Blar i Department of Geography på tittel
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Facing north or south: Does slope aspect impact forest stand characteristics and soil properties in a semiarid trans-Himalayan valley?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-10)An understanding of the differences in vegetation and soil characteristics between slope aspects in high altitude semiarid environments is fundamentally important for efficient management of these semi-natural systems; ... -
Failing the formative phase: The global diffusion of nuclear power is limited by national markets
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Understanding the role of technology characteristics and the context in the diffusion of new energy technologies is important for assessing feasibility of climate mitigation. We examine the historical adoption of nuclear ... -
Farmers' perceptions and knowledge of using waste and wastewater in two peri-urban areas of Kathmandu valley of Nepal
(Master thesis, 2018-06-12)Using waste and wastewater in urban and peri-urban agriculture and its related concerns in developing countries have become the burning issues in academic and non-academic spheres. It is often argued that reuse of waste ... -
Farmer’s Adaptation to Global Warming in Punjab
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)The global warming discourse has mainly focused on how to prevent global warming by trying to pin-point which countries should take most of the responsibility to stop or reduce the possible effects of global warming. We ... -
Farming Flexibility in Mustang, Nepal. Potentialities and constraints under conditions of climate change
(Master thesis, 2010-05)Climate change is projected to involve rising average temperatures and more rapid melting ofice and snow in the Himalaya. Increased seasonality in river discharge and substantialreductions in regional food production are ... -
FDI Outcomes, Local Conditions and Development Narratives: A Case of Norpalm Ghana Limited and Small-scale Farmers in the Oil Palm Industry in Ghana
(Master thesis, 2015-06-24)Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in the Ghanaian economy has increased tremendously since 1983 when the country adopted neo-liberal economic policies. In order to take advantage of the globalization processes, FDI is ... -
FDI, Nettverk og Kulturelle barrierer - en studie av norske oppdrettsaktører i Puerto Montt, Chile
(Master thesis, 2007)I denne masterstudien har jeg søkt å besvare hvordan nettverksdynamikk påvirker norske FDI-bedrifter i en ukjent kultur. Bedriftene som inngår i studien er oppdrettsrelaterte bedrifter i Puerto Montt regionen i sør-Chile. ... -
The feasibility of climate action: Bridging the inside and the outside view through feasibility spaces
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The feasibility of different options to reduce the risks of climate change has engaged scholars for decades. Yet there is no agreement on how to define and assess feasibility. We define feasible as “do-able under realistic ... -
Feasibility trade-offs in decarbonising the power sector with high coal dependence: The case of Korea
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Decarbonising the power sector requires feasible strategies for the rapid phase-out of fossil fuels and the expansion of low-carbon sources. This study assesses the feasibility of plausible decarbonisation scenarios for ... -
The Feedback Method. A System Dynamics Approach to Teaching Macroeconomics
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-05-04)This thesis documents a method for improving undergraduate instruction inmacroeconomics. Called the feedback method, it enables students to learn about dynamicbehavior in a market economy by using feedback loop diagrams ... -
Feminization of Agriculture in Melamchi, Nepal? Addressing gender in agricultural production and household decisions.
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)This thesis is based on two months of fieldwork in Melamchi, Nepal in 2014. The objective of this study is to examine whether a feminization of agriculture" has occurred in the study area by investigating the local farming ... -
Ferieval og identitetskjensle - om sveitsarar sine førestillingar om feriemålet Norge
(Master thesis, 2001)Oppgåva handlar om tolv sveitsarar sitt forhold til Norge, til ferie og feriemålsval og til identitet, men det eigentlege utgangspunktet for arbeidet kan uttrykkjast slik: Kva slags førestillingar har sveitsarar om Norge ... -
Financially-constrained solar development: A comparative analysis of urban fabrics and scalar expression in Portugal and Rajasthan
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Solar energy takes many varied forms in and beyond the urban infrastructure. Compared to large-scale plants, small-scale solar forms have received little attention, yet arguably hold more hope for just energy transitions ... -
First, do no harm? Dark logic models, social injustice, and the prevention of iatrogenic conservation outcomes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In medicine and public health, the Hippocratic injunction to ‘first do no harm’ has inspired a longstanding tradition of research and practice seeking to mitigate iatrogenic (doctor or practitioner-created) risks. Aiming ... -
Fisketurisme i Nordkapp. En studie av fisketurisme i et fiskerisamfunn preget av turisme.
(Master thesis, 2008-05-15)I mitt masterprosjekt har jeg studert fiskeriturisme i Nordkapp kommune. Prosjektet har hatt som mål å se på forskjellige strategier for å drive med turistfiske. Ønsket er å få en bedre forståelse for hvilke produkter som ... -
Fisketurisme, kystbygda si redning? - Ein studie av fisketurisme i Finnøy kommune
(Master thesis, 2008-05-15)Denne oppgåva tar for seg fisketurisme som distriktsnæring i Finnøy kommune i Rogaland. Her har eg intervjua aktørar som driv med fisketurisme og andre aktørar som er tilknytt næringa, men òg personar som har eit overordna ... -
Fleksibilitet og forutsigbarhet i planprosesser - En case studie på Mindemyren
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03) -
Flernivåstyring i bærekraftig byutvikling; et studie av Framtidens byer og Bergen
(Master thesis, 2016-05-16)Etter at fokuset skiftet fra det globale til det lokale for hvor man skal klare å løse klimaproblemet, har man også innsett at den beste måten å få ned utslippene på er gjennom en bærekraftig utvikling av byen. Byen ... -
Flexible adaptation in Himalayan small-scale farming : Subsistence production, gender relations, and adaptive capacity under climatic and market uncertainty in Nepal
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-11-20)Climate change imposes new challenges for small-scale farmers in Nepal by adding climatic uncertainty to the existing natural climate variability, and by disturbing food production systems and food markets. In conjunction ... -
Flom i Atna gjennom 10000år - ein studie av flom frå 9950BP til 2011, bygd på paleohydrologiske undersøkingar og instrumentelle målingar
(Master thesis, 2013-02-01)Masteroppgåva syner ein paleohydrologisk studie av flom i Atna. På bakgrunn av ein borekjerne frå vatnet Hessetjørna i Atndalen har det blitt identifisert 57 flommar i kjernen, som strekkjer seg frå 9950BP til 2008AD. I ...