Browsing Faculty of Psychology by Title
Now showing items 262-281 of 544
Kan lavterskeltilbud mot depresjon, som Kurs i Depresjonsmestring og Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, redusere sykefravær?
(Master thesis, 2008-04-15)This paper examines whether two low stage offers for depression, Kurs iDepresjonsmestring (KiD) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), can reducesick leave rates. Depression can be elicited by a reduced capacity ... -
Kan mindfulness-basert kognitiv terapi redusere nevrotisisme hos pasienter med tilbakevendende depresjon?
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Tidligere forskning har funnet at mindfulness-basert kognitiv terapi (MBKT) er en effektiv intervensjon for å redusere nevrotisisme, kjent som en viktig risikofaktor for utvikling, opprettholdelse og tilbakefall av depresjon. ... -
Kan Mindfulnessbasert kognitiv terapi forbedre kognitiv kontroll hos personer med tilbakevendende depresjoner?
(Master thesis, 2018-06-12)The aim of this study was to investigate Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy’s (MBCT) effect on cognitive control in a sample of participants with a history of three depressive episodes or more. The study relies on the ... -
“Keeping balance”, “Keeping distance” and “Keeping on with life”: Child positions in divorced families with prolonged conflicts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)A dominant storyline of divorced families in prolonged conflict is children portrayed as victims without agency. How does this fit with how children position themselves in prolonged post-divorce conflicts? In this qualitative ... -
Kierkegaard, Seduction, and Existential Education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-04-06)This article aims at making a case for the role of seduction in existential education, that is, education that focuses on the pupil’s life choices. First, the article attempts to show that the relationship between the ... -
Kjønnsidentifisering og kognitiv funksjonering
(Journal article, 1969) -
Klinisk psykologisk privatpraksis: En oppdatert fylkesoversikt
(Journal article, 1984) -
Komorbid ruslidelse har liten betydning for graden av selvrapporterte eksekutive vansker hos pasienter med schizofrenilidelser
(Master thesis, 2021-05-19)Formål: Vi undersøkte selvrapporterte eksekutive vansker hos pasienter med schizofrenispektrumlidelser med Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function- Adult Version (BRIEF-A) og om pasienter med schizofrenilidelse og ... -
Kontrollmestringsteori og Becks kognitve teori. En sammenlignende undersøkelse av teoriene med henblikk på forståelse og behandling av depresjon
(Master thesis, 2012-11-21)Psychotherapy theories differ in how they understand and approach depression (Nordahl et al., 2012). In this paper we compare the control-mastery theory and Beck`s cognitive theory, with the aim to identify similarities ... -
Korleis verkar mindfulness emosjonsregulerande?
(Master thesis, 2010-11-24)The purpose of this paper has been to discuss assertions in the mindfulness literature on how mindfulness leads to affect regulation. The approach has been to look for hypotheses found in the mindfulness literature on how ... -
Kort, konsentrert, eller intensiv kognitiv atferdsterapi ved PTSD hos barn og ungdom: En litteraturgjennomgang
(Master thesis, 2017)Background: Having Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be immensely devastating for children; affecting life quality, increasing the risk of comorbid mental disorders and often lasting into adulthood. Effective treatment ... -
Kriger og kjæreste - faktorer før, under og etter utenlandsoppdrag som kan påvirke samliv
(Master thesis, 2012-11-26)Between 1200 and 1600 Norwegian military personnel annually participate in international operations. Their participation can be experienced as a strain on both the soldiers and their families, yet it is also a situation ... -
Kroppen viser vei: en eksplorerende studie av psykologers forståelse og bruk av kroppslige aspekter som del av sitt terapeutiske virke
(Master thesis, 2015-11-24)This study is an attempt to get a better understanding of psychotherapist's phenomenological understanding of how bodily aspects are included as part of their therapeutic work. In our work we have applied a moderate degree ... -
Kvalitetsvurdering som organisasjonslæring mellom skole og skoleeigar
(Doctoral thesis, 2010-01-28)This thesis focuses on how schools and school owners collaborate on questions of quality assurance in a national system based on management by objectives, performance management and accountability. Norwegian schools face ... -
Kvinners erfaring med vold i nære relasjoner - en kvalitativ studie
(Master thesis, 2007-11-25)Den økende kunnskapen om vold i nære relasjoner har vist at kvinner utsatt for vold i parforhold, ikke er en homogen gruppe. Denne studien søker å belyse ulike aspekter ved det å leve med vold i familien, med utgangspunkt ... -
Labour Migration, Inter-ethnic Relations and Empowerment : A Study of Khyang Indigenous Garments Workers, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
(Master thesis, 2009-06-02)There has been a growing trend among the Khyang indigenous people of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), Bangladesh to migrate from their traditional occupation (Jhum cultivation) and take up new occupations (mostly garments ... -
Leadership in Diversity Organizations, and Immigrants' Organizational Commitment and Subjective General Health
(Master thesis, 2014-04-16)The purpose of this paper is to examine leadership styles in managing cultural diversity from the LIDO-model at workplaces in Norway, and investigate the relationships between perceived leadership styles with immigrants’ ... -
Lederutvikling i Forsvaret. En evaluering av Forsvarets lederutviklingsprogrammer: KvinnTopp, Q-grupper, LUPRO og UFO
(Research report, 2007)Denne undersøkelsen har evaluert Forsvarets lederutviklingsprogrammer KvinnTopp, Qgrupper, LUPRO og UFO. Det ble sendt ut spørreskjema til 360 personer som har deltatt på lederutviklingsprogrammene, hovedsaklig i perioden ... -
Like Taking a Magnifying Glass Into Everyday Life: Vulnerable Parents’ Experiences With Video Guidance in an Infant Mental Health Clinic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background: Parents are a central focus in clinical infant mental health interventions because of the key importance of the caregiver-infant relationship, especially when dyads are burdened by psychosocial and parental ...