Browsing Department of Geography by Title
Now showing items 557-576 of 698
Salmon economic analysis: an operational cost study, finding better ways to ensure efficient resource utilization, improves profitability and environmental sustainability for the salmon aquaculture in Norway.
(Master thesis, 2018-12-20)Salmon aquaculture is the fastest growing industry in Norway, contributing to food security and nutrition. The industry ensures social, economic and environmentally sustainable development by utilizing natural resources ... -
Sanddyner som indikator på miljøendring.Naturtypekartlegging og analyse av økologisk tilstand, Skarasanden - Jærstrendene landskapsvernområde.
(Master thesis, 2013-11-17)Sammendrag Mål: Oppgaven hadde som mål å avdekke naturtypers romlige fordeling og økologiske tilstand på Skarasanden i Sola kommune i Rogaland. Gjennom innsamling av et sammenliknbart datamateriale, vil området kunne ... -
Saved by hydrogen? The public acceptance of onshore wind in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Achieving the green energy transition is not without difficulty. This is also the case for the deployment of renewable energy infrastructures. Among these, onshore wind has often been contested. Taking the case of Norway ... -
Scalar Containment of Energy Justice and Its Democratic Discontents: Solar Power and Energy Poverty Alleviation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The threats climate change poses require rapid and wide decarbonization efforts in the energy sector. Historically, large-scale energy operations, often instrumental for a scaled and effective approach to meet decarbonization ... -
Sclerochronologic and oxygen isotope analysis of growth increments in shells of the bivalve Arctica islandica from southwest off Iceland
(Master thesis, 2017-06-14)The marine bivalve mollusc Arctica islandica is presently known as the longest-living non-colonial animal, and considered to be a valuable paleo proxy and recorder of past environmental variability. This study presents the ... -
Sea-level reconstruction during the Early Holocene in Tjeldsundet, Northern Norway
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02) -
Seasonal Migration and Livelihood Resilience in the Face of Climate Change in Nepal
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Migration for work remains a livelihood strategy in subsistence farming communities globally, especially in view of unprecedented environmental change. Farmers in the high Himalaya migrate during the winter, when farming ... -
Seasons in the sun - weather and climate front-page news stories in Europe’s rainiest city, Bergen
(International Journal of Biometeorology 52(1): 17-31, Journal article, 2007-01-24)This paper is a portrayal of aspects of weather and climate as front-page news in Europe’s rainiest city, Bergen, Norway. It descriptively explores the coverage and different contextualization of weather and climate. By ... -
Securing conservation Lebensraum? The geo-, bio-, and ontopolitics of global conservation futures
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The geographical concept of Lebensraum (“living space”) was coined most significantly by the German scholar Friedrich Ratzel towards the end of the nineteenth century. Through the lens of Lebensraum, Ratzel reformulated ... -
Seed viability and germination success of Acacia tortilis along landuse and aridity gradients in the Eastern Sahara
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-01)Our study focuses on the keystone species Acacia tortilis and is the first to investigate the effect of domestic ungulates and aridity on seed viability and germination over an extensive part of the Eastern Sahara. Bruchids ... -
"Senk skuten!" Byutvikling i lys av makt, rasjonalitet og demokrati
(Master thesis, 2003) -
Setningsutvikling i Bergen sentrum: Urbanhydrogeologi, inSAR, setning og kulturlag
(Master thesis, 2017-06-09)The world heritage site of Bryggen in the mediaeval area of Bergen, Norway, has since the 1990’s been suffering from severe subsidence, caused by reduced pore pressure and oxidation of the organic archeological deposits ... -
Setting Priorities to Address the Research Gaps Between Agricultural Systems Analysis and Food Security Outcomes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
(CGIAR Working Paper; 255, Research report, 2019)This document assesses the current state of practice for the representation of food security indicators in agricultural systems models and provides recommendations for improvements in both model formulation and the empirical ... -
Sharecropping system in mid west Tarai. A case study of Gobardiha VDC of Dangdeukhuri district, Nepal.
(Master thesis, 2010-05-18)This study attempts to assess sharecropping system, its impact on farming practices and institutional impact on peasants' access to land resource in dang, west Nepal. Data have been collected using questionnaire survey, ... -
Short-Term Success versus Long-Term Failure: A Simulation-Based Approach for Understanding the Potential of Zambia’s Fertilizer Subsidy Program in Enhancing Maize Availability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-11-19)In Sub-Saharan Africa, food-related policies such as fertilizer subsidy programs (FSPs) have undergone a revival and triggered a controversy about their impact. In this article I applied a simulation-based approach to ... -
Short-term versus long-term decision trade-offs: Evidence from a model-based observational experiment with African small-scale farmers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Smallholder farmers in sub‐Saharan Africa recurrently face situations of complex and dynamic decision trade‐offs. Short‐term‐oriented activities such as fertilizer application help to cover immediate food needs but compromise ... -
Shortage of qualifed science teachers in Norway. A System Dynamics approach
(Master thesis, 2007)In the following research we present a work which addresses the problem of a shortage of qualified science teachers in secondary school education in Norway. The shortage of qualified science teachers in secondary schools ... -
Simulation-based assessment of cholera epidemic response: A case study of Al-Hudaydah, Yemen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Cholera kills between 21,000 and 143,000 people globally each year. It is often fatal, killing up to 50% of the severely symptomatic patients; but death by cholera is preventable with timely treatment, so that the fatality ... -
Siste istids glasiasjons- og deglasiasjonshistorie i øvre Sølndalen, Alvdal vestfjell
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)The Weichselian glacial history of Norway, and particularly the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 18- 20 ka) is the main focus of this master thesis. The thesis focuses on creating a map of an area in Sølndalen, Hedmark county. ... -
Small hydro power stations, a way to secure electricity supply in Colombia. A policy evaluation using a system dynamics model
(Master thesis, 2013-06-03)After its deregulation in 1994, the Colombian Electricity Market (CEM) has developed satisfactorily in some sectors, especially in terms of generation and sales to large costumers and to household sector. However, around ...