Browsing Department of Economics by Author "Reigstad, Amanda Grindheim"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Extending the cooperative phenotype: Assessing the stability of cooperation across countries
Reigstad, Amanda Grindheim; Strømland, Eirik Andre; Tinghög, Gustav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-11-15)This paper studies whether individual cooperation is stable across settings and over time. Involving more than 7,000 subjects on two different continents, this study documents positive correlation in cooperative behavior ... -
Intuitiv tenking og pro-sosial åtferd: Ein meta-analyse
Reigstad, Amanda Grindheim (Master thesis, 2017-07-01)Denne oppgåva freistar å undersøkje samanhengen mellom intuisjon og to typar pro-sosial åtferd, samarbeid og altruisme. Dette er ein test på Social Heuristics Hypothesis, ein teori som predikerer ein positiv effekt av ...