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A case study on The Vicious Cycle of Food Insecurity in Small-scale Farmer Households in Zambia
(Master thesis, 2020-09-01) -
A Geoecological History of Høgtuvbreen: Vegetation succession on the foreland of a retreating glacier in northern Norway
(Master thesis, 2022-08-01)Norway is facing massive glacial ablation, with projections of 98% loss of glacial cover by the close of the 21st century, releasing thousands of square kilometres to the progression of primary succession. Alongside this, ... -
A Speleological Study and Cave Value Assessment of Kristoffergrotta, a Karst Cave in Rana, Northern Norway
(Master thesis, 2024-12-02)SAMMENDRAG Karstlandskap, dannet ved oppløsning av løselig berggrunn, er globalt viktige både for sine morfologiske trekk og for sin rolle i grunnvannslagring. Denne avhandlingen undersøker Kristoffergrotta, som ligger i ... -
Accountability and sustainability transitions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)What constitutes a sustainability transition? We identify sustainability transitions as premised on shifts in accountability relations – assessments of conformance with institutional controls coupled with application of ... -
Acquisition policy design; An application of system dynamics for a heavy equipment dealer in Southeast Asia
(Master thesis, 2012-07-06)In this paper, a system dynamic model is developed to design a robust policy for heavy equipment acquisition, to improve the performance of the company by preventing the company from facing low liquidity while utilizing ... -
Adaptation, exposure, and politics: Local extreme heat and global climate change risk perceptions in the phoenix metropolitan region, USA
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Cities around the planet are facing climate change risks including (but not limited to) extreme heat, drought, wildfire, and flooding. Urbanites perceptions of the risks posed by climate change influence communities' ... -
Addressing the adaptive challenges of alternative stormwater planning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Municipal water sectors shift from building traditional grey stormwater infrastructure to ambitious plans for holistic blue–green infrastructure due to climate vulnerability. The shift requires new ways of thinking, working, ... -
Addressing the resilience of tomato farmers in Ghana facing a double exposure from climate and market
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Ghanaian tomato farmers are severely impacted by changing climate and related more frequent and extreme weather events such as drought and heavy rainfall. Furthermore, tomato production represents one of the main sources ... -
Adivasiness as Caste Expression and Land Rights Claim-Making in Central-Eastern India
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The adivasi population represents a special case in India’s new land wars. Strong individual and community rights to agricultural and forest lands have been enacted for this group based on notions of adivasi identities as ... -
Adolescents’ Perspectives on the Drivers of Obesity Using a Group Model Building Approach: A South African Perspective
(Journal article, 2022)Overweight and obesity increase the risk of a range of poor physiological and psychosocial health outcomes. Previous work with well-defined cohorts has explored the determinants of obesity and employed various methods and ... -
(Journal article, 2020)Every European System Dynamics Workshop (EuSDW) is a highlight for me. It is an honour to be invited, it is a wonderful opportunity to be able to present, it is a fantastic forum to discuss and it is a treat to be part of ... -
Age, origin and palaeoclimatic implications of peri- and paraglacial boulder-dominated landforms in Rondane, South Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Boulder-dominated landforms of periglacial, paraglacial and related origin constitute a valuable, but often unexplored source of palaeoclimatic and morphodynamic information. The timing of landform development initiation ... -
An agent-based approach for predicting patterns of pathogen transmission between aquaculture sites in the Norwegian fjords
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-02-19)The aquaculture industry is a main industry in Norway, and it must be sustainable, i.e. experience long-term growth and development: It is necessary to build an environmentally sustainable aquaculture industry that minimizes ... -
Agent-based modeling for environmental management. Case study: virus dynamics affecting Norwegian fish farming in fjords
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-06-17)Background: Norwegian fish-farming industry is an important industry, rapidly growing, and facing significant challenges such as the spread of pathogens1, trade-off between locations, fish production and health. There is ... -
Agricultural innovation in Arun valley of the Himalayan region
(Master thesis, 2017-06-08)Majority of subsistence farmers in the Himalayan region have been suffering from several problems, which emerged due to social and environmental changes. Scientific studies have already predicted more serious and unpredictable ... -
Agricultural intensification can no longer ignore water conservation – A systemic modelling approach to the case of tomato producers in Morocco
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Agricultural-food production systems are facing the challenging task to provide food and socio-economic welfare while preserving natural resources in the long-term. In Morocco, the Green Moroccan Plan steered the promotion ... -
Agricultural production and food insecurity in Ethiopia: System dynamics approch
(Master thesis, 2013-06-10)Agriculture has been the main economic activity of many Ethiopians for centuries, and it has employed around 80 % of the population. Despite the involvement of a large proportion of population in the food production, food ... -
The AIDS Epidemic in Tanzania: A System Dynamics Approach for Policy Development
(Master thesis, 2008-08-28)Despite all the efforts made by the government and other agencies, the AIDS epidemic in Tanzania still remains a major challenge. Over the last two decades the numbers of people living with HIV/AIDS and the deaths caused ... -
Alleviation of energy poverty through transitions to low-carbon energy infrastructure
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)With Green Deals and a competitive techno-economic basis for low-carbon energy transitions, energy infrastructural change is intensifying. This is matched by rapid growth in scholarship on sociotechnical transitions and ... -
Alpine tre- og skoggrenseendringer. Indikator på klimaforandringer eller endret arealbruk? En studie i Bergsdalen Vaksdal kommune
(Master thesis, 2006)I denne oppgaven er endringer i tre- og skoggrensene i Bergsdalen, Vaksdal kommune, kartlagt i tidsrommet 1972-1993, og kartleggingen viser at skogdekket areal har gått fra 93 ha i 1972, til 136 ha i 1993. GIS-analysen ...