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Argumenterende skriving i norskfaget. Tre norsklæreres tolkning og implementering av argumenterende skriving i undervisningen på vg2
(Master thesis, 2016-05-16)Avhandlingen tar utgangspunkt i «å skrive argumenterende tekster» og læreplanen i norsk er derfor et sentralt dokument i avhandlingen. Ettersom læreplanen opererer med relativt åpne og vage mål, blir det opp til hver enkelt ... -
Argumentplacering i norskt arvspråk i Amerika
(Chapter, 2021)Den här artikeln undersöker placeringen av subjekt, objekt och partiklar i äldre och yngre amerikanorska (i CANS-korpusen) och i LIA-korpusen, som representerar talspråket i Norge vid tiden för massutvandringen till Amerika. ... -
The Art of Terence Koh : “Artist’s artist or the most popular artist?"
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)This thesis aims to analyze a few chosen exhibitions by the artist Terence Koh. By viewing his artworks formally in relation to earlier artistic tendencies, and by applying theoretical perspectives, it becomes possible to ... -
Arthur Schopenhauers posisjon i Thomas Bernhards prosa Lesninger av Bernhards Ja og Beton
(Master thesis, 2007) -
As beautiful as only things that don't exist can be. En lesning av Angela Carters "The Passion of New Eve"
(Master thesis, 2009-05-14)Oppgaven er en lesning av Angela Carters "The Passion of New Eve". Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i kjønnsteori, og romanen leses gjennom vektlegging av science fiction og dystopien. -
ASK - A Computer Learner Corpus
(Chapter, 2005) -
"ASK and you will find what you seek"
(Chapter, 2007) -
The ASK Corpus – a Language Learner Corpus of Norwegian as a Second Language
(Chapter, 2006)In our paper we present the design and interface of ASK, a language learner corpus of Norwegian as a second language which contains essays collected from language tests on two different proficiency levels as well as personal ... -
Ask Rosa – The making of a digital genetic conversation tool, a chatbot, about hereditary breast and ovarian cancer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Objective: We aimed at developing a pilot version of an app (Rosa) that can perform digital conversations with breast or ovarian cancer patients about genetic BRCA testing, using chatbot technology, to identify best practices ... -
Aspectuality in Norwegian and Greek
(Master thesis, 1997-05) -
Assessing Word Commonness - Adding dispersion to frequency
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The article investigates the two main corpus indicators of word commonness, frequency and dispersion, through a cross-validation analysis of frequency and four dispersion measures (‘Range’, ‘Chi-squared’, ‘Deviation of ... -
Athen-2004: Olympisk arkitektur som postmoderne visuell kulturindustri
(Master thesis, 2007) -
Automatic Classification of Handshapes in Russian Sign Language
(Chapter, 2020)Handshapes are one of the basic parameters of signs, and any phonological or phonetic analysis of a sign language must account for handshapes. Many sign languages have been carefully analysed by sign language linguists to ... -
Automatic Detection of Conceptual Time Metaphors
(Master thesis, 2013-05-16)This thesis presents a system for the automatic detection of conceptual metaphors of time. Metaphors representing time as space, such as “Time Orientation”, “Moving Time” and “Moving Ego”, are common, but not equally ... -
Autoritet og avmakt - De romantiske fedrene Adam, Adrian og Johnny i Wergelands forfatterskap
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)Avhandlingen er en motivstudie av farsfiguren og far-sønn-relasjonen i Henrik Wergelands forfatterskap, den store representanten for den norske romantikken. En overordnet tese i dette prosjektet er at dette utgjør sentrale ... -
Avdekning og tilsløring: Dionysius Areopagitens symboltenkning og Jean-Luc Marions ettermoderne kunstfilosofi
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-12-12)This study addresses the relation between the sixth century Christian author, Dionysius the Areopagite, and the French postmodern philosopher, Jean-Luc Marion (1946- ). The importance of the Dionysian writings (Corpus ... -
Álvaratos, who cares? Ein samfelagsmálvísindalig kanning av hugburði og nýtslu av tøkuorðum og nýggjum orðum í føroyskum
(Doctoral thesis, 2008-11-28)