Browsing Master theses by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 133
A Comparison of the local Gaussian correlation and the local dependence function
(Master thesis, 2022-06-01)Correlation is a method to measure the relation between two or more variables. In this thesis, a method of measuring correlation and a method of measuring dependence are used. These two methods, are the local Gaussian ... -
A delayed SEIR-model of the Covid-19 pandemic
(Master thesis, 2022-06-01) -
A Dimensionality Reducing Extension of Bayesian Relevance Learning
(Master thesis, 2021-02-11)When modeling with big data and high dimensional data, the ability to extract the most important information from the data set and avoid overfitting is crucial. However, by using well developed sparse methods, we can ... -
A numerical study of water exchange in sill fjords and the effect of coastal climate change
(Master thesis, 2019-05-27)The dynamics of basin water exchange in sill fjords are governed by external factors. This thesis addresses how climate change on the coast may affect the water exchange of the basin water. A three-dimensional hydrostatic ... -
A SEIR-model of the Covid-19 Pandemic; Developed, Optimized and Explained.
(Master thesis, 2022-06-01) -
A simulation study of the basin water renewal in the Norwegian thershold fjord Haugsværfjorden
(Master thesis, 2022-06-01) -
A Statistical Study on the Non-linear Properties of Shoaling Ocean Waves
(Master thesis, 2021-03-01) -
Acoustic and Boundary Layer Comparisons Between Navier-Stokes and Svärd's Modified Navier-Stokes Equations
(Master thesis, 2021-12-22) -
Algebra i norske lærebøker. En analyse av tre lærebøker for 8. trinn
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker presentasjonen og struktureringen av algebra i tre utvalgte norske lærebøker i matematikk for 8.trinn. Motivasjonen for studien stammer fra de vedvarende utfordringene norske elever møter i ... -
Algoritmisk tenkning og kreativitet
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01)Den raske teknologiutviklingen har ført til at det stadig stilles nye krav til befolkningens kompetanse og ferdigheter. Algoritmisk tenkning og kreativitet anses som essensielle ferdigheter i det 21.århundre. Gjennom ... -
An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01)Riemann surfaces are an important topic in both mathematics and physics. This thesis serves as an introduction to the basics of Riemann surfaces. -
Analysis of AMR and Other Mesh-Refinement Techniques for Inviscid Fluid Problems
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01) -
APARCH Models Estimated by Support Vector Regression
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)This thesis presents a comprehensive study of asymmetric power autoregressive conditional heteroschedasticity (APARCH) models for modelling volatility in financial return data. The goal is to estimate and forecast volatility ... -
Application of Hilbert-Huang Transform in Bearing Fault Detection
(Master thesis, 2020-03-21) -
Application of Wavenet to financial times series prediction
(Master thesis, 2024-02-15)This thesis explores the application of the WaveNet model utilizing dilated causal convolutions, originally designed for text-to-speech synthesis on univariate time series. Here it is adapted to predicting on multivariate ... -
Area rearrangement operator in discrete and continuous calculus
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)By interpreting sums as area we construct the area rearrangement operator which looks like Φ = −x d/dx in the continuous case and φ = −x∆ in the discrete case. We explore the properties of these operators, among them how ... -
Bevis i undervising av realfagsmatematikk i vidaregåande skule
(Master thesis, 2019-06-22)Bevis har spelt ei sentral rolle i utvikling av matematikken, og kan seiast å danne grunnlaget for kvifor matematikken er som den er. Bevisa viser kvifor formlar og teorem stemmer, men dei har fleire roller utover dette; ... -
Boussinesq modeling of the influence of wave energy converters on nearshore circulation
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01)In Chapter 4 it was found that particle transport is much more sensitive to waves originating in the infra-gravity (IG) band. These are waves which typically have much smaller amplitudes than the typical waves seen on the ... -
Brøkforståelse og holdninger til matematikk hos elever som starter på videregående skole.
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)Denne masteroppgaven handler om hvilke kunnskaper elever som starter på videregående skole har om grunnleggende brøk og deres holdninger til matematikkfaget. Formålet med oppgaven er å finne ut av hvilke kompetanse elevene ... -
Cartan Connection in Sub-Riemannian Geometry
(Master thesis, 2019-12-13)