Browsing Department of Linguistics, Literary and Aestetic Studies by Title
Now showing items 894-913 of 1000
Towards the automatic evaluation of stylistic quality of natural texts: constructing a special-purpose corpus of stylistic edits from the Wikipedia revision history
(Master thesis, 2016-09-01)This thesis proposes an approach to automatic evaluation of the stylistic quality of natural texts through data-driven methods of Natural Language Processing. Advantages of data driven methods and their dependency on the ... -
Tradisjonen tru – eller trua tradisjon?
(Master thesis, 2010-05-18)Masteroppgåva mi: "Tradisjonen tru - eller trua tradisjon? To nynorske samtidsromanar i litterær og kulturell tradisjonssamanheng" spør om nynorsk litteratur som vert skrive i dag er påverka av historia og tradisjonane som ... -
Tragediens bilder: Et prosessuelt perspektiv på nyhetsfotografier fra 22. juli
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-01-23)This thesis discusses the photojournalistic coverage of the 22. July 2011 events in Norway as a social drama inspired by Victor Turner’s studies of rituals and rites of passage. Turner’s model, which explores how human ... -
Tragediens skjebne i romanens tidsalder: Tradisjonssonderinger i lys av Thomas Hardy og William Faulkner
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-06-02)The aim of this dissertation is to address and tentatively answer two interrelated questions, namely “what is a tragedy?” and “how can a novel be tragic?” In order to make the endeavor as concrete as possible, I shall ... -
Tragikomikk, relativitet og kjærlighet. Om Milan Kunderas Latterlige kjærlighetshistorier
(Master thesis, 2009-05-14)There seems to be a certain tragicomical light encompassing Milan Kunderas Laughable Loves (1970). However this feature, quite easy to spot, is somewhat hard to describe. This problem is caused by the tragicomical phenomenon´s ... -
Tragisk taushet: Om den talende og tiende etos i Aiskhylos' Promethevs i lenker
(Master thesis, 2019-09-21)Denne oppgaven handler om tragisk taushet: Taushet slik den manifesterer seg i en attisk tragedie, nemlig Aiskhylos’ Promethevs i lenker. Mens talekunst regnes som definerende for tragedien og dramasjangeren som sådan, er ... -
The Transducer Function: An Introduction to a Theoretical Typology in Electronic Literature and Digital Art
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)In this essay I introduce the notion of transducer function in the fields of electronic literature and digital art. Firstly, I survey the transduction concept throughout its history in such domains as physics, genetics, ... -
Transitivity prominence within and across modalities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12-31)We investigate transitivity prominence of verbs across signed and spoken languages, based on data from both valency dictionaries and corpora. Our methodology relies on the assumption that dictionary data and corpus-based ... -
Translation-based Word Sense Disambiguation
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-12-09)This thesis investigates the use of the translation-based Mirrors method (Dyvik, 2005, inter alia) for Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) for Norwegian. Word Sense Disambiguation is the process of determining the relevant ... -
Translation-based Word Sense Disambiguation: Appendices
(Others, 2011-04-28)Appendix 1: Norwegian ambiguous lemmas in the ENPC where at least two senses have a frequency greater than or equal to 10. Appendix 2: English ambiguous lemmas in the ENPC where at least two senses have a frequency greater ... -
A Translation-based, Automatically Derived Thesaurus of Lithuanian Adjectives, An Explorative Study
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)In this master thesis, I applied the Semantic Mirrors method to the translational correspondences that I have gathered from the parallel corpus. The corpus that I was using was the English-Lithuanian parallel corpus that ... -
Travelling Narratives and Images in Times of Migration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Migrant narratives and aesthetic practices influenced by experiences of exile and migration constitute a growing field in contemporary art and literature. Current trends in migration and globalisation have led to an increase ... -
Tre moderne litterære svar på Henrik Ibsens Et dukkehjem med hovedvekt på Matias Faldbakkens Kaldt produkt. Plassering i forhold til tradisjonen og parodibegrepet.
(Master thesis, 2009-02-02)Ibsens Et dukkehjem er en sentral del av verdenslitteraturen. Derfor er det også nærmest konstant framført og utsatt for akademiske fortolkninger. I denne avhandlingen skal jeg fokusere på en bestemt form for tolkninger ... -
Tre studier i Vergilius' Aeneid: Ideologi och litterär påverkan i skildringen av Neptunus, Aeolus, Aeneas och Iulus
(Others, 2010-08-12)(1) In Aen. 1.50-156, Aeolus, king of winds, enforces his will by imperium, vincla ('fetters') and carcer ('imprisonment'), but his vanquisher, Neptune, lord of the sea, by dictis ('words'), hence relying on natural authority ... -
TREPIL: Developing Methods and Tools for Multilevel Treebank Construction
(In: Civit, Montserrat; Kübler, Sandra; Martí, Ma. Antònia (red.) Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT2005), Chapter, 2005)Current trends in language technology require treebanks that do not stop at the level of constituent structure, but include deeper and richer levels of analysis, including appropriate meaning structures. Capturing sufficient ... -
Tres mentiras de la etnografía digital
(Journal article, 2021)La relativa novedad de la etnografía digital como metodología de investigación, junto con los desafíos que plantea a las aproximaciones clásicas del trabajo de campo, la participación y la representación, da como resultado ... -
Truth and Horror: Lovecraftian horror and the Role Truth Plays Within It.
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)I denne oppgaven vil jeg utforske temaene i Howard Phillips Lovecrafts historier, spesielt hvordan jakten på sannhet fører til galskap for hans karakterer. Lovecraft skildrer sannheten om menneskets plass i universet som ... -
Truth and the 'Transunto': a copy of the Holy Shroud in Sixteenth-Century Bologna
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)'Truth and the transunto' investigates the use of a hand-painted copy of the Holy Shroud which found its way to Bologna in the late sixteenth century. Used by the archbishop of Bologna, Alfonso Paleotti (1531-1610), this ...