Browsing Faculty of Psychology by Title
Now showing items 314-333 of 535
Militær profesjonsidentitet ved norske befalsskoler
(Master thesis, 2012-04-14)In the Norwegian Military Doctrine the need for a joint professional identity is emphasized. This longitudinal study examines military professional identity among a sample of 234 students at Norwegian Officer Candidate ... -
Mindfulness i rehabilitering av vedvarende symptomer etter traumatisk hjerneskade - en litteraturgjennomgang
(Master thesis, 2018-06-08)Persistent symptoms of traumatic brain injury (TBI) stem from a complex interaction between neurological, psychological and/or physical factors, and it can be challenging to find effective rehabilitation strategies for ... -
Mindfulness- and Acceptance-based Treatment for Older Adults: A Literature Review
(Master thesis, 2010-11-24)Mindfulness- and acceptance-based interventions (MBI)have been suggested to be a suitable treatment alternative for older adults, as these interventions are easily administered in groups and can be tailored to the patients' ... -
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression, does it work and how?
(Master thesis, 2009-04-15)Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a mindfulness based treatment modality for depression. It is based upon and has similarities to a Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program developed by Kabat Zinn ... -
A mixed methods study of employers’ and employees’ evaluations of job seekers with a mental illness, disability, or of a cultural minority
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)BACKGROUND: Groups in society that are under-represented in the workforce encounter various barriers in the job-seeking process. Some of these barriers are found on the employer’s side of the table. OBJECTIVE: This ... -
Morality, Meditation, and Wisdom - An Exploration of the Buddhist Foundation of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
(Master thesis, 2015-04-15)Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs), of which Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is one of the most widely used, have seen an exponential increase in research and application the last decade. MBSR employ a set ... -
Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review
(Master thesis, 2016-12-13)Cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based approach to treating a wide range of anxiety disorders. However, several clients drop-out of treatment prematurely, lack engagement in therapy, or do not achieve optimal ... -
Multidimensional assessment of Game Transfer Phenomena: Intrusive cognitions, perceptual distortions, hallucinations and dissociations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) refers to a cluster of involuntary phenomena related to playing videogames, including sensory and cognitive intrusions, transient changes in perception and self-agency. The Game Transfer ... -
Multisensory Integration of Emotional Stimuli: an fMRI of the Immediate and Enduring Effects of Emotional Film and Music
(Master thesis, 2016-04-14)Responding appropriately in social contexts depends on the integration of emotional information from multiple sensory organs into a coherent construct of a situation. Research has identified a multisensory integration ... -
Narrativ eksponeringsterapi som terapeutisk tilnærming i møte med flyktninger og asylsøkere: en litteraturgjennomgang
(Master thesis, 2015-04-15)Refugees and asylum seekers report a high level of trauma-related mental health problems, compared to the general population. However, research on treatment of traumatized refugees and asylum seekers in a western setting ... -
Narrativ Identitet hos Muslimske Homofile og Lesbiske Flyktninger i Vestlige land
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02)Oppgavens tema er endring i narrativ identitet blant muslimske lesbiske og homofile flyktninger fra pre- til post migrasjon til vestlige land. Forskningsspørsmålet er om muslimske lesbiske og homofiles narrative identitet ... -
Narrative Exposure Therapy as Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Intervention Study
(Master thesis, 2008-11-21)Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) is a treatment method defined as a standardized, short-term intervention for treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). NET has mainly been applied on victims of organized violence and ... -
Naturopplevelse og psykisk helse - Opplevelseskvaliteters medierende effekt på psykisk helse i friluftslivet
(Master thesis, 2013-04-15)Based on the general opinion of friluftlivs positive relation to mental health, this article will discuss relations between those two phenomenon. How the nature experience of friluftsliv contribute to mental health is this ... -
Nå-øyeblikket som endringsmekanisme i psykoterapi
(Master thesis, 2011-11-24)There is an ongoing discussion about what works in psychotherapy. The search for answers is often made trough litterateur on evidence based pschoterapyresearch. This paper take a closer look on the the term «present moment», ... -
Når jeg ser tilbake.. En kvalitativ studie av voksne utsatt for seksuelle overgrep som barn, og hva som bidro til at de forstod at de hadde blitt utsatt for seksuelle overgrep
(Master thesis, 2018-12-16)The purpose of this study was to investigate how adults, who experienced sexual abuse before the age of 18, came to understand that they had been sexually abused. We conducted semi-structured interviews with adults between ... -
Når ord ikke er nok: Har kroppsorientert psykoterapi effekt for behandling av traumelidelser?
(Master thesis, 2023-12-15)Formålet med denne litteraturgjennomgangen er å undersøke om kroppsorientert psykoterapi har effekt for behandling av traumelidelser. En sekundær hensikt er å analysere hvem de kroppsorienterte behandlingsmetodene ser ut ... -
Når psykoterapi feiler: funn og implikasjoner for forebygging av negative utfall
(Master thesis, 2014-11-24)This article explores treatment-related negative effects and their implications for research and clinical practice. Research has documented that between 5-10 % of adult and 14-24 % of child and adolescent clients are worse ... -
Negative oppvekstbetingelser og seksuelt overgrep i barndom - implikasjoner for opplevd sosial støtte og selvskadende atferd i voksen alder
(Master thesis, 2014-11-24)Child sexual abuse (CSA) has serious negative long-term effects on the child's mental health. In addition, these children often experience a wide range of family dysfunctions, which alone can have negative effects, and ... -
Neuro-linguistic programming: Kostnader og nytte
(Journal article, 1984)