Browsing Faculty of Psychology by Title
Now showing items 49-68 of 544
Can visiting the site of death be beneficial for bereaved families after terror? A qualitative study of parents’ and siblings’ experiences of visiting Utøya Island after the 2011 Norway terror attack
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Background. After the 2011 terror attack on Utøya Island, a collective visit was organized for bereaved families. There is limited knowledge whether bereaved families can benefit from such visits after terror. ... -
Changes in BMI-distribution from 1966–69 to 1995–97 in adolescents. The Young-HUNT study, Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007-10-04)Background: The aim of this study was to explore changes in the BMI-distribution over time among Norwegian adolescents. Methods: Height and weight were measured in standardised ways and BMI computed in 6774 adolescents ... -
Childhood Trauma and Attachment to Birth Parents in Foster Children. An Empirical Study.
(Master thesis, 2010-04-13)Traumatic childhood experiences, posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), and aspects of attachment behavior towards birth parents are assessed in a sample of 80 young individuals who have been or are currently in foster care ... -
Childhood Trauma Exposure and Substance use. An Explorative Study Among Outpatients with dual Diagnoses.
(Master thesis, 2010-11-24)This paper explores associations between all forms of childhood trauma and drug debut age in a sample of 76 young, Norwegian, help-seeking substance users with a dual diagnosis. Childhood trauma (emotional, physical and ... -
Client predictors of therapy dropout in a primary care setting
(Master thesis, 2022-05-19)Bakgrunn: Frafall fra terapi representerer en betydelig utfordring. Derfor har det blitt grundig studert hva som kan predikere frafall fra terapi. Dette har hittil ikke blitt undersøkt i primærhelsetjenesten i Norge. ... -
Coefficient alpha and the expected variance-covariance matrix of random composite measurements
(Research report, 1970) -
Cognitive and olfactory changes in aging
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-04-02)Age is associated with decrease in several cognitive functions whereof some changes may indicate a beginning pathologic process resulting in a state of dementia. The papers included in the thesis addressed questions related ... -
Cognitive Control in Auditory Processing
(Doctoral thesis, 2008-05-27)The dichotic listening experimental paradigm creates an ambiguous situation for the participant by presenting two auditory stimuli simultaneously, one in each ear. Which of the stimuli the participant reports has previously ... -
Cognitive function and mental health among children born with low birth weight in Nepal
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)Målet med denne studien er å sammenligne kognitiv funksjon og psykiske vansker mellom en gruppe barn født med lav fødselsvekt og en gruppe barn født med normal fødselsvekt. Et kohort design som inkluderer 574 Nepalske barn ... -
Common Complaints – Common Cure? Psychiatric comorbidity and predictors of treatment outcome in low back pain and irritable bowel syndrome
(Doctoral thesis, 2010-09-01)The basic hypothesis of the thesis is that the variance in individuals’ tolerance and acceptance of subjective health complaints is explained by CATS, the Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress. Sustained activation and ... -
Common Mental Disorders in rural Tanzania: How do patients explain their distress?
(Master thesis, 2010-04-15)The aim of the study was to investigate the explanatory models of Common Mental Disorders (CMD) in a primary health care setting in rural Tanzania. 28 patients who attended a primary health care out-patient clinic in rural ... -
A comparative analysis of the initiatives "Improving Access to Psychological Therapies" (IAPT) in England and "Psychologists in Primary Health Care" in Norway
(Master thesis, 2012-04-13)Background: The challenge in public mental health is threefold: 1) the majority of people suffering from mental illness receive no treatment; 2) there are not enough mental health professionals to offer individual treatment ... -
Concerning negative variance components in repeated measures designs
(Research report, 1973) -
Conditionability and Reinforcement Sensitivity in Gambling Behaviour
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-12-12)Models of the antecedents of pathological gambling (PG) include the processes of classical and instrumental conditioning. After experiences with gambling, appetitive classical conditioning can lead to a learned relation ... -
Continuity between waking and dreaming for psychiatric patients. A review and discussion of the implications for dream research
(Master thesis, 2013-11-25)Despite positive results from the use of dreams in psychotherapy and for personal growth, little is known of their nature and function. As an approach to expand our knowledge of dreams, their relationship to waking life ... -
Coping at Work. The role of knowledge and coping expectancies in health and sick leave
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-02-15)The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the effect of response outcome expectancies (coping) and knowledge on health and sick leave. The theoretical base of the thesis is the Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress ... -
Cost and benefits of professional psychology: Introductory remarks
(Chapter, 1981) -
Creating agency: A qualitative study of how women of Okurase in Ghana deal with their challenges through their everyday lives
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis aims to explore how women living under constraining life conditions deal with their challenges through their everyday life. In order to obtain this knowledge, we conducted semi-structured interviews with eight ...