Browsing Department of Linguistics, Literary and Aestetic Studies by Title
Now showing items 875-894 of 1000
The Rhythms of Platformization: Exploring Algorithmic Influence on the Practices of Music Artists
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)As the practices of distribution, consumption and production of music have changed with the digitalization of the music industry, music artists must engage with new technologies and gatekeepers who impact the circulation ... -
The Room That is the Book. Fortelling og liv i Paul Austers The Locked Room
(Master thesis, 2008-11-13)The Locked Room (1986) er den siste romanen i den amerikanske forfatteren Paul Austers The New York Trilogy.Boken er en sammensatt tekst som skaper en tett, intertekstuellvev. Den trekker veksler på gjenkjennelige ... -
Theatre Studies 3.0. Introduction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Thingstätten als Erzählelemente in den Íslendingasögur und Íslendingaþættir
(Master thesis, 2005-11)Die Frage, die sich meine Untersuchung stellt, lautet: Inwieweit spielen die Thingstätten eine Rolle in der Literatur, genauer gesagt im Korpus der Íslendingasögur und Íslendingaþættir? In der Tat variieren sowohl der ... -
Three lies of digital ethnography
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The relative novelty of digital ethnography as a research methodology, along with the challenges that it moves to classical understandings of fieldwork, participation and representation, results in a repertoire of professional ... -
Ti år med den norske navneloven
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)The current Personal Names Act of Norway has been in force since 2003. Inspired by a liberalised cultural ideology, it sought to simplify decision making and to take greater account of the name cultures of immigrant ... -
Tid og verdi i Karl Ove Knausgårds "En tid for alt"
(Master thesis, 2006) -
Tidsskriftet Arr og grunnleggelsens ideologi
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Tigrinya Applicatives in Lexical-Functional Grammar
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-01-20)The primary goal of this thesis is to describe and analyze applicative constructions in Tigrinya. An applicative construction is characterized by a verb that bears an affix for an argument that either has a semantic role ... -
Tilbakemeldinger som utgangspunkt for utvikling av elevtekster. En kvalitativ studie av en lærers og tre elevers opplevelse av skriftlige lærerkommentarer gitt i skriveprosessen.
(Master thesis, 2017-12-19)I denne oppgaven har jeg undersøkt skriftlige tilbakemeldinger gitt til ungdomsskoleelever. Tilbakemeldingene ble gitt fra en norsklærer til elevtekster skrevet i norsk, der undervisningen la opp til at elevene skulle ... -
Tilstrekkelige ferdigheter i norsk? Kartlegging av minoritetsspråklige skolebegynneres språkferdigheter
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-01-24)The goal of this study is to investigate the language proficiency of five L1 Russian-speaking first-grade students learning Norwegian as a second language in school, and the use of different forms of assessment. I also ... -
Titus Labienus: Fra Homo Novus til Homo Militaris
(Master thesis, 2009-11-18)Denne oppgaven tar for seg Titus Labienus og hans karriere. Labienus er mest kjent for sin skifte av allianse før borgerkrigen mellom Caesar og Pompeius. I oppgaven vises det gjennom en mikrohistorisk fremstilling hvordan ... -
"to and fro" Intermediale strategier i fire tekster av Samuel Beckett
(Master thesis, 2008)Oppgaven tar for seg fire korttekster av Samuel Beckett. "Stirrings Still", "Neither", "What is the Word" og "The Image". Gjennom fire analyser og en påfølgende diskusjon gjennomgår oppgaven intermediale strategier i disse ... -
To err or not to err: Litt om retroflektering i norsk scenespråk
(Chapter, 2000)Artikkelen er en variasjonsanalyse av retroflektering i en innspilling av Henrik Ibsens John Gabriel Borkman fra 1960-årene. Norsk scenespråk har tradisjonelt vært konservativt i forhold til avslappet østlandsk dagligtale. ... -
Tomhet og fylde En studie av William Blakes "Songs of Innocence and of Experience"
(Master thesis, 2006) -
Tonal variation and change in Dalarna Swedish
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This article questions the prevalent account of North Germanic tonogenesis, which proposes that at the outset, Accent 2 was characterized by a double-peaked melody close to the one found in central Swedish today (Riad 1998, ... -
The tone bearing unit in Swedish and Norwegian tonology
(Chapter, 2003)In Scandinavian tonology two views exist with respect to how tones are associated with the segmental string. The first is the orthodox, autosegmental view that all tones are autosegmentally associated with a tone bearing ... -
"Too easy” or “too much”? (Re)imagining Protagonistic Enhancement through Machine Vision in Video Games
(Journal article, 2022)This article explores how video games that valorize techno-masculine imaginaries of superhuman domination also present humans as depending on computational and non-human agencies to succeed. Through close readings of Call ... -
Toward a fannish methodology: Affect as an asset
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Fan studies is a multifaceted discipline that developed from widely different fields of research, resulting in a great variety of methodological approaches. A recurring issue in discussions on methodology in fan studies ... -
Towards the automatic evaluation of stylistic quality of natural texts: constructing a special-purpose corpus of stylistic edits from the Wikipedia revision history
(Master thesis, 2016-09-01)This thesis proposes an approach to automatic evaluation of the stylistic quality of natural texts through data-driven methods of Natural Language Processing. Advantages of data driven methods and their dependency on the ...