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Born-Digital Publications: Public Databases, Hypertext Journals, and Companion Websites as Digital Humanities Tools
(Journal article, 2020)Although we tend to think about digital humanities as the application of quantitative methods to digitized material, other digital tools can impact scholarship considerably. I introduce three types of born-digital publications: ... -
Brain Correlates of Attentional Load Processing Reflect Degree of Bilingual Engagement: Evidence from EEG
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The present study uses electroencephalography (EEG) with an N-back task (0-, 1-, and 2-back) to investigate if and how individual bilingual experiences modulate brain activity and cognitive processes. The N-back is an ... -
Brand i 1866. Kritikk, debatt, polemikk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Artikkelen undersøker på ny den første norske resepsjonen av Ibsens Brand, fra serien med anmeldelser i de første aprildagene 1866 til Kristian Winter-Hjelms to større artikler i begynnelsen av desember samme år. Ny ... -
Brorskap frå Bronx til Bergen. Ein studie av stil og kjønn i bergensk hipphopp
(Master thesis, 2010-05-13)Denne oppgåva handlar om hipphopp, stil og kjønn i Bergen. Problemstillinga eg søkjer å finne svar på er: "Korleis blir vennskap, forhold mellom kjønna og den heterofile mannen framstilt i bergensk hipphopp?" Hipphopp er ... -
Bruk av dobbeltnavn blant hordalandsungdom mellom 16 og 19 år
(Master thesis, 2018-06-16)Mastergradsoppgavens hovedproblemstilling er: «Bruker hordalandsungdommer på 16-19 år dobbeltnavnet sitt?». Målet med oppgaven er å vise både i hvor stor grad ungdommer med doble fornavn, bosatt i Hordaland, bruker og blir ... -
Bymål i Sunnfjord. Ei sosiolingvistisk undersøking av språk og identitet i Florø og Førde
(Master thesis, 2003)Hovudmålet for hovudfagsavhandlinga mi var å finne ut om det var nokon samanheng mellom lokal identitet, språkhaldningar og språkbruk i dei to byane Florø og Førde, som ligg i Sunnfjordregionen i Sogn og Fjordane. Hypotesen ... -
Bymotivet i Lawrence Durrells The Alexandria Quartet
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)Oppgaven er en analyse av Lawrence Durrells The Alexandria Quartet, og utforsker forholdet mellom verkets kunst- og forfattertematikk og Alexandria som litterært motiv. Min hovedhypotese i oppgaven er at byen er en symbolsk ... -
"Bøker er det eneste som møter deg med ryggen til" - Om skolebibliotekarer, skolebibliotek og lesing
(Master thesis, 2017-06-15)Hovedmålet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke hvorvidt skolenes satsing på lesing viser igjen i skolebibliotekene. Jeg vil primært se på dette på skolenivå, men vil også komme innom kommune- og nasjonalt nivå. For å undersøke ... -
Camilla Collett – den felande länken i svensk litteraturhistoria
(Chapter, 2023) -
CARLES MIRALLES†, VITTORIO CITTI, LIANA LOMIENTO, Eschilo: Supplici, Supplemento al Bollettino dei Classici 33, Roma: Bardi Edizioni, 2019, €40.00, 500 pp., ISBN: 978-88-218-1188-3
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)A vindication of the case of the Danaids as one of justice and self-defence is a more attractive reading of the tragedy and reconstruction of the trilogy than an assumption of error in the actions of the girls and their ... -
Charting artificial intelligence in reality and fiction. A study of how the act of fictionalizing influences human perception of technology
(Master thesis, 2016-11-20)This study strives to understand the act of fictionalizing and how it affects humans' perception of artificial intelligence both with and without a bodily representation. As these technologies becomes more intrinsic to our ... -
Chatboten som sosial aktør. Kor godt fungerer chatboten som sosial aktør og kan den forbetre kommunikasjonsevna til mennesket?
(Master thesis, 2019-10-19)This master thesis is about whether chatbots are successful as social actors, and whether they can contribute to develop the human communication skill and the human being. My thesis investigates how development in information ... -
Chromatic variation in late antique rainbows
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Depictions of rainbows in late antique and early Byzantine art follow the normal sequence of the spectral colours, only some bows exclude blue and violet. Another characteristic feature of the late antique rainbow is the ... -
Citation of research data for linguistic publications
(Conference lecture, 2019)Meeting agenda: The main goal of this meeting is to edit a section on data citation to be integrated into existing style sheets for linguistics (i.e. the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics and the Generic Style Rules for ... -
CLARINO Resources: Lisence clearance and clearing ownership
(Other presentation, 2014-03-06)The presentation outlines the relationship between CLARIN and CLARINO, introduces basic IPR and licensing concepts, presents relevant license models and templates (e.g. Creative Commons, CLARIN licenses), presents guidelines ... -
The Classical in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture – an Introduction
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This special issue of CLARA titled ‘The Classical in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture’ focuses on the impact of Greco-Roman antiquity on present day art and culture. Over the last few decades, antique statues have been ... -
Classifying humans: the indirect reverse operativity of machine vision
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Classifying is human. Classifying is also what machine vision technologies do. This article analyses the cybernetic loop between human and machine classification by examining artworks that depict instances of bias when ... -
Clause structure, pro-drop and control in Wolof: an LFG/XLE perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This paper provides a formal description of the syntactic analysis of core constructions of Wolof clausal/verbal morphosyntax within the Lexical-Functional Grammar formalism. This includes the basic phrase structure, ... -
Codeswitching on Ghanaian radio talk-shows: "Bilingualism as an asset"
(Master thesis, 2015-05-13)Codeswitching (CS) between Akan and English in recent times has become a tool used on Akan radio, to disseminate information in Ghana. This study explored the functions CS plays during formal interaction on Akan radio ... -
Cognitive and social interaction in cyberspace:Prosthetic functions of the Internet
(Master thesis, 2014-05-30)This is a qualitative social constructivist research of individuals living in the area of Bergen and their daily Internet use. I argue that we are living in a prosthetic culture within the cyberculture. Cyberspace is ...