Blar i Faculty of Psychology på tittel
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Selvmedfølelse - en beskyttelsesfaktor i møte med stemmehøring? En sammenligning mellom kliniske og friske stemmehørere
(Master thesis, 2017)Objective: Gaining more knowledge about auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) is important in the pursuit of understanding and developing therapeutic interventions for various psychological disorders where AVH are present. ... -
Selvmedfølelse i behandling av traumer – en litteraturgjennomgang
(Master thesis, 2018)The aim of this literature review was to study whether self-compassion interventions can decrease negative effects after traumatic events. We investigated which interventions that have been studied, if any interventions ... -
Sentrale problemstillinger innen nyere persepsjonspsykologi
(Journal article, 1961) -
Sesongvariasjon i stemningslidelser: En kunnskapsoversikt
(Master thesis, 2016-04-14)The study explored the literature concerning seasonal variations in mood disorders. The purpose was to give a summary of the included studies in this systematic review, evaluate their research design and in relation to ... -
Sinn til sinn - hjerne til hjerne: Om relasjoners rolle i emosjonsregulering
(Master thesis, 2013-11-24)Emotion regulation difficulties are a central phenomenon in mental illness. Emotion regulation involves the ability to increase and decrease physiological activation, affect and feeling. The ability to regulate ones emotion ... -
Sinnet som relasjonelt knutepunkt: En teoretisk undersøkelse av intersubejktiv psykoanalyse og buddhistisk psykologi
(Master thesis, 2009-11-24)In the last few years there has been an increased interest in Buddhist psychology within the psychoanalytic tradition. This thesis contains a comparison of intersubjective psychoanalysis (intersubjectivity theory) and ... -
Skam og skyld : sentrale tema i depresjon og terapi
(Master thesis, 2009-05-12)This paper discuss the concepts of shame and guilt, and briefly present different perspectives regarding these concepts. There are essentially differences between shame and guilt, and the main difference is the individuals ... -
Skjematerapi ved borderline personlighetsforstyrrelse
(Master thesis, 2018)Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious and highly prevalent mental disorder among outpatient and inpatient individuals treated in health clinics. Psychotherapy is the treatment of choice and currently there are ... -
Skjør terapeutisk allianse i behandling av pasienter med narsissistisk personlighetforstyrrelse
(Master thesis, 2013-04-14)The topic of this thesis is therapeutic alliance with patients with narcissistic personality disorders (NPD). The purpose of this paper is to investigate how such an alliance can be achieved, despite poor and diffuse ... -
Skyld og skam i kontroll-mestringsteori
(Master thesis, 2010-04-15)The concept of unconscious guilt is central in the understanding of development and maintenance of psychopathology according to Control-Mastery theory. Both guilt and shame are intense and unpleasant and everyone has ... -
Skyldig til det Motsatte er Bevist - Hva vet vi om Psykologiske Konsekvenser av å Ikke Bli Trodd når en Forteller om Voldtekt? En Systematisk Litteraturgjennomgang
(Master thesis, 2018-06-12)Female victims and survivors of rape and sexual assault often face reactions of disbelief and victim blame. This systematic review, as the first of its kind, attempts to summarize the quantitative research on the consequences ... -
Slum Dogs or Millionaires? Personal Reflections of Early Child Bearers: The Case of Unmarried Teenage Mothers Living in Slum Communities in Uganda
(Master thesis, 2009-06-09)This study report explores the perceptions of unmarried teenage mothers of their own lives, and their thoughts about what should be done for them to enhance their empowerment. It looks at their past, present and future ... -
Social conformity and psychological differentiation
(Journal article, 1974) -
Some comments on the causes and effects of parental attitudes towards child rearin
(Journal article, 1961) -
Sosiale vansker, psykiske problemer og autismespekterforstyrrelser blant barn og ungdom med 22q11.2 delesjonssyndrom
(Master thesis, 2022-05-19)Bakgrunn: Internasjonale studier har pekt mot at barn og ungdom med 22q11.2 delesjons-syndrom (22q11DS) har høye nivåer av sosiale vansker og psykiske problemer. Vi mangler kunnskap om hvilke vansker unge med 22q11DS ... -
Sosialisering mellom barn Ein studie av barnehagen som praksisfellesskap
(Master thesis, 2003)Tema for prosjektet mitt er korleis barn bidreg til kvarandre si utvikling av sosial kompetanse, kva dei lærer kvarandre gjennom aktivt samspell og fellesskap i barnehagen. Personalet og barna i barnehagen har ei sentral ... -
Sosialpsykologiske forskningstendenser i Norge
(Journal article, 1953) -
Staying at work. The role of expectancies and beliefs in health and workplace interventions
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-06-09)Work is an important part of life for the working population, and thus the workplace is an important arena for health promotion. Since low back pain (LBP) constitute the main reason for sick leave among employees, workplace ... -
The structure of generalizability theory for hierarchially stratified tests
(Research report, 1972)