Blar i Department of Government på emneord "VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Statsvitenskap og organisasjonsteori: 240::Offentlig og privat administrasjon: 242"
Viser treff 1-20 av 106
Administrative culture in Nepal: does it reflect the dominant socio-cultural values of Nepal?
(Master thesis, 2005)Nepalese bureaucracy is accused of being inefficient, corrupt, non-transparent and irresponsible. It is also said that Afno Manchhe and Chakari, which is deeply rooted in Nepalese social values, is also highly institutionalized ... -
Aetat: en organisatorisk kameleon. En studie av endringsprosesser i Aetat fra 1990 til 2003
(Master thesis, 2004)Tema og problemstilling: Aetat er en stor, offentlig forvaltningsinstitusjon som skal følge utviklingen på arbeidsmarkedet og gjennomføre den vedtatte arbeidsmarkedspolitikken. Etaten er preget av uforutsigbare omgivelser ... -
Aid and Entrepreneurship in Tanzania
(Book, 1993) -
Analysis of decision making in Uganda's social security and pension policy reform
(Master thesis, 2005)This thesis argues that in order to understand Uganda’s social security reforms and how they were formulated, it is important to consider the patterns of interaction amongst the key actors. The major objective is to map ... -
Analysis of state institutional capacity for land acquisition in Ghana: A case study of the public land bureaucracy
(Master thesis, 2007)Gaining access to land is a problem that confronts both Government and non statecapitalist agents in Ghana. The study examined why the state lacks an effectiveinstitutional capacity with the political and technical competence ... -
Auditee Strategies - An Investigation of Auditees’ Reactions to the Norwegian State Audit Institution’s Performance Audits
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)This article contributes to theory on accountability – how it is played out and responded to. It uses the Norwegian State Audit Institution (SAI) as an illustration. The responses of the audited entities to the SAI’s ... -
Auditors' understanding of evidence: A performance audit of an urban development programme
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)This article uses a case study to analyse two main dilemmas that performance auditors face when auditing complex interventions in governance. The first dilemma, concerning the performance auditors’ roles as improvement ... -
Barn på tvang. Nyere styringstrender og konkurrerende diskurser i institusjonsbarnevernet
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-06-22)Hvordan vi gir mening til våre erfaringer, får betydning for hva som oppfattes som realitet, og dermed hvordan vi håndterer de situasjoner vi står i. I denne avhandlingen rettes oppmerksomheten mot hvordan barn gir mening ... -
Between diverging discourses of the child: juveniles’ self-construction in coercive residential care
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Based on a qualitative study, this article explores how Norwegian juveniles construct themselves through stories of everyday life in coercive residential care and how this is related to diverging discourses of the child’s ... -
”Bopliktsaken” i Tvedestrand: En studie av en lokalpolitisk beslutningsprosess
(Master thesis, 2007) -
Bortenfor horisonten. ”Enemy Combatant” og den sikkerhetspolitiske diskurs
(Master thesis, 2007)Denne masteroppgaven handler om begrepet "enemy combatant", dens mulighetsbetingelser og betydning i den amerikanske sikkerhetspolitiske diskursen og den globale krigen mot terror. Siktemålet er å demonstrere at det er i ... -
Challenges and Prospects of Implementing Citizen’s Charter: A Study of Panchkula (Haryana) Municipal Council in India
(Master thesis, 2005)The Citizen’s Charter has been adopted as a device by the Government of India to induce clienthis research primarily used a qualitative perspective, attempting to discern the meaning ofhe empirical evidence suggests that ... -
Challenges of Fiscal Desentralization Policy in the Akuapem South District of Ghana
(Master thesis, 2008)The Government of Ghana introduced the decentralization concept in 1988 as part of hereffort/determination to make local government administration autonomous in Ghana. Themain aim of the concept was to make the people at ... -
Changes in funding of higher education and research: stronger governmental steering and organisational control of higher education institutions and academic behaviour?
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-06-19)Funding of higher education and research has experienced substantial changes in the last decades. Although there is variation across European countries, a stronger competitive element increasingly characterises higher ... -
Community participation in school development: Understanding participation in basic school performance in the Nanumba district of Ghana
(Master thesis, 2005)This study has been an attempt to look at the impact of community participation on the performance of basic schools in Ghana, specifically the Nanumba District of the Northern Region. As a government policy under the ... -
Complexity and Hybrid Public Administration—Theoretical and Empirical Challenges
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-10-07)This article provides a greater understanding of hybrid public administration. Different generations of public sector reforms have accentuated hybrid and complex features of public organizations, resulting in multiple-layer ... -
The Contraction- and Detraction Thesis. A theory on power and values conflicts in democracies
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2005)The alternation of contraction and detraction processes in public administration is linked with long-term tendencies in the political system. From the last quarter of the 19th century the influence of the Storting (the ... -
Deliberasjon og retorikk i klimadiskursen i Europaparlamentet
(Master thesis, 2009-06-01)Denne studien tar sikte på å analysere tre debatter i Europaparlamentet, som fant sted i perioden 1992-2007, med klimapolitikk som tema. Arbeidet tar utgangspunkt i to teoretiske perspektiver: et deliberativt og et retorisk. ...