Blar i Department of Geography på tittel
Viser treff 680-698 av 698
Wastage features of the inland ice sheet in central South Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1980)Detailed field mapping of different lateral phenomena, striae, texture and till fabric are the basis of a reconstruction of five deglaciation phases in the east Jotunheimen-Gudbrandsdalen area, a landscape with moderate ... -
Water choice in a low-income area in Kampala, Uganda
(Master thesis, 2004)The intention of this study is to elaborate on important factors determining choice of water in a low-income area in Kampala, Uganda. The study area is located in a parish called Nateete, at the outskirts of the city. My ... -
Watt sense of community? A human geography agenda on energy communities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Energy communities can potentially advance just transitions towards low-carbon systems by devolving energy production and consumption to local scales. During vibrant debates on evolving energy geographies for more than a ... -
Waving the map for national identity: How cartography in Norway and Sweden was used as a nation-building tool in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Cartography has for centuries been used as a political instrument to support national pride, impact and influence, whether through use of a national prime meridian or local toponyms, the emphasising of the country’s extent ... -
“We have been invaded”: Wind energy sacrifice zones in Åfjord Municipality and their implications for Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Following the “green” growth tradition, the construction of lower carbon energy (renewable energy) infrastructures, such as wind power, has gained prominence in Norway. This has led to indigenous Saami herders confronting ... -
Weichsel in central South Norway : a general view of the deposits from the Gudbrandsdalen Interstadial and from the following glaciation
(Journal article, 1981)Present knowledge of sub-till sediments found in the valleys in the Mid-Gudbrandsdal area and the stratigraphy of the overlying basal tills is summarized. The existence of widespread waterlain sediments which are thought ... -
Weighted average regression and environmental calibration as a tool for quantifying climate-driven changes in vegetation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Aims: Studies of the climatic responses of plant assemblages via vegetation-based environmental reconstructions by weighted averaging (WA) regression and calibration are a recent development in modern vegetation ecology. ... -
What is wrong with the implementation of auto pollution policy in Zimbabwe? A system dynamics perspective.
(Master thesis, 2011-06-08)Zimbabwe has in recent years experienced rapid growth in the national vehicle population. Since 1994, the vehicle population has increased by a total of over 150%. Many of these are poorly maintained low-cost second hand ... -
What sticks? Ephemerality, permanence and local transition pathways
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Climate change is increasingly governed through local configurations that are characterised by voluntary action, weak institutions and uncoordinated efforts. The impermanent and iterative nature of such initiatives makes ... -
What we don´t measure about human resources: towards a conceptual framework for analysing the role of soft variables in human resources management modelling
(Master thesis, 2007)Low retention of valuable employees and difficulties in finding qualified candidates for recruitmentare two issues managers face in Romania, but are a growing concern around the world (Deloitte,2004; Holton & Naquin, 2004). ... -
Where are urban energy transitions governed? Conceptualizing the complex governance arrangements for low-carbon mobility in Europe
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-05)This article addresses the question of where urban low-carbon energy transitions are governed. A challenge is that urban governance is not simply urban, but a complex assemblage of institutions, networks and socio-technical ... -
Who benefits from sustainable mobility transitions? Social inclusion, populist resistance and elite capture in Bergen, Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Transitioning to sustainable mobility systems is generally thought to require three approaches: avoid, shift and improve. We examine a combination of these in a city at the forefront of implementing transition policies, ... -
Who is “The Child”? Best Interests and Individuality of Children in Discretionary Decision-Making
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)While the substantiation of “best interests” has received much attention, the question of how “the child” is conceptualised to ensure any action taken or decision made is in the particular child’s best interests has been ... -
Why do some food availability policies fail? A simulation approach to understanding food production systems in south-east Africa
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-07-20)Food production systems in south-east Africa face a persistent puzzle: despite the implementation of numerous plausible food availability policies, the region’s history is characterised by many cases of food production ... -
Windows Phone, Doomed or Pushed to fail? A comprehensive analysis of smartphone market with respect to operating systems and scenario analysis for Microsoft to investigate the possibility of better future.
(Master thesis, 2017-08-08)The whole definition of communication has been changed since the time smartphones introduced to the world. Now these small devices play crucial roles in daily life of people around the world and lots of interactions are ... -
The World Model Controversy
(Working Papers in System Dynamics, Working paper, 2005)In 1971 Jay Forrester published his book World Dynamics, where he presented a high-levelsimulation model of the socio-economic-environmental world system. The main purpose ofthe model and the accompanying book was to ... -
Youth smoking and anti-smoking policies in North Dakota: a system dynamics simulation study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-20)Background: The current study utilizes system dynamics to model the determinants of youth smoking and simulate effects of anti-smoking policies in the context of North Dakota, a state with one of the lowest cigarette tax ... -
”Zu Hause” i Kreuzberg. En studie av tyrkere og deres sosiale praksis, identitet og territorialitet i bydelen Kreuzberg i Berlin
(Master thesis, 2006)Tema for masteroppgaven er tyrkiske migranters liv og hverdag i det tyske samfunnet i dag. Ut i fra det teoretiske argumentet om at mennesker og steder er gjensidig konstituerende, er målet med oppaven å forstå hvordan ... -
Å fiske etter kunnskap. Innovasjonssystemer i foredlingsindustrien for sjømat i Kina, bruk av kunnskap og læring i produksjonssystemet
(Master thesis, 2007)En studie av foredlingsindustrien av sjømat i Qingdao, Kina. Forskning på industrielle miljøer og økonomiske virksomheter, diskuteres i forhold til sosiale relasjoner, miljø, konvensjoner og sidestiller disse variablene ...