in the 1980s. This article aims to demonstrate how such ... -
Reconstructing a Medieval Underground Soapstone Quarry: Bakkaunet in Trondheim in an International Perspective
(UBAS - University of Bergen Archaeological Series, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017-08)Underground medieval quarries are rare, in Norway and elsewhere in Europe. Thus the question: Could a big underground soapstone quarry have been opened at Bakkaunet in Trondheim (central Norway) in the Middle Ages? This ... -
Refleksjon om min undervisning og studenter
(UPED-skrift, Working paper, 2019) -
Refleksjon over noen pedagogiske komponenter av «flipped classroom» i digitialiseringsprosjekter for ENG 100 (H2015/H2016) og ENG125 (V2021).
(UPED-skrift;, Working paper, 2022) -
Reisa som skapte eit museum - Christie si utenlandsreise i 1823
(Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen;28, Chapter, 2023-12)St. Hanskvelden for 200 år sidan, 24. juni 1823, legg ei skute frå kai i Bergen. Om bord står ein snautt 45 år gamal mann og ser mot land. På alle nes og knausar brenn det bål som om heile byen helsar den reisande som no ... -
Religion embedded in the landscape - Sami studies and the recognition of otherness
(Universitetet i Bergen, Arkeologiske Skrifter (UBAS), Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2006) -
Relikvieskrinet fra Filefjell
(Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen;25, Chapter, 2020-12)Relikvieskrinet fra St. Tomas-kirken på Filefjell er en nokså liten gjenstand i kirkekunstsamlingen på Universitetsmuseet. Det er et av de best bevarte i sitt slag i Norden og tilsvarer lignende relikvieskrin i andre ... -
A Revised Chronology of the Mesolithic in Southeast Norway
(UBAS – Universitetet i Bergen Arkeologiske Skrifter;12, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)A chronological outline of the Mesolithic in southeast Norway was published by Egil Mikkelsen in 1975, dividing the Mesolithic period into four succeeding phases. Since then, this chronology has remained the main framework ... -
Revision and Some Upgrading of Course AT 301 “Arctic infrastructures in a changing climate”
(UPED-skrift, Working paper, 2015) -
Rhododamene – om kvinner i utforskning og foredling av Rhododendron
(Journal article, 2019-03) -
Rhododamene – rettelser og tillegg
(Journal article, 2020-05) -
Ribe - de første par hundrede år
(Universitetet i Bergen, Arkeologiske Skrifter (UBAS), Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2008)