Browsing Department of Biological and Medical Psychology by Title
Now showing items 360-379 of 431
Self-reported symptoms of anxiety and depression in chronic stroke patients with and without aphasia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background: About half of the stroke population suffers from emotional difficulties, such as anxiety and depression post-stroke. Acquiring aphasia is seen to increase the risk of developing symptoms of emotional difficulties ... -
Self-supervised, mobile-application based cognitive training of auditory attention: A behavioral and fMRI evaluation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-07)Emerging evidence of the validity of collecting data in natural settings using smartphone applications has opened new possibilities for psychological assessment, treatment, and research. In this study we explored the ... -
Sensorimotor synchronization to music reduces pain
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-28)Pain-reducing effects of music listening are well-established, but the effects are small and their clinical relevance questionable. Recent theoretical advances, however, have proposed that synchronizing to music, such as ... -
Sensory and Quasi-Sensory Experiences of the Deceased in Bereavement: An Interdisciplinary and Integrative Review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Bereaved people often report having sensory and quasi-sensory experiences of the deceased (SED), and there is an ongoing debate over whether SED are associated with pathology, such as grief complications. Research into ... -
Sex/gender differences in the brain are not trivial—A commentary on Eliot et al. (2021)
(Journal article, 2021)In this commentary to the comprehensive review by Eliot et al. (2021), we fully comply with rejecting the ‘sexual dimorphism’ concept in its extreme, binary form. However, we criticise the authors’ extreme position and ... -
Sex/Gender Differences in Verbal Fluency and Verbal-Episodic Memory: A Meta-Analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Women are thought to fare better in verbal abilities, especially in verbal-fluency and verbal-memory tasks. However, the last meta-analysis on sex/gender differences in verbal fluency dates from 1988. Although verbal memory ... -
SHC - et måleinstrument for subjektive helseplager
(Journal article, 2004) -
Shift in Food Intake and Changes in Metabolic Regulation and Gene Expression during Simulated Night-Shift Work: A Rat Model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Night-shift work is linked to a shift in food intake toward the normal sleeping period, and to metabolic disturbance. We applied a rat model of night-shift work to assess the immediate effects of such a shift in food intake ... -
Shift work, circadian rhythms and the brain : Identifying biological mechanisms underlying the metabolic and cognitive consequences of work timing, using a rat model
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-04-29)Shift work, and night shift work in particular, is associated with negative health effects. In the short term, night shift work is associated with increased risk of errors and accidents. In the long term, night shift work ... -
Signatures of exposure to childhood trauma in young adults in the structure and neurochemistry of the superior temporal gyrus
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: Childhood trauma (CT) has been linked to increased risk for mental illness in adulthood. Although work in experimental animals has shown that early life stressors can affect inhibitory and excitatory ... -
Silver linings of ADHD: A thematic analysis of adults' positive experiences with living with ADHD
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Objectives To identify and explore positive aspects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as reported by adults with the diagnosis. Design The current study used a qualitative survey design including the ... -
Similarities and differences between intermittent and continuous resting-state fMRI
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) block-design experiments typically include active ON-blocks with presentation of cognitive tasks which are contrasted with OFF- blocks with no tasks presented. ... -
Simultaneous Measurement of the BOLD Effect and Metabolic Changes in Response to Visual Stimulation Using the MEGA-PRESS Sequence at 3 T
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) effect that provides the contrast in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been demonstrated to affect the linewidth of spectral peaks as measured with magnetic resonance ... -
Single-centre, non-randomised clinical trial at a tertiary care centre to investigate 1-year changes in social experiences and biomarkers of well-being after bariatric surgery in individuals with severe obesity: protocol for the Bariatric Surgery and Social Experiences (BaSES) study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction Obesity is linked to increased loneliness and less enjoyment of social interactions. While bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment targeting severe obesity, there is limited understanding as to whether ... -
Skriftlige engelskferdigheter hos dyslektiske elever. Sammenlignende studie av elever i Norge og i Ungarn
(Master thesis, 2009-05-25)This study is addressing differences in literacy skills in English, with a specific focus on Norwegian and Hungarian dyslexics. Study is conducted from the perspective of characteristic features in dyslexics and typical ... -
Sleep homeostasis and night work: a polysomnographic study of daytime sleep following three consecutive simulated night shifts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Purpose: Millions of people work at times that overlap with the habitual time for sleep. Consequently, sleep often occurs during the day. Daytime sleep is, however, characterized by reduced sleep duration. Despite preserved ... -
Social and non-social feedback stimuli lead to comparable levels of reward learning and reward responsiveness in an online probabilistic reward task
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Social stimuli seem to be processed more easily and efficiently than non-social stimuli. The current study tested whether social feedback stimuli improve reward learning in a probabilistic reward task (PRT), in which one ... -
Social exclusion evokes different psychophysiological responses in individuals high on the psychopathy facets fearless dominance and self-centered impulsivity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Individuals with psychopathic personality traits are generally thought to have difficulties in processing and experiencing emotions. These difficulties could also translate to emotionally charged social situations such as ... -
Social functioning and mental health in children: the influence of chronic illness and intellectual function
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-01-13)Chronic illness, and in particular neurodevelopmental disorders, are associated with an increased risk of mental health problems and social difficulties in children. Across the neurodevelopmental disorders, the presence ... -
Social inequalities in health: biological, cognitive and learning theory perspectives
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2002)Increasing social inequalities in health have been ascribed to unequal distribution of resources, and to exposure factors. We propose that these differences also may be explained by principles from cognitive stress theory. ...