Browsing Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 226
167 timer på egenhånd: Samarbeid med smertepasienter gjennom musikkterapi for utforsking og utvikling av verktøy for smertemestring
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Among one in three live with prolonged pain, and there are limited health care services to support their complex needs. Music therapy is a fairly unexplored resource for this population, and research is scarce. The aim of ... -
50 Billion Micrograms. In Search of the Aftermath of an Event
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This exposition provides an example of how art can offer an alternative way of understanding the past through my work “50 Billion Micrograms”. The project explored a forgotten media event from 1979, in which a gigantic ... -
"Andre viser omsorg, så da må jeg og kunne klare det". En kvalitativ undersøkelse av medlemmers sosiale erfaringer knyttet til deltakelse i et kor for mennesker med psykiske helseplager
(Master thesis, 2012-11-20)The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the social experiences of participants in a choir for people with mental health problems. The context of the choir is a community resource centre for mental health. ... -
The art of garage. How to rock & roll your artwork
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Ashmolean Papers
(Book, 2017)Draws together and extends proceedings from a symposium held at the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Oxford. It offers a broad range of interdisciplinary insights into issues surrounding the impact ... -
Autistiske barn leder veg i musikkterapien: Korleis kan ein fremja barnet si stemma?
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Denne studien utforskar korleis ein kan utvikle eit musikkterapitilbod, i saman med autistiske barn i ein skulesamanheng ved å bruke tilpassa deltakande aksjonsforsking. Medan tilpassingar for autistiske barn vanlegvis ... -
Avspenning i reseptiv musikkterapi: En kasusstudie med to afasipasienter under rehabilitering
(Master thesis, 2008-05-15)Dette er en kvalitativ kasus studie med fokus på hvorvidt reseptiv musikkterapi virker avspennende på to pasienter som har fått afasi forårsaket av hjerneslag. Afasipasientene mottok et ulikt antall musikkterapitimer, over ... -
«Å ta med noen andre inn i sitt univers»: Ungdommers refleksjoner fra å utvikle en musikk- og teatergruppe på en individuelt tilpasset skole
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01)I denne kappen vil jeg kontekstualisere artikkelen “Bringing Someone Else into Your Universe”: Adolescents Reflections from Developing a Music and Theatre Group in an Individually Adapted High School. Artikkelen presenterer ... -
Battling illness with wellness: a qualitative case study of a young rapper’s experiences with music therapy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-05-01)Mental health difficulties are connected with major interpersonal and social challenges. Recent qualitative research indicates that music therapy can facilitate many of the core elements found to promote social recovery ... -
Becoming a Reflexive Practitioner: Exploring Music Therapy Students´ Learning Experiences with Participatory Role-Play in a Norwegian Context
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The objective of this qualitative study was to explore music therapy students' learning experiences of participatory role-play in the context of the integrated music therapy master´s program at the University of Bergen in ... -
Being a gentle complainer. How to be a gentle complainer in your messy surroundings
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Being a person who plays in a band rather than being a person with a mental illness playing in a band: A qualitative study of stigma in the context of music therapy in mental health aftercare
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Introduction The study explores the theme “stigma” and how it was experienced by participants in MOT82, a music therapy project in the field of mental health aftercare in Norway. The theme is explored through the research ... -
Being with friends and having fun! : Music therapy with refugee children in a Norwegian primary school context
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-06-11)Flyktningbarn kan være utsett for svært belastande livsomstende, og helse og utvikling er i stor grad avhengig av trivsel og livskvalitet i landet dei reetablerer seg i. Skulen er ein viktig utviklingskontekst, men forsking ... -
Between instrument and everyday sound
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-03-24)The aim of the project is to explore multidimentional, amorphous and vague expressions arising when many aspects of the music are given more independent roles than in traditional musical writing styles. What interests me ... -
Betydningsfull gjennom musikk: En samfunnspsykologisk studie av musikkterapiens ringvirkninger i barnehagen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Aims and background: To explore music therapy as special education at preschool level. The research has been carried out in a context where the relevance of music therapy is understood in light of children’s rights to ... -
Blister on my east foot
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Characteristics of music therapy with beneficial impacts on agitation in dementia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Several reviews in recent years have reported evidence of the effect of music on the serious problem of agitation in dementia. Some reviews draw different conclusions, however, which actualizes the need for studies that ... -
Collaboration Between Social Workers and Music Therapists in a Child Welfare Context for Unaccompanied Refugee Children
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Migration poses a complex global challenge, particularly for unaccompanied refugee children. In Norway, almost all of these children suffer from mental health issues and face settlement challenges. These young people are ... -
Community Music Therapy in the United States: A Thematic Analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Community Music Therapy (CoMT) practices are continuing to develop within the international music therapy community. However, the development and implementation of music therapy through a CoMT lens in the United States has ... -
Composition in Essay Form. In Memory of Morten Eide Pedersen.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)This essay is written in memory of Morten Eide Pedersen, my former teacher in composition, who passed away unexpectedly in October 2014. The text is divided into the following parts: “Against Tedious Academic Writing”, ...