Blar i Faculty of Psychology på tittel
Viser treff 172-191 av 544
Gastrointestinale symptom, deira relasjon til angst og depresjon og konsekvensar for sjukemelding i den generelle befolkninga
(Master thesis, 2009-11-24)Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are common and in most cases, they cannot be explained by objectively observable abnormalities. Like other common symptoms or complaints, GI-symptoms are associated with anxiety, depression, ... -
Gender Equality in Education - Policy, Practice and the Girl-toGirl Strategy in Madagascar
(Master thesis, 2009-06-30)This thesis is based on three months of field work in Morondava, Madagascar, and looks at efforts by global and national actors to achieve gender equality in education. These efforts are exemplified by the Girl-to-Girl ... -
General practitioners' opinions on how to improve treatment of mental disorders in primary health care. Interviews with one hundred Norwegian general practitioners
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-02-09)Background: Improvements in treatment of mental disorders are repeatedly called for. General practitioners (GPs) are responsible for the majority of treatment of mental disorders. Consequently, we interviewed GPs about ... -
Generalizability estimates for difference scores: An aspect of the contsruct validity of tests
(Research report, 1973) -
Generasjon prestasjon: Barn av senmodernismen
(Master thesis, 2015-04-29)In the last few years there has been a marked interest in the norwegian media around teenagers and young adults whom get exhausted and depressed because they feel as if they have to exel in «all» areas in life. A popular ... -
Giardia Patients in Bergen with Continued Complaints: Current Status on Gastrointestinal Complaints, anxiety, depression and neuroticism
(Master thesis, 2008-10-23)The aim was to investigate 111 former Giardia patients in Bergen, in context of the subjective health complaints field. Gastrointestinal complaints and its relation to anxiety, depression and neuroticism were assessed with ... -
God nok? Selvaktelse og interpersonlig fungering hos pasienter innen psykisk helsevern: Forholdet til diagnoser, symptomer og behandlingsutbytte
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-12-03)The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of self-esteem and interpersonal functioning in psychiatric outpatients. Self-esteem is commonly regarded as the evaluative aspects of the person’s ... -
A Group-based Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Adolescent Depression: A Qualitative, Exploratory Study of Participants' Experiences
(Master thesis, 2010-11-24)Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been documented to be effective in treating depression in adolescence, but there is great variability in the clinical outcome of CBT trials. This may in part be due to variations in ... -
Guided Self-Help via Internet for Panic Disorder in Adults: A Pilot Study
(Master thesis, 2008)The present study examines the effectiveness of a guided self-help program via Internet on panic disorder (PD). Totally 27 participants with a confirmed PD diagnosis, either with or without agoraphobia, received treatment. ... -
Gylne Øyeblikk
(Master thesis, 2010-11-24)This is a theoretical thesis witch has explored golden moments from a phenomenological, humanistic and body oriented approach. Clinical examples from clinic experience with a stress reducing group program with normal-functioning ... -
Hageterapi som behandling av psykiske lidelser: En systematisk litteraturgjennomgang av mulige virkningsmekanismer
(Master thesis, 2015-11-24)Horticultural therapy is a treatment intervention that use garden environment and gardening to achieve therapeutic changes. This systematic mixed methods review is an attempt to achieve a greater understanding of why ... -
Har du hørt den om prefrontal cortex? En drøfting av fenomenet humor som en form for meningsdanning
(Master thesis, 2009-11-23)Humor er et begrep som viser til et allmennmenneskelig fenomen man daglig har mulighet til å forholde seg til. Begrepet viser både til en bestemt form for erfaring/opplevelse, til situasjoner/hendelser/forståelsesmåter som ... -
Helserelatert livskvalitet hos barn i vedvarende lavinntekt: Betydningen av innvandrerbakgrunn og familiesammensetning
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Bakgrunn: Vedvarende lavinntekt blant barn i Norge har økt de siste 20 årene. Barn med innvandrerbakgrunn er overrepresentert i gruppen. Lavinntekt er knyttet til negative helseutfall hos barn og ungdom. Hvordan barn i ... -
Helsevesenets utvikling og psykologiens plass
(Journal article, 1983) -
Hinderløyper, halmstrå og hengende snører. En kvalitativ studie av håp innenfor psykisk helse- og rusfeltet
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-03-07)Hensikten med denne ph.d.- avhandlingen har vært å undersøke opplevelser av håp, og hva som kan bidra til å inspirere det, innenfor kommunale psykisk helse- og rustjenester. Fenomenet håp har blitt belyst fra tre ulike ... -
Hindre på veien til målet - Alliansebrudd og reparasjon av brudd og låsninger i psykoterapi
(Master thesis, 2013-11-25)In psychotherapy research it is generally acknowledged that a good therapeutic alliance predicts positive change in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy research has increasingly gained an interest in identifying what causes ... -
Hjelpesøkingsatferd blant menn utsatt for seksuell vold i Europa - En kunnskapsgjennomgang
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Omfangsstudier viser at 5 - 10 % av norske menn er utsatt for seksuell vold. Utsatte menn opplever ofte negative helsekonsekvenser og responser, og mange vil derfor ha behov for helsehjelp. Til tross for dette indikerer ... -
Hjernefunksjoner og behandlingsmetoder knyttet til gjenopplevelse av traumatiske minner
(Master thesis, 2018)This paper seeks to explore the theory and the empirical evidence of the destabilization in the communication between the separate parts of the brain engaged in establishing memories in people exposed to traumatic events. ... -
Holdninger til kjønnsminoriteter i Norge: Hvem mener hva om transpersoner?
(Master thesis, 2016-04-26)The purpose of this study was to examine attitudes toward gender minorities in Norway, and identify background variables that may explain differences in attitudes towards transpeople in Norway. This paper will present ...