Department of Natural History
Recent Submissions
Identifying plant fibres in cultural heritage with optical and electron microscopy: how to present results and avoid pitfalls
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Identification of archaeological and historical textile fibres is important because it gives insight into resource management in former times. The arrival of new tools such as table-top scanning electron microscopes, have ... -
Arenicolidae (Annelida) in Norwegian waters: Species occurrence, bathymetric distribution and identification of juvenile specimens
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The two species of Arenicolidae, Arenicola marina and Arenicolides ecaudata, are common along the Norwegian coast. Juveniles and anterior fragments are often encountered when grab sampling, making traditional morphological ... -
Diversity of Orbiniella (Orbiniidae, Annelida) in the North Atlantic and the Arctic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In this work, the diversity of the genus Orbiniella in the Nordic Seas and the North Atlantic waters south of Iceland is studied based on the analyses of molecular markers (mitochondrial COI, 16S rDNA and nuclear ITS2) and ... -
Pollen morphology of Norwegian hybrids of Sorbus
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The genus Sorbus s.l. consists of small to medium-sized trees primarily found in coastal areas, with three European hotspots of diversification: Fennoscandia, south-east Europe and the British Isles. Taxonomic classification ... -
Community composition and distribution of epi- and suprabenthic macrofauna in the bathyal, abyssal, and hadal zones of the northern North Pacific
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)The deep sea, Earth’s largest biome, harbors numerous unknown species. Prior to the AleutBio (Aleutian Trench Biodiversity Studies) expedition from July to September 2022, the Northeast (NE) Pacific at abyssal and hadal ... -
What is Potentilla? A phylogeny-based taxonomy for Potentillinae (Rosaceae)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Classification of Potentilla L. has varied considerably through time. Some authors have collapsed all of the Potentilleae tribe into a single genus, while others have divided it into more than 20 genera. All those ... -
The identity of Psilochironomus Sublette, 1966 (Chironomidae, Chironominae, Pseudochironomini)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Chironomus fumeus Walley in Curran, 1934 was described based on a single male from British Guyana. When reviewing the type specimens of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the American Museum of Natural History, Sublette erected the ... -
Primicimex cavernis Barber 1941 (Heteroptera: Cimicidae): A rare parasite on a very abundant host
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Species richness and abundance of hosts and parasites are often not perfectly correlated. This may be caused by higher parasite than host extinction rates or population declines, but lower parasite discovery effort has ... -
Description of a new species of Stenula Barnard, 1962 (Amphipoda: Stenothoidae) from British Columbia, Canada associated with Bouillonia sp. (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Tubulariidae), with a key to the world species of Stenula
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)A new species of the amphipod family Stenothoidae found living in association with tubulariid hydroids in British Columbia, Canada is described. Stenula traudlae sp. nov., which has a rounded naked telson, a rounded ... -
Poxyaibamberus Andersen & Dantas, gen. nov. (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) from Brazil
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Poxyaibamberus Andersen & Dantas, gen. nov. is erected based on the males of two species, P. jamanximensis Andersen & Dantas, sp. nov. from Jamanxim National Park, Pará State, Brazil, and P. ubajarensis Andersen & Dantas, ... -
When standard DNA barcodes do not work for species identifcation: intermixed mitochondrial haplotypes in the Jaera albifrons complex(Crustacea: Isopoda)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Here, we characterise the standard “Folmer region” of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) marker and a fragment of nuclear 28S marker in four species of the Jaera albifrons complex. Jaera albifrons (Leach, ... -
Geographic patterns in range sizes and their drivers of endemic angiosperms in China
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Geographic range size of endemic species is the most important indicator of species' vulnerability to extinction and conservation prioritization, yet variation in range size among species and across space has been relatively ... -
A new, darkwinged species of Pseudochironomus Malloch, 1915 (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Mexico and Costa Rica
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)A new species of Pseudochironomus Malloch, Citation1915 is described and figured as adult male and female based on material from Chiapas (Mexico) and Heredia (Costa Rica). Pseudochironomus seipi sp. n. can be distinguished ... -
Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of floral symmetry in angiosperms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Floral symmetry plays an important role in plant-pollinator interactions and may have remarkable impacts on angiosperm diversification. However, spatiotemporal patterns in floral symmetry and drivers of these patterns ... -
First in situ documentation of a fossil tooth of the megatooth shark Otodus (Megaselachus) megalodon from the deep sea in the Pacific Ocean
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In this short communication, we describe the first reported case of an in-situ observation and subsequent sampling of a fossil Otodus megalodon tooth from a deep-sea locality in the Pacific Ocean (14.11332°N, 167.39357°W; ... -
Global analysis of Poales diversification – parallel evolution in space and time into open and closed habitats
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Poales are one of the most species-rich, ecologically and economically important orders of plants and often characterise open habitats, enabled by unique suites of traits. We test six hypotheses regarding the evolution and ... -
Arrhenia schistidicola (Hygrophoraceae, Agaricales) – a new species on the moss Schistidium crassipilum from western Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The new species Arrhenia schistidicola Øvstedal & L.Lindblom is described from Western Norway, growing on the moss Schistidium crassipilum on vertical mortar walls. Arrhenia schistidicola is characterized by the lack of a ... -
Extensional Faulting Around Kolumbo Volcano, Aegean Sea—Relationships Between Local Stress Fields, Fault Relay Ramps, and Volcanism
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo (CSK) volcanic field has hosted more than 100 explosive eruptions in the past 250,000 years, including the 1650 CE eruption of Kolumbo Volcano. Previous studies have established a link ... -
The evolution of female-biased genital diversity in bedbugs (Cimicidae)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Rapid genitalia evolution is believed to be mainly driven by sexual selection. Recently, noncopulatory genital functions have been suggested to exert stronger selection pressure on female genitalia than copulatory functions. ... -
Clarification of the taxonomic status of Acanthochitona discrepans (Brown, 1827) with new data for the North-East Atlantic Acanthochitona (Polyplacophora, Acanthochitonidae)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background The genus Acanthochitona can be easily distinguished from other chitons by having eighteen tufts of bristles on the dorsal side of the densely spiculose girdle. In the North-East Atlantic, five species of ...