Blar i Department of Geography på tittel
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Backpacker hotspots: Cultural and social change of place and identity. A study from Taganga, Colombia
(Master thesis, 2010-02-01)This study examines the social and cultural impacts of backpacker tourism in a small coastalColombian village. The national security in Colombia has improved much the last decade andTaganga has hence been established as a ... -
Balancing agricultural practices to conserve biodiversity and ensure agricultural production in Dutch Apple Orchards
(Master thesis, 2024-06-28)Pollinators are crucial for apple cultivation. Research has shown that diversity in wild bee species around apple orchards makes the system more resilient and enhances production quality. However, the population of wild ... -
Bestridt virkelighet - En studie av makt, kunnskap og geografi i konflikt over utvikling i det sørlige Mexico
(Master thesis, 2006)The aim of this thesis has been to examine how the historical relation between power,knowledge and geography, that has helped shape reality in the third world through thepractice of development, has been contested by ... -
Between Bauxite Extraction, Environmental Impact, and Local Development: A System Dynamics Perspective of mining in the Amazon region in Brazil
(Master thesis, 2024-06-28)The current study explores the complex interactions within environmental, social, and economic aspects within a region in the Amazon region highly dependent on the extraction of mineral resources. We pursue to identify the ... -
Beyond automobility? Lock-in of past failures in low-carbon urban mobility innovations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Automobility, including the infrastructures, technologies and institutions that created high dependence on private car use, has led to significant environmental and climate problems and notably high carbon emissions. Now ... -
Beyond diet and exercise: A system dynamics approach to understanding the relationships between weight and well-being.
(Master thesis, 2015-06-18)Over the past decade, the province of British Columbia has experienced undesirable rates of overweight and obesity among its residents. These rates result in challenges for both overweight and obese individuals, as well ... -
Bildeling som et bidrag til et bærekraftig transportsystem - en studie av Bildeleringen i Bergen.
(Master thesis, 2016-11-15)Det er over en milliard biler i verden i dag, og konsekvensene er trafikkproblemer, støy, luftforurensning, helseproblemer og ineffektiv arealbruk i mange av storbyene. Forskere argumenterer at transportsystemet i mange ... -
Biofuel and food security: insights from a system dynamics model. The case of Ghana
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)Empirical evidence from research points to biofuel as a possible substitute to conventional fossil fuel-gasoline and diesel. Some countries USA and many in Europe are working towards mandates and legislations that impose ... -
Biofuels and land politics: Connecting the disconnects in the debate about livelihood impacts ofjatropha biofuel land deals in Ghana
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-04-17)In the 2003-2006 period, the Ghanaian government supported jatropha biofuel initiatives on so-called degraded land areas to reduce Ghana’s high oil import bills and to generate employment opportunities. However, after ... -
Blackouts in Nepal & Dynamic pricing
(Master thesis, 2017)This paper mainly analyzes the power shortage in Nepal by using the system dynamics (SD) tools. From the last ten years, Nepal has been facing the challenge of load shedding and it is increasing year by year because the ... -
Boron and zinc deficiency in Nepalese soils: Small-scale variations and the influence of farming system dependent factors. A case study from Sedi Bagar, Kaski District, Nepal.
(Master thesis, 2007)There is no doubt that agriculture is the most important contributor to the global production offood. This is undeniably also the case for Nepal. In 2002, 93% of the Nepalese workforce wasdeployed in agriculture (World ... -
Breaking silos: can cities break down institutional barriers in climate planning?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Climate and energy transformation has become one of the core issues municipalities must address, and there is a recognition that the local scale is essential if we are to address the fundamental changes needed to face ... -
Brefluktuasjoner og paleoklima ved Høgtuvbreen i Trolldalen gjennom holosen
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)Høgtuvbreen 23 km2 stor platåbreen som ligger i Rana kommune, Nord-Norge. Isbreer kan være sensitive indikatorer på endringer i temperatur, nedbør og vind, og rekonstruksjon av fortidens glasiale aktivitet kan derfor gi ... -
Bruk og forvaltning av skogressurser i Manang, Nepal.
(Master thesis, 2006)The Masters thesis ‘Use and management of forest resources in Manang, Nepal’ is a study of the necessity of forest resources in a village in Himalaya. It explores how the resources are understood as common pool resources, ... -
Bruken av georadar som metode innanfor kvartærgeologiske studiar og undersøking av torvområde, Æråsdalen, Andøya
(Master thesis, 2010-05-18) -
Business Strategy Deltares' Delft3D. How to adjust business strategy of the company according to the changes in the organizational policies
(Master thesis, 2014-07-02)A research institute in the field of coastal life and infrastructure has changed its strategy from licensing to the open-source code for the Delft3D modelling software - the company decided to use dare to share" concept. ... -
Bybanens betydning for stedsforståelse. Hverdagspraksis og stedskonstruksjoner på Nesttun i Bergen
(Master thesis, 2018-10-20)Utbyggingen av Bybanen i Bergen startet for ti år siden, i 2008. Første delstrekning til Nesttun ble åpnet i 2010, og har vært i nærmest kontinuerlig utbygging siden. Bybanen har vært både omdiskutert og omfavnet siden ... -
Byutvikling i lys av Bybanen
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)En studie av Bybanens påvirkning på Nesttun gjennom eiendomsutvikling. GIS og semi-strukturert intervju ble brukt som metode. -
The calm before the storm? The making of a lithium frontier in transitioning Portugal
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)A nation undergoing accelerating energy transitions with ambitious climate targets discovers lithium. In recent years, Portugal has made headlines inter alia for running on renewable electricity for over a month, setting ...