Browsing Department of Linguistics, Literary and Aestetic Studies by Title
Now showing items 506-525 of 993
"La sjøgress gro over lyset" Lesninger i Kate Næss´ poetiske univers i lys av Maurice Blanchots litteraturfilosofi
(Master thesis, 2008-11-11)Oppgaven er i hovedsak en studie av billedstrategien i poesi av Kate Næss (1938-1987) -
Landskapets dramaturgiske potensiale
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)Begrepet landskap synes å ha blitt mer og mer sentralt i nyere teaterpraksis, teaterforståelse, og videre omdiskutert i teaterteori. I tillegg har også begrepet om et landskapsteater gjort sitt inntog i teatervitenskap. ... -
Language and Scribal Practice in Fourteenth Century Northern Iceland : A Study of AM 573 4to and Reynistaðarbók AM 764 4to
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-11-03)De islandske middelaldermanuskriptene AM 573 4to og Reynistaðarbók AM 764 4to er nært sammenknyttede gjennom flere faktorer: tekstene hvert manuskript inneholder, den antatte tid- og stedfestingen for manuskriptproduksjonen, ... -
Language Use in Higher Education : the Student Perspective
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-12-06)The present thesis has aimed to investigate students’ attitudes towards language practices in their education, and to investigate if and how these voices can inform anguage policy making in higher education (HE). Two of ... -
Lars Amund Vaage sin sorgsong lesen med Lacan.Ei psykoanalytisk lesing av Den framande byen (1999),Syngja(2012), og Sorg og song (2016)
(Master thesis, 2018-06-16)Masteroppgåve i nordisk litteratur Institutt for lingvistiske, litterære og estetiske studium Universitetet i Bergen Våren 2018 Student: Sondre Johan Chesney Kvamme Rettleiar: Christine Hamm Tittel: Lars Amund Vaage sin ... -
Law Manuscripts from Fifteenth-Century Iceland
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This article discusses a number of interdisciplinary aspects of Icelandic law manuscripts, produced in the fifteenth century, which contain important vernacular legal codes dealing with secular and ecclesiastical matters ... -
Le lingue nordiche nel medioevo. Vol. 1: Testi
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Leksikosyntaktiske trekk og skriveverktøy. En kvantitativ undersøkelse av tekster skrevet for hånd og på tastatur av elever i VG1
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-12-05)This PhD thesis investigates lexicosyntactic features in writings in Norwegian L1 by 60 16- year-old pupils written using two different writing tools: hand-writing and typing. Its methodological approach is corpus-based ... -
Lektorstudentar og elevar på vidaregåande sine haldningar til dialekt, tospråklegheit og aksentprega norsk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article is a study of to what extent upcoming teachers, mainly in Norwegian, and upper secondary students agree or disagree on claims linked to how teachers and the school should act according to dialect, bilingualism ... -
Lenisering etter kort vokal: reliktfenomen eller opphav?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Temaet for denne artikkelen er en liten gruppe dialekter der lenisering av p, t, k til b, d, g etter trykksterk vokal er begrenset til ord som hadde kort, trykksterk stavelse i norrønt. Disse dialektene finner vi ved kysten ... -
Les livres français dans la Norvège médiévale : connexions culturelles, religieuses et sociales
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This article discusses the ecclesiastical, cultural, and political connections between Norway and France during the High Middle Ages (c. 1150-1320) and the traces left by these connections in surviving manuscript material, ... -
Les tentures fleuries peintes à Baouît
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In the monastery of Apa Apollô at Bawit, paintings imitating textiles decorate the walls in many of the chapels excavated by Jean Clédat (1901-1902, 1903-1905) and Jean Maspero (1913). These textile imitations, situated ... -
Leseforståelse og inferens. En sammenligning av minoritetsspråklige og majoritetsspråklige elever i videregående skole
(Master thesis, 2018-06-16)I denne masteroppgaven har jeg sammenlignet minoritetsspråklige og majoritetsspråklige elevers leseforståelse, med fokus på inferens. Utvalget i undersøkelsen min er hentet fra Vg1-klasser der alle elevene følger ordinær ... -
Leseopplæring på yrkesfag - det toget har vel gått?
(Master thesis, 2014-05-13)Hovudmålet med denne studien er å setje fokus på om lesestrategiar er formålstenlege verkty når elevane på yrkesfag skal lese og lære fagstoff. Utgangspunktet for studien er tilbakemeldingar frå elevar og kollegaer om at ... -
Levels of presence in the drama text: Between close and distant reading
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Digital studies of drama have tended to emphasise the written text and network analyses. As theatre scholars, we have approached the field from a different perspective by focusing on levels of presence. This includes the ... -
Lexical comprehension within and across sign languages of Belgium, China and the Netherlands
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)There are hundreds of known sign languages around the world today, distinct languages each with its own historical and cultural context. Nevertheless, it is well known among signers who move through international spaces ... -
Lexical expression of time in Russian Sign Language
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)We studied lexical expressions of time in Russian Sign Language (RSL). We collected lexical signs describing a variety of time-related concepts produced by fifteen RSL signers from different regions. We then analyzed ... -
LFG parse disambiguation for Wolof
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)This paper presents several techniques for managing ambiguity in LFG parsing of Wolof, a less-resourced Niger-Congo language. Ambiguity is pervasive in Wolof and This raises a number of theoretical and practical issues for ... -
Life and Death on the East Frieze of the Parthenon
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The gods on the Parthenon frieze are represented as looking out on the real world from the position of their material image on the Acropolis, displaying the contemporary imperial self-awareness of Athens. Poseidon’s gaze ...