Blar i Faculty of Psychology på emneord "Job satisfaction"
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Between obligations and privileges: Managers' job resources and demands as determinants of their job satisfaction and mental health
(Master thesis, 2010-05-14)Based on Bakker and Demerouti's Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, the present study hypothesized that the job demands of role conflict, work pace and downsizing, and the job resources of participative decision-making and ... -
Den emosjonssentrerte jobbstressmodellen. Et nyttig rammeverk for å forstå konsekvenser av interpersonlig konflikt på arbeidsplassen?
(Master thesis, 2012-05-14)This study investigated whether stat anxiety mediates the relationship between interpersonal conflict and the two outcome measures job satisfaction and intentions to quit as postulated in the Emotions-centered model of job ...