Blar i Faculty of Psychology på tittel
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Taking the plunge: Service users´ experiences of hope within the mental health and substance use services.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-05-23)Hope is central to recovery in a broad range of health conditions, including those within the mental health and substance use field, yet its implications for research and practice has gained limited attention. The aim of ... -
Tango som terapi? En undersøkelse av tangoens terapeutiske potensial
(Master thesis, 2013-11-24)As a popular partner-dance, argentinian tango is practiced in many communities all over the world. In later years, the argentinian tango has also been adopted in the psychiatric field, inspired by other dance related ... -
Terapeuters forståelse og behandling av pasienter med psykose: en kvalitativ studie.
(Master thesis, 2007)This is a qualitative study based on interviews with 12 psychotherapists, that each have significant experience of individual psychotherapy with patients with psychosis. The aim of the study is to examine how psychosis is ... -
Terapeutisk allianse i familieterapi
(Master thesis, 2012-04-15)The therapeutic alliance has been established as a consistent predictor of outcome in individual therapy with adults. In family therapy, research on the alliance is a relatively new field. The purpose of this literature ... -
Terrorisme - en prosess? En litteraturgjennomgang av det empiriske grunnlaget for Moghaddams ”Staircase to Terrorism”
(Master thesis, 2009-04-15)Nyere forklaringsmodeller for terrorisme framstiller terrorisme som en prosess som består av flere ulike trinn eller stadier som leder mot det å bli en terrorist. Moghaddams "Staircase to Terrorism" (2005,2006) er en slik ... -
A test of Hendin's hypotheses relating suicide in Scandinavia to child-rearing orientations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1966)Hendin's hypotheses regarding the psychodynamic origins of the differences in suicide incidence among Denmark, Sweden, and Norway were studied by comparing responses on a Child Rearing Practices Report by 385 university ... -
Tester og testtilbakemeldinger som direkte bidragsytere til dypere læring blant studenter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Denne artikkelen diskuterer forskning som tilsier at tester og testtilbakemeldinger kan bidra til dypere læring blant studenter. Testing har vist seg å forbedre langtidshukommelsen av innlært kunnskap sammenlignet med ... -
The Association between Sleep and Emotional Dysregulation in Children and Adolescents diagnosed with Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Systematic Review
(Master thesis, 2023-12-29)Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neuropsychiatric disorders for children and adolescents. Along with core symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsiveness, emotional ... -
The mental health and well-being of siblings of individuals with severe mental illness: A systematic review
(Master thesis, 2021-12-15) -
The role of nature connectedness within an ecotherapeutic context - A review of therapists’ and patients’ experiences
(Master thesis, 2019-12-15)Biophilia hypotesen (Wilson, 1984) hevder at mennesker innehar en medført tilknytning til naturen og derfor en tilbøyelighet til å søke nærhet til naturen. Forholdet mellom menneske og natur har blitt et tema av stor ... -
Tid i korttids dynamisk psykoterapi: En undersøkelse av stimulerende og forlengende faktorer.
(Master thesis, 2010-04-15)Short-term dynamic psychotherapy is a pragmatic, flexible and planned therapy. This paper investigates the systematic utilization of time and the use of time-limit in short-term dynamic psychotherapies. Time itself, and ... -
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening - ideologiske og normative endringer 1974-2007
(Master thesis, 2008)In modern liberal democracies development points towards dissolution of norms, defragmentation and dehumanization according to some authors (e.g.Vetlesen, 2004). The idea behind this study has been to investigate whether ... -
Tilknytningsteori - en forklaringsmodell for "drop-out" fra behandling ved spiseforstyrrelser?
(Master thesis, 2008-04-15)Research on what constitutes drop-out from psychological treatment of eating disorders has until recently been scarce, despite the fact that about 50 % of the patients with this life threatening illness drop out. There ... -
Tilpasset opplæring i norsk skole. Politikeres, skolelederes og læreres handlingsvalg
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-03-12)Denne studien handler om hvordan prinsippet om tilpasset opplæring fremstår og håndteres på ulike nivå i utdanningssystemet. Norge er på få år blitt et mer mangfoldig samfunn, både etnisk, religiøst og kulturelt. Samtidig ... -
Tilpasset opplæring: politisk dragkamp om pedagogisk praksis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-11)Tilpasset opplæring er et populært politisk virkemiddel når skolen skal reformeres og gjøres i stand til å møte endrede betingelser. Det er et begrep som hentes frem når politikerne skal nå mål som inkludering, sosial ... -
Tjukk, stygg, lat og dum? Hvordan fordommer og diskriminering kan påvirke selvkonseptet til personer med overvekt
(Master thesis, 2018)This theoretical thesis explores how prejudice and discrimination against people with overweight can affect their self-concept. Stereotypical opinions about obesity was compared with studies of obese people’s self-concept ... -
Toward a rationalistic factor analysis: Explorations into a priori covariance structures
(Research report, 1972) -
Trafficking survivors in Nepal: an exploratory study of trafficked women's experiences and perceptions of their reintergration
(Master thesis, 2009-05-29)This study set out to understand the obstacles behind reintegration process of trafficking survivors in their communities in Nepal. It is aimed at improving the status of trafficked women by making some recommendations for ...