Browsing Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design by Title
Now showing items 197-216 of 226
Rhizomatic Trajectories
(Book, 2020)Topographies of the Obsolete is an artistic research project conceived in 2012 by University of Bergen Professors Neil Brownsword and Anne Helen Mydland, in collaboration with six European HEI’s and the British Ceramics ... -
Rom for liv
(Master thesis, 2016) -
The room is a mess: Exploring the co-creation of space for attunement dynamics between an autistic child and a non-autistic music therapist
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction Music therapy practice and research in the field of autism has often followed medical narratives that reinforce neurotypical normalcy by locating the difficulties of social interaction in the autistic person. ... -
Samtale og musikkterapi i fengsel - En kvalitativ studie om hvordan to musikkterapeuter bruker samtale med innsatte i forbindelse med musikkterapi i mannsfengsel
(Master thesis, 2019-06-19)This study explores how two music therapists in male prisons use verbal conversation with inmates in conjunction with music therapy. This includes conversations within the music therapy session and the before, after and ... -
Sangskriving med ungdom i barnevernet
(Master thesis, 2018-06-09)Denne masteroppgaven handler om sangskriving med ungdom tilknyttet barnevernet. Prosjektet var gjennomført på min arbeidsplass, og informantene har gått i musikkterapi minst et år. Hovedfokuset i oppgaven er å se på ... -
Sangstund på sykehjem: en fokusert etnografisk studie
(Master thesis, 2018-06-16)This master thesis is an ethnographically informed study about “sangstund” (group singing or sing-along) in nursing homes. It explores how sangstund is performed and if it can affect how nurses and residents view and ... -
Sense of Belonging and Language Acquisition: a Pilot RCT Examining Effects of Group Musicking in Adult Migrants Learning Norwegian
(Master thesis, 2023-05-17)This master’s thesis uses a parallel Pilot-RCT design to explore a possible connection between group musicking, sense of belonging and second language acquisition in adults learning Norwegian in a Norwegian University. ... -
Short-term Music Therapy for Families With Preterm Infants: A Randomized Trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)OBJECTIVES To evaluate short-term effects of music therapy (MT) for premature infants and their caregivers on mother-infant bonding, parental anxiety, and maternal depression. METHODS Parallel, pragmatic, randomized ... -
Singing training as a musical intervention for people in early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease - A multiple case study
(Master thesis, 2019-06-19) -
"Skal far/mor være med?" En kvalitativ studie av foreldreinkludering i musikkterapi med barn på sykehus
(Master thesis, 2015-10-16)Fokuset i dette studiet er inkludering av foreldre i musikkterapi med barn på norske sykehus. Gjennom semistrukturert intervju, er tre musikkterapeuter som jobber eller har jobbet på sykehus sine erfaringer angående ... -
Socialarbetare kontra rollen som konstnär i relationsbaserad konst
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Sound Waves Of Inner And Outer Territories – For 4 voices and the spaces between
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Støttetekst til masteroppgåve komposisjon
(Master thesis, 2010-05-17) -
Threshold Zero - On heavy metal's positive potentials in music therapy
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)This thesis examines the positive potentials of heavy metal music. A comprehensive literature review reveals a lack of research on this field, giving inspiration to a qualitative study that focuses on heavy metal as a ... -
To be continued. (The eternal quest to challenge the conventions of painting)
(Master thesis, 2016) -
To be or not to be - terapeutens paradoks når målet er empowerment.
(Master thesis, 2009-02-04)To be or not to be - the therapist's paradox when the aim of therapy is empowerment The basis for this research project was my own personal curiosity regarding which role I should assume in a music group consisting of ... -
Treatment fidelity in a pragmatic clinical trial of music therapy for premature infants and their parents: the LongSTEP study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-03)Background: Treatment fidelity (TF) refers to methodological strategies used to monitor and enhance the reliability and validity of interventions. We evaluated TF in a pragmatic RCT of music therapy (MT) for premature ... -
Trenger vi stoler?
(Master thesis, 2020)Stolen står sentralt i diskusjoner om moderne sykdommer og livstilproblemer. Stillesitting er en konstatert årsak til mange lidelser og et økende globalt problem. Kulturhistorien og fysiologisk forskning bekrefter dette. ... -
Turkish rap in The Netherlands: Globalization, Diasporic Identity and Cultural Conservatism
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-09-13)This research, first, looks at how rap music and hip-hop culture have become a significant means of imagination of diasporic identity in the Netherlands among Turks in terms of explorations mainly on globalism, multiculturalism ...