Browsing Faculty of Psychology by Title
Now showing items 531-544 of 544
Wanting to do Just Anything Else: A Q-Methodological Step Towards Defining Boredom
(Master thesis, 2012-04-15)Boredom is a commonly reported phenomenon with apparent ecological validity which remains under-researched and poorly defined by academic literature. This study used Q methodology in moving towards a unifying conceptual ... -
What can we learn from them? An exploratory study of adolescents' perceptions of sex education strategies in Uganda
(Master thesis, 2009-05-14)This study aimed at exploring the lessons we can learn from adolescents' perceptions on sex education strategies in Uganda. This study was guided by the social learning theory. Methods: This was a qualitative study based ... -
What predicts quality of the therapeutic alliance in a cognitive behavioural treatment for children with anxiety disorders? Therapeutic alliance measured from the patient, therapist and observer perspective
(Master thesis, 2009-04-14)This study assessed the quality of the therapeutic alliance in a cognitive-behavioural treatment for anxious children, and examined possible predictors of the alliance. Participants were 20 clients diagnosed with an anxiety ... -
What role do changes in attentional skills play in the clinical benefits of mindfulness training?
(Master thesis, 2010-02-12)The practice of mindfulness meditation has increasingly been found to have effects on mental processes relevant to many psychological problems and disorders. The harnessing of attentional skills has a central role in ... -
Who Do You Choose to Date: Demographics, Tinder Use, Attachment Styles, Personality and Physical Attractiveness as predictors of Partner Preferences - A Quantitative Study
(Master thesis, 2024-12-16)This study investigates how demographics, Tinder use, attachment styles, personality, and physical attractiveness influence partner preferences. Data was collected online via Prolific from 953 single UK residents. The ... -
«Why do some patients decline eating disorder treatment”?
(Master thesis, 2021-05-19)Spiseforstyrrelser er en alvorlig psykisk lidelse med betydelige negative konsekvenser. På tross av dette lar mange være å oppsøke behandling, takker nei til, eller dropper ut av behandling. Kvantitative studier har undersøkt ... -
Why Does Depression Exist? A Review With New Predictions From Evolutionary Theories
(Master thesis, 2014-04-15)Depression is highly prevalent, but its evolutionary origin is poorly understood. Evolutionary psychology generates hypotheses on the computational and functional design architectures of the human mind. Evolutionary medicine ... -
The Working Alliance in Individual Psychotherapy: Factor Structure, Baseline Predictors, and Outcome
(Master thesis, 2012-04-15)Objective: Research indicates that the working alliance is a stable predictor of outcome. The majority of previous research has relied on a one-component model for alliance and failed to cover all theoretical aspects of ... -
Workplace bullying: A risk control perspective
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-02-25)Workplace bullying is an omnipresent phenomenon in contemporary workplaces (Nielsen, Matthiesen, & Einarsen, in press). With its negative consequences for victims, bystanders and the socio-economic fabric of organisations, ... -
"You Feel They Have a Heart and are Not Afraid to Show it": A Qualitative Investigation of How Clients Experience the Therapeutic Relationship in Emotion-focused Therapy
(Master thesis, 2018-06-06)Objective: To explore how clients with depression and destructive self-criticism experience the therapeutic relationship in Emotion-focused Therapy (EFT) including helpful and hindering aspects. Methods: 18 clients who had ... -
A Zone for Deliberation? Methodological Challenges in Fields of Political Unrest
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007)This article outlines certain problems and challenges facing the qualitative researcher who enters fields that are either extremely difficult to access or potentially hostile towards outsiders. Problems and dilemmas in ... -
Å fargelegge en gråtonet verden med undring. En teoretisk undersøkelse av ungdoms meningsdannelse i dagens samfunn med vekt på forholdet mellom mening og psykisk helse.
(Master thesis, 2010-11-21)This thesis seeks to examine and discuss youths' formation of meaning in modern society, and the relationship between meaning formation and mental health. Humanisticexistential theorists such as Kirk Schneider, Rollo May ... -
Å motta andres åpenhet. En kvalitativ studie av opplevelser og erfaringer knyttet til åpenhet rundt psykisk helse i sosiale medier hos et utvalg unge voksne i Bergen
(Master thesis, 2018-06-06)Åpenhet rundt psykisk helse, og dens mulige konsekvenser, har de siste årene vært et mye debattert tema i media. Denne kvalitative studien undersøker hvordan et utvalg unge voksne opplever eksponering for andres deling om ...