Browsing Department of Philosophy by Title
Now showing items 111-130 of 266
Human Rights and the Broken World
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Hva er en rettferdig modell for inntak på videregående skole?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Debatten om inntak til videregående skole er sentral i norsk utdanningspolitikk. Men selv om mange refererer til rettferdighetsidealer i debatten, blir disse sjelden systematisk undersøkt. Artikkelen analyserer fire modeller ... -
Hørselshemmedes og døves individualitet og deres sosiale forhold sett i lys av Nietzsches, Foucaults og Honneths filosofi om personlig selvrealisering
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)The theme of my master thesis will be the interaction between the deaf and the hearing in a social context where the transition from a perspective of lack to a perspective of capacity will be an important factor. The ... -
Høyere-ordens tanke teori og selv-bevissthet
(Master thesis, 2017-12-20) -
Identifying logical evidence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-13)Given the plethora of competing logical theories of validity available, it’s understandable that there has been a marked increase in interest in logical epistemology within the literature. If we are to choose between these ... -
Ideologi, propaganda og massebevegelse. Fascismen som lærestykke
(Lecture, 1984) -
Individualitetens Kosmopolitiske Nødvendighet En sosial- og politiskfilosofisk konsekvensutredning av idealistisk individualitetstenkning og utilitaristisk etikk.
(Master thesis, 2008-11-14)To mennesker svinger stokke mod hinanden i en drabelig tvekamp, mens de synker i kviksand. Opslugt af den andes taktik besvarer de hinandens slag, og angreb veksler med undvigelser. Uden for billedets ramme betragter vi ... -
Individuation by agreement and disagreement
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)It is common to explain agreement and disagreement in terms of relations among mental states. The main purpose of the present discussion is to present an alternative way of thinking about the relationship between mental ... -
Inheritance and the Family
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Inherited wealth will be of increasing importance in years to come. Yet inheritance taxation is unpopular, and part of this unpopularity is due to family concerns. Such taxation is seen by many as morally problematic because ... -
Inquiry, reasoning and the normativity of logic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)According to the traditional view in the philosophy of logic facts of logic bear normative authority regarding how one ought to reason. Usually this is to mean that the relation of logical consequence between statements ... -
Intentionality in Pain: Individual Responses and Outcomes in the Experience of Pain
(Master thesis, 2024-05-30)This study investigates why individuals who experience the same pain instance may have different long-term outcomes, focusing on the mental and emotional transformations that follow pain rather than immediate reactions. ... -
Interactive Dynamic Presentation (IDP) and Semantic Faceted Search and Browsing (SFB) of the Wittgenstein Nachlass
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In 2000 the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB) published the CD-ROM edition of Wittgenstein’s Nachlass: The Bergen Electronic Edition (BEE). Moreover, since then WAB has worked towards complementing ... -
The international regime of drug control may violate the human right to life and security
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Critics of the international regime of drug control have often pointed to its criminogenic effects, maintaining that drug criminalization gives rise to a profitable illicit drugs market which in turn sustains organized ... -
The internet hospital as a telehealth model in China: Systematic search and content analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07)Background: The internet hospital is an innovative organizational form and service mode under the tide of internet plus in the Chinese medical industry. It is the product of the interaction between consumer health needs ... -
Interpretasjon og filosofisk metode
(Working paper, 1964) -
Intersubjektivitet, moral og menneskerettigheter En eksistensialistisk og diskursetisk tilnærming
(Master thesis, 2005-11) -
(Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 2, Chapter, 2006) -
Introduction to the special issue ‘The phenomenology of joint action’
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The contributions collected in this special issue explore the phenomenology of joint action from a broad range of different disciplinary and methodological angles, including philosophical investigation (both in the analytic ... -
Issues and challenges associated with data-sharing in LMICs: perspectives of researchers in Thailand
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Data-sharing helps advance scientific research and assures the benefits of research data are maximized. Previous work has highlighted ethical challenges, especially in low- and middle-income countrie (LMIC) countries. This ...