Browsing Faculty of Psychology by Title
Now showing items 509-528 of 544
Ugress er også blomster Akseptering sett fra et Zen buddhistisk perspektiv
(Master thesis, 2009-11-27)The goal of this theoretical paper is to present some principles based on Zen Buddhism and to ask whether these principles can be of relevance to psychotherapy. The presentation of Zen Buddhism is mainly based on Barry ... -
Understanding Pupil Violence: Bullying Theory as Technoscience in Sweden and Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Around 1970, violence among pupils became conceptualised in a radically new way when the concept of “mobbing” was introduced into the Nordic school debate. The concept was immediately embraced by popular discourse with the ... -
Ungdom med rus- og traumeproblematikk i et behandlingsperspektiv
(Master thesis, 2013-04-14)The purpose of this paper is to describe various treatments for adolescents with concurrent traumatic experiences and substance use disorder. Adolescent with this comorbidity will be in need of treatment tailored to their ... -
Ungdommers deltakelse i fritidsaktiviteter og livstilfredshet, hvilken rolle har behovstilfredsstillelse og flow?
(Master thesis, 2013-04-15)Background: Flow and Self-Determination Theory is both considered as being important components of intrinsic motivation and life satisfaction. This study therefore aimed to investigate whether flow and need satisfaction ... -
Unnvikende tilknytningsstil og terapeutisk allianse
(Master thesis, 2014-04-14)Attachment theory adds to the understanding of therapeutic processes and their outcome. Attachment style affects the therapeutic alliance, which is an important factor in therapeutic change. The relationship between ... -
Unveiling teachers’ reasons for choosing practical activities in mathematics teaching
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-06-23)The use of practical activities in mathematics teaching has been advocated for some time, and reports from mathematics classrooms show that teachers include a multitude of activities in the teaching of mathematics. However, ... -
Usikker tilknytning og sårbar narsissisme - reaksjoner og mestring ved brudd i parforhold
(Master thesis, 2014-04-15)The association between insecure (anxious and avoidant) attachment and dissolution of romantic relationships has been investigated in previous studies. The aim of this paper was to review literature examining the association ... -
Utbrenthet og mestring i et norsk utvalg. En surveystudie av sammenhengen mellom jobbkrav, jobbressurser, mestring og utbrenthet (N=5022)
(Master thesis, 2012-05-14)The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the relationships between job demands (time pressure), job resources (autonomy), coping and burnout. A particular emphasis in this thesis is whether coping strategies moderate ... -
Utdannelsen av barnepsykiatriske miljöterapeuter. Forslag til et konkret tiltak
(Utdannelsen av barnepsykiatriske miljöterapeuter;, Research report, 1960) -
Utilstrekkeleg omsorg: Ei tilknytingsteoretisk forståing av konsekvensar ved emosjonell omsorgssvikt
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Emosjonell omsorgssvikt rammar i underkant av ein av fem barn. Denne forma for skadeleg omsorg viser seg å ha store konsekvensar for individet og deira utvikling. Emosjonell omsorgssvikt ser ut til å påverke både den ... -
Utvikling og testing av skala på etisk ledelse
(Master thesis, 2010-05-14)I denne masteroppgaven vil utvikling og testing av en ny etisk ledelsesskala (EL) samt rasjonale for dette presenteres. Den empiriske forskning på etisk ledelse er mangelfull. Dette kan skyldes et vitenskapelig ideal om ... -
Utviklingen av helsevesenet og psykologiens plass
(Chapter, 1983) -
Varmen fra mor og far: Effekten av tidlig fysisk kontakt på interaksjon og tilknytning.
(Master thesis, 2012-04-16)This review looked at studies on physical contact between parent and infant, based on the hypothesis that physical contact enhance the quality of interaction and probability of a secure attachment. The main focus was studies ... -
Verbal læring og hukommelse hos voksne med ADHD: implikasjoner for jobbstatus?
(Master thesis, 2017-06-13)Cognitive impairment in adult ADHD is associated with poor occupational outcomes. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in verbal learning and memory function between groups of adults with (n = 68) and without ... -
Verkar det? Hypnose i smertebehandling av born og unge - Fantasi som terapi
(Master thesis, 2017)Pain can reduce the life quality of children and adolescents. The objective of the current literature review was to examine the effects of hypnosis in treatment of pain in children and adolescents. We addressed four ... -
Video Game Addiction among High School Students in Hordaland; Prevalence and Correlates
(Master thesis, 2011-04-12)The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and correlates of video game addiction among high school students (N = 531) in Hordaland county, Norway. Video game addiction measured by the Game Addiction Scale for ... -
Video Game Addiction among Young Adults in Norway: Prevalence and Health.
(Master thesis, 2010-04-14)The present study sought to investigate video game addiction among Norwegian adults aged 16-40 years. Video game addiction has not yet been classified as a disorder in the DSM or ICD systems, and its existence is debated ... -
Virkningsmekanismer i mindfulnessbasert terapi og hypnose. Hvordan kan denne kunnskapen anvendes for å potensere den terapeutiske effekten i depresjonsbehandling?
(Master thesis, 2010-11-24)This article is an attempt at getting a better understanding of the mechanisms of change involved in hypnotherapy and mindfulness-based treatments. Several mechanisms of change relating to mindfulness-based therapy and ... -
Vold i nære relasjoner Konsekvenser av vold og behandling av voldsutsatte
(Master thesis, 2008-04-14)This paper describes the dynamics of domestic violence and gives and outline for therapy with those exposed to domestic violence. The aim is to describe mechanism that are specific to this kind of trauma and some of the ...