Browsing Department of Geography by Title
Now showing items 410-429 of 698
Maize Losses During Storage: A System Dynamics approach to the Food Reserve Agency Case in Zambia
(Master thesis, 2015-06-26)Agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa is seen as the key pathway towards economic development. Among sub-Saharan countries, Zambia stands out for its agricultural production potential, and has in the past decade, ... -
The Maize Value Chain in Zambia: Dynamics and Resilience Towards Production Shocks
(Master thesis, 2015-07-03)Zambia is a country whose food security largely depends on maize. In the light of expected structural maize deficits and the likely occurrence of shock events, the aim of this thesis is to test the resilience of the Zambian ... -
Management of rented farmland in Norway: Factors impacting on tenants’ decisions to make investments
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Renting agricultural land is a common practice in many countries. The possibility to rent land provides farmers with increased flexibility in terms of production volume. Land renting may have various effects on farmland ... -
Managing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in Liberia: Exploring the syncretisation of Western and traditional approaches
(Master thesis, 2014-05-14)Background: Sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) is endemic to Liberia. Children are particularly impacted. The health of and justice for those impacted by SGBV are the concern of the government of Liberia (GOL), local ... -
Manning the rigs: a study of offshore employment in Ghana's oil industry
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)Since the discovery of oil in Ghana, expectations for the oil to stimulate economic development are high. Essential to economic development as an outcome of resource exploitation is local participation. This study examined ... -
Market women’s skills, constraints, and agency in supplying affordable, safe, and high-quality fish in Ghana
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)In Ghana, the role of female informal traders (“market women”) in making low-cost smoked and dried fish available in urban and rural marketplaces is the key to explaining the high consumption of fish in the country. However, ... -
Matsikkerhet i Aasiaat, Grønland. En studie av interaksjoner mellom matpreferanser, klimaendringer og globaliseringsprosesser
(Master thesis, 2017-06-23)Matsikkerhet er et aktuelt tema som har fått stor relevans i forbindelse med klimaendringer og globaliseringsprosesser. Mye av den eksisterende litteraturen om matsikkerhet er knyttet til det globale sør. Denne studien ... -
A matter of time: Explicating temporality in science and technology studies and Bergen's car-free zone development
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In their article on ‘sociotechnical matters’, Hess and Sovacool (2020) draw on extant STS scholarship to unpack ‘the black box’ of sociotechnical contributions to social science studies of energy. Notably absent in their ... -
Measuring the change in behavior of a system with a single metric
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Loops that Matter (LTM) provides a practical and comprehensive way to understand which feedback loops are driving model behavior at different points in time. LTM describes from which loops the observed change in behavior ... -
Mechanisms and maneouvers of forest resource access and its implications for rural livelihoods in the high forest zone of Ghana
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)The management of Ghana's Forests has attracted diverse social actors with multiple interests from the state (Forestry Commission, FC) to local level (local forest users). This has resulted in processes and mechanisms ... -
Meeting well-below 2°C target would increase energy sector jobs globally
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)To keep global warming well-below 2°C, fossil fuels need to dramatically decline and be replaced by low-carbon energy sources. While the technologies to replace fossil fuels are widely available, support for their expansion ... -
Meningsinnhold og planstrategi i områdesatsingen Ytre Arna, Bergen - Kan meningsinnhold og planstrategi ses i sammenheng?
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)Oppgaven har som hensikt å undersøke hvordan planstrategien og ulike former for meningsinnhold er forankret i områdesatsingen i Ytre Arna, Bergen. Områdesatsing er områderettet arbeid som tar sikte på å forbedre fysiske ... -
Migrant Labour and its impact on development in India.A case study from the new city of Gurgaon
(Master thesis, 2014-09-01)I utviklingsland har det lenge vært en trend at i hovedsak enslige migranter deltar i den ekstensive den rural-urbane migrasjon. Med enslige migranter er det her ment migranter som reiser uten familie eller annet følge. ... -
Migration and rural livelihoods in a Himalayan Village. The impact of migration on individual households and community development in Nepal
(Master thesis, 2013-05-15)In developing countries it has increasingly been recognised how rural households draw upon a range of assets and activities to form viable livelihoods. In Nepal as well as in other parts of the world involvement in migration ... -
Miljømessig verdiskaping og samarbeid i Herand og Åkrafjorden landskapsparker
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)Målet med oppgaven var å undersøke hvordan landskapsparker kan bidra til bærekraftig landskapsforvaltning. Studieområdene var Herand og Åkrafjorden landskapsparker i Hordaland, og den primære metoden for datainnsamling har ... -
Misperceptions of energy taxes: an experimental study
(Master thesis, 2010-06-05)Economists generally agree that in theory, fuel taxes are the most cost effective policies to address efficiency losses and combat environmental pollution (see eg. Baumol (1988); Dasgupta (1979); Izzo (2007); Mankiw (2006 ... -
Misperceptions of Global Climate Change: Information Policies
(1/2004, Working paper, 2004)Global climate change is an atmospheric commons problem where the basic actors arethe states. In democratic nations national policy initiatives depend on the opinion of theelectorate. Unless there is a proper popular ... -
Mitigating Information security risks during the Transition to Integrated Operations: Models & Data
(Doctoral thesis, 2010-07-01)This research studies the change of information security risks during the transition toIntegrated Operations (an operation extensively utilize advanced information communicationtechnology to connect offshore facilities and ... -
Mobile Phones and Innovations. An Empirical Description of Farmers´ Utilizations of the Mobile Phone in Upper East Region, Ghana.
(Master thesis, 2017-03-16)The mobile phone has provided new opportunities for various people around the globe. During the last 20 years the accessibility of this technology has increased tremendously. This study will describe some changes that the ...