Browsing Faculty of Psychology by Title
Now showing items 70-89 of 544
Dagliglivet i en psykiatrisk institusjon: En analyse av miljøterapeutiske praksiser
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-08-27)This thesis is a cross-disciplinary ethnographic study of milieu therapy and daily life in two closed psychiatric wards in a psychiatric hospital in Norway, where staff and patients were informants. The study is the result ... -
Dance as therapy: An investigation of available evidence in the field of Dance/Movement Therapy, and plausible mechanisms behind potential effects
(Master thesis, 2011-04-13)Several different treatment interventions use physical movement in order to enhance mental health. Among these is Dance/Movement Therapy. In this form of treatment, dance is used as a tool to integrate physical, cognitive, ... -
Deliberate Practice og fellesfaktorer i psykoterapi – en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang
(Master thesis, 2022-12-15)Bakgrunn: Deliberate Practice (DP) er en treningsmetode som har fått økt oppmerksomhet i psykoterapiforskning de siste årene. Litteraturen tyder på at vi vet for lite om hva som differensierer mer og mindre effektive ... -
Deltakeres opplevelser av utfordringer og sentrale erfaringer i løpet av Mindfulness-Basert Kognitiv Terapi for tilbakevendende depressiv lidelse – En kvalitativ studie
(Master thesis, 2022-12-15)Depresjon er en stor folkehelseutfordring og er forbundet med stor subjektiv lidelse. Risikoen for tilbakefall øker for hver depressive episode en person opplever, og det er behov for tilbakefallsforebyggende behandlingsformer. ... -
Den emosjonssentrerte jobbstressmodellen. Et nyttig rammeverk for å forstå konsekvenser av interpersonlig konflikt på arbeidsplassen?
(Master thesis, 2012-05-14)This study investigated whether stat anxiety mediates the relationship between interpersonal conflict and the two outcome measures job satisfaction and intentions to quit as postulated in the Emotions-centered model of job ... -
Den lærende organisasjon ut fra et leder- og lærerperspektiv. En kvalitativ intervjuundersøkelse
(Master thesis, 2012-05-14)The aim of this study has been to gain insight into how the members of an organization experience working in an institution which emphasizes organizational learning. The study was conducted at a Norwegian school striving ... -
Den norske befolkningens syn på psykologer
(Journal article, 1986) -
Den terapeutiske etos - en analyse av psykologien i senmoderniteten
(Master thesis, 2004)Psychology has left a profound imprint on life in late 20th century society, leading to such characterisations as ‘the age of psychology’, ‘the psychological society’, ‘therapy culture’ and ‘the therapeutic state’. ... -
Den Terapeutiske Relasjon
(Master thesis, 2011-04-15)For several decades psychotherapy research has tried to find what works in therapy, in order to increase the efficiency of psychotherapy. Through this research, the therapeutic relationship has emerged as one of the leading ... -
Den ukjente pasienten - En systematisk litteraturgjennomgang om pasienter med Anorexia Nervosa som mottar mest tvang
(Master thesis, 2022-12-15)Bakgrunn: Anorexia nervosa (AN) er den mest dødelige psykiatriske lidelsen, og utgjør en fare for liv og helse hos den rammede. Alvorlighetsgraden av lidelsen kan medføre et behov for ufrivillig behandling, der et fåtall ... -
Det tempererte nærvær: En teoretisk undersøkelse av psykoterapeutens subjektivitet i psykoanalyse og psykoanalytisk psykoterapi
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-04-28)This is a theoretical dissertation. The main topic has been to study the influence of the psychoanalyst’s or psychoanalytic psychotherapist’s subjectivity. The psychotherapist’s subjectivity is not defined precisely, because ... -
Det terapeutiske potensialet i å leke sammen - Barnesentrert leketerapi i lys av nevroaffektiv utviklingspsykologi
(Master thesis, 2015-04-14)Neuroscientific advances have provided new empirical support and actuality to psychodynamic theories, especially those concerning development in caregiver-infant-interplay. This has also made it possible to shed light on ... -
Developing a scale for measuring orthosomnia
(Master thesis, 2023-12-15)Flere studier har undersøkt tendensen til å være overdrevent opptatt av sunn mat (ortoreksi) og trening (treningsavhengighet), men å være overdrevent opptatt av søvn (ortosomni) har blitt lite forsket på. Denne studien har ... -
Development from the state in Ecuador: the analysis of the Plan Nacional de Desarrollo and the Constitución 2008
(Master thesis, 2009-06-03)Rafael Correa took office as president of Ecuador in January 2007; his presidency has been linked to the rebirth" of the left in Latin America. He presented himself as an outsider an alternative to the traditional way of ... -
Diagnostisering, etiologisk forståelse og behandling av dissosiativ identitetslidelse: En narrativ litteraturgjennomgang
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Dissosiativ identitetslidelse (DID) har vært en kontroversiell diagnose i lang tid. Hvilke faktorer som skaper og opprettholder lidelsen, samt hvordan en mest effektivt og presist kan diagnostisere og behandle DID, er ... -
Differences in Speech Perception and Production Networks Between Persons who stutter and Controls
(Master thesis, 2012-11-26)Previous research has demonstrated atypical lateralization and brain asymmetry in persons who stutter (PWS). It has also been demonstrated that PWS show atypical activation patterns when processing language stimuli. We ... -
Dimensionality and measurement invariance in the Satisfaction with Life Scale in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-02-10)Purpose Results from previous studies examining the dimensionality and factorial invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) are inconsistent and often based on small samples. This study examines the factorial ... -
A Discussion of Theoretical Solutions to the Hard Problem of Consciousness
(Master thesis, 2013-11-25)The problem of explaining subjectivity or sentience scientifically has been coined the Hard Problem of Consciousness'. Some postulate that an explanation is impossible with methods from contemporary cognitive science. In ... -
Diskursanalyse av hvordan "den kvinnelige atletiske kroppen" konstrueres i treningsmagasinet "Det Nye ShapeUp"
(Master thesis, 2016-12-15)Slender and skinny body ideals have been associated with psychological disorders such as eating disorders. However, the tendency to promote a healthier" and more athletic female body ideal has received minimal critical ... -
Diskursanalyse av hvordan evidensbasert praksis konstrueres i Prinsipperklæringen om evidensbasert psykologisk behandling
(Master thesis, 2015-11-24)Evidence based psychological practice is the subject of debate in the Norwegian and international psychological academic fields. The debate concerns whether psychological practice can be standardized and the knowledge base ...