Blar i Department of Geography på tittel
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The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-01)The PREDICTS project—Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems (—has collated from published studies a large, reasonably representative database of comparable samples ... -
Decadal Scale Changes in Glacier Area in the Hohe Tauern National Park (Austria) Determined by Object-Based Image Analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-01-15)In this paper, we semi-automatically classify clean and debris-covered ice for 145 glaciers within Hohe Tauern National Park in the Austrian Alps for the years 1985, 2003, and 2013. We also map the end-summer transient ... -
Decision-making and scalar biases in solar photovoltaics roll-out
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Rapid roll-out of solar photovoltaic (PV) energy is a key component of decarbonising energy systems. Yet clear risks are involved, including footprints from land use and infrastructure as well as socio-economic inequalities. ... -
Desert geographies: solar energy governance for just transitions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)While sustainability statements crowd national and urban visions, unjust implementation of lower-carbon energy infrastructures for climate mitigation manifests in contexts of marginal rurality. We focus on solar energy ... -
"Det beste er det godes fiende" - Samproduksjon av klimakunnskap: en studie av hvordan forskning og forvaltning kan samarbeide for å utvikle gode tilpasningsstrategier
(Master thesis, 2018-06-12)Som politiske problemstillinger er klimautfordringene komplekse og vanskelige å takle. De er komplekse fordi årsaken til utfordringene springer ut fra et krevende samspill mellom biologiske, fysiske og sosiale systemer. ... -
Det grøne skiftet og kunnskapsøkonomien - kvinnelege entreprenørar innanfor miljøsektoren
(Master thesis, 2016-05-16)Denne studien omhandlar kvinnelege entreprenørar i Noreg som driv med miljørådgjeving. Eg tek føre meg entreprenørar både i urbane og rurale område, for mellom anna å sjå om det finnes ulikskapar mellom entreprenørskapa i ... -
Det italienske salt- og klippfiskmarkedet og norsk eksport - Konvensjoner, relasjoner og markedstilpasning
(Master thesis, 2011-08-23)Denne masteroppgaven omhandler norsk eksport til det italienske salt- og klippfiskmarkedet. Oppgaven benytter seg av konvensjonsteori, produksjonskjedeteori, internasjonaliseringsteori og nettverksteori. Tillitsbegrepet ... -
Developing an ASD Macroeconomic Model of the Stock Approach - With Emphasis on Bank Lending and Interest Rates -
(Master thesis, 2017-08-23)The financial crisis in 2008 evidenced an over-simplification of the role of banks made in the majority of macroeconomic models. Based on Accounting System Dynamics (ASD) modeling approach, the current research presents a ... -
Development cooperation with Norwegian NGOs in Bolivia. How the developent cooperation is affected by a stronger state
(Master thesis, 2016-05-17)The Bolivian state evicted USAID and the Danish development organization IBIS for conspiracy against the state and political meddling in 2013, and introduced the same year a new law that involves more restrictions and ... -
Development for whom? Narratives on the impact of Chinese involvement in Angola
(Master thesis, 2009-05-15)The rise of China challenges the unipolar world dominated by the West and the capitalism seen after the end of the cold war. Africa, in particular, has been dominated by the West during the last decades. The economic ... -
Development of a system dynamics framework for analysing regional economies: The Sunshine coast case
(Master thesis, 2014-07-03)Policy Makers and stakeholders of the Sunshine Coast are aware of the significance of the current juncture, in which the performance of the economy has been deteriorating over the last years. Consequently, the status quo ... -
Development of organic farming in Europe at the crossroads: Looking for the way forward through system archetype lenses
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-05-15)Over the last several decades, policymakers and stakeholders in the European Union (EU) have put considerable effort into increasing the adoption of organic farming, with the overall objective of its sustainable development. ... -
Development of Smoking Behavior in Adolescence: the Case of North Dakota
(Master thesis, 2015-07-16)This thesis describes a modeling project, performed by Oleksandr Ivanov, a student enrolled in European Master Program in System Dynamics, in cooperation with assistant professor Arielle Selya (University of North Dakota) ... -
Diffusion of global climate policy: National depoliticization, local repoliticization in Turkey
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Although climate policy diffusion is widely studied, we know comparatively little about how these global policies and the norms that surround them are used by various political actors seeking to advance their own agendas. ... -
Dimensjonar ved ei elv: Bagmati River, Kathmandu, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2002)Objectives: Problemstillinga kjem til uttrykk gjennom tre spørsmål med underspørsmål: 1. Har elvas fysiske degradering ført til endringar i korleis folk oppfattar og konseptualiserer elva? - Kan det observerast endringar ... -
Discounting, climate and sustainability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-05-03)Climate policy recommendations differ widely because of disagreements over what discount rates to use. Disagreement reduces the impact of economic models and signals a need for improved methodology. The problem is related ... -
Discrete events in a continuous System. How to model influence factors on capacity in a complex assembly line environment.
(Master thesis, 2011-06-10)This study examines the influences of lot prioritisation, scheduling and line balancing on the productivity of a laser assembly line using a System Dynamics model. The handling of single production lots was implemented ... -
Discursive Expressions of Water Supply in the Kathmandu Valley. A Discourse Analysis of the Melamchi Water Supply Project.
(Master thesis, 2016-02-01)This thesis addresses the Melamchi Water Supply Project, which is the Nepalese Government's solution to the alleged water shortage in Kathmandu. The Government's intention is to construct a water diversion tunnel between ... -
Disease eradication and the challenges of global resource mobilization. An experimental approach to understand the perception of the benefits of polio eradication
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)The global effort to eradicate polio began in 1988. The target of the effort was to eradicate the disease by the year 2000, a target which was not attained. The annual number of polio cases has been reduced from 350,000 ... -
Displacing Conflicting Goals in Planning for Sustainability? Insights from Three Norwegian Cities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Sustainable transformation is hampered by conflicting goals. Here we examine how goal conflicts are handled in planning practice, focusing on processes around municipal climate and sustainability governance. We investigate ...