Browsing Faculty of Psychology by Title
Now showing items 221-240 of 544
"I am a butterfly who wants to fly" Narratives of prostitution in Managua.
(Master thesis, 2009-06-03)The present Master Thesis is the outcome of two years study of "Gender and Development" program in Bergen (Norway) and my 3-months fieldwork in Managua (Nicaragua). My aim in this thesis is to explore the experiences and ... -
“I did not Feel the Need to Disclose”: Identifying Factors Impeding the Disclosure of Child Abuse Experiences in a Population With Maltreatment History
(Master thesis, 2023-12-15)Although child abuse leads to significant short-term and long-term consequences, many children and adolescents choose not to disclose. The present study aimed to explore the rates of disclosure, and factors associated with ... -
I hvilken grad har opplevd emosjonell støtte fra foreldre og bestevenn betydning for livstilfredshet hos norske barn og ungdommer?
(Master thesis, 2015-11-24)Relational changes takes place during adolescence, and there is a tendency to decreased life satisfaction compared to childhood. Percieved emotional support is the support resource with the strongest link to factors relevant ... -
I skjæringspunktet mellom kropp og sinn- En kvalitativ studie om terapeuters forståelse av spiseforstyrrelsens funksjon og deres tilnærming i behandling
(Master thesis, 2021-12-15)Formålet med vår kvalitative studie var å undersøke hvilken funksjon terapeuter opplever at spiseforstyrrelser fyller hos pasienter, og hvordan de jobber med å erstatte funksjonen til spiseforstyrrelser i behandling. Vi ... -
Identifisering av fokus i korttids dynamisk psykoterapi
(Master thesis, 2012-04-14)Brief dynamic psychotherapy has its origins in traditional psychodynamic therapy. The most important features of brief dynamic psychotherapy include preplanned time-limited therapy, identifying and holding on to a focus, ... -
Illness perception in treatment seeking OCD patients
(Master thesis, 2015-04-15)Objective: The literature is inconclusive regarding predictors of treatment outcome in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Illness perception (IP) has been identified as an important predictor of treatment outcome in ... -
Immaterial bliss: On the relationship between subjective well-being and green behaviour
(Master thesis, 2015-11-23)Protecting the environment and enjoying a high quality of life are two pursuits often viewed as being in conflict with each other, although this assumption is largely based on conventional wisdom rather than science. In ... -
The impact of gaze communication on team functioning: A pilot study of eye-tracking in a simulator environment
(Master thesis, 2014-04-14)This pilot study aimed to examine the feasibility of a future main experiment that will address the role of gaze communication in team functioning in a simulator environment. Feasibility was operationalized in terms of ... -
The impact of maternal smoking during pregnancy on depressive and anxiety behaviors in children: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-02-03)Background: Maternal smoking during pregnancy (MSDP) is associated with multiple adverse childhood outcomes including externalizing behaviors. However, the association between MSDP and internalizing (anxiety and depressive) ... -
Impaired Cognitive Inhibition in First Episode Major Depressive Disorder
(Master thesis, 2015-04-15)The aim of this study was to investigate cognitive inhibition in first episode major depressive disorder (MDD) at a one-year follow-up. Firty-three participants were assessed on the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive ... -
Important factors in community based pediatric palliation from healthcare professionals’ perspective: A qualitative study
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Bakgrunn: Kommunal barnepalliasjon er anbefalt for å fremme barnets og familiens livskvalitet, ved å gi dem muligheten til å være hjemme så mye som mulig. Samtidig stiller kompleksiteten i kommunal barnepalliasjon høye ... -
Improved Health-Related Quality of Life 2 Years After Computerized Cognitive Training In Remitted Major Depressive Disorder
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Introduksjon: Kognitiv nedsetting ved depressiv liding (MDD) i remisjon er både assosiert med redusert livskvalitet og tilbakefallsrisiko. Trass i dette er langsiktige psykososiale effektar av kognitiv trening lite undersøkt. ... -
Increase in Prevalence of Depression Among Girls in Early Adolescence - the Contribution of Cognitive Factors. A Literature Review
(Master thesis, 2014-04-14)Depression is a serious mental disorder with childhood and adolescent onset and a high degree of life-time recurrence. The purpose of this literature review is to examine the increase in prevalence of depression among girls ... -
Infant Regulation of Distress: A longitudinal study of transactions between mothers and infants
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-02-01)Attachment theory has emphasised how important sensitive and prompt caregiving is for the development of attachment between the child and the caregiver, and how attachment-related processes contribute to the development ... -
Inhibition and rumination in first-episode depressed individuals: A five-year follow-up study
(Master thesis, 2015-11-23)There is growing consensus that certain cognitive processes are critical in the development and maintenance of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). A ruminative responsive style has been found to predict both severity and ... -
Inner freedom: Further theoretical and methodological elaborations
(Working paper, 1967-01) -
Innstilling om utbyggingen av psykologistudiet i Bergen
(Others, 1967) -
Inntrykk fra Summerhill
(Journal article, 1949-09) -
Insomnia and its Predictors in the Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood - A Longitudinal Study in a General Population
(Master thesis, 2009-04-15)This study investigated the course of insomnia from young adolescence to adulthood, and identified early predictors of adult insomnia. Data on sleep, health, and lifestyle factors were collected in 1242 individuals at four ... -
Insomnia, Nightmare Frequency, and Nightmare Distress in Victims of Sexual Abuse: The Role of Abuse Characteristics and Perceived Social Support
(Master thesis, 2010-04-15)The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of abuse characteristics and perceived social support in self- reported insomnia, nightmare frequency and nightmare distress in victims of sexual abuse. Method. 460 ...