«Pappa, pappa, i dag spelte eg på ein frosk!» - ein kvalitativ studie om deltakarar sine opplevingar av ei musikkterapigruppe på ein barne- og ungdomsklinikk på sjukehus
In this thesis the focus is on how participants in a music therapy group in a child- and youth clinic at a hospital experience the group, and how these experiences could be viewed in relation to their general experiences of the hospital environment. The music therapy group is facilitated by the researcher, and will be a supplement to an existing music therapy offer at the clinic. The study is based on my experiences with the group, and the participants’ experiences will be explored through qualitative interviews with seven participants from the music therapy group, and seen in relation to existing literature and research on the field of music therapy with hospitalized children. The findings suggest that the music therapy group could be seen as an important supplement to individualized music therapy, and that it could have ‘ripple effect’ to other parts of the systems that participants take part in.