Blar i Master theses på tittel
Viser treff 46-65 av 133
Equivalent Euclidean Data Complexes
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)Euclidean data complexes are simplicial complexes that have been constructed from a point cloud in Euclidean space. Two of the most important examples of such complexes are the Čech and Alpha complex. In this thesis, we ... -
Evaluation of a deep neural network for acoustic classification using simulated echo sounder data
(Master thesis, 2020-06-16)An important part of fisheries acoustics is the classification of fish species. Sound waves are transmitted through water to detect fish species, and the echoes returning from the fish are categorized to be used for fish ... -
Exploring Two Decades of Mesoscale Eddy Variability in the Lofoten Basin by Applying Automated Eddy Detection and Singularity Analysis to Remote Sensing Data
(Master thesis, 2024-06-05)The Lofoten Basin in the Norwegian Sea is located along the advective path of the warm and saline Atlantic Water transported from the North Atlantic to the Arctic. Bordered by the two branches of the Norwegian Atlantic ... -
(Master thesis, 2020-06-25) -
Fallacy of a correction factor in automated computer vision-based lice counting
(Master thesis, 2023-11-20)Parasitic salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis, Krøyer 1837) are a threat to the health and welfare of farmed salmonids and to the sustainability of wild salmon populations in Norway. Accordingly, the opportunities for ... -
Finite element method for degenerate mixed dimensional flow problem in porous media
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20) -
Forecasting Electricity Production from Photovoltaic Solar Panels using Elastic Net Regularization
(Master thesis, 2019-06-15) -
Generalized Permutohedra and Nestohedra
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01) -
Geometric reconstruction and persistence methods
(Master thesis, 2020-07-01)In the present work we reconstruct the homotopy type of an unknown Euclidean subspace from a known sample of data. We carry out such reconstruction through generalized Čech complexes, by choosing radii which are less or ... -
Geometry of embedded CR manifolds
(Master thesis, 2020-07-03)The reader is introduced to the geometry of CR manifolds, which are real submanifolds of complex space with a complex structure on a subbundle of its tangent bundle. Explicit formulas for the geometrical aspects of CR(1,1) ... -
Gradient Methods for Source Identification Problems
(Master thesis, 2020-08-19)In this thesis we are interested in the problem of identifying point sources in an advection-diffusion model, given some measurements. By writing the problem as a minimization problem, we use a non-linear conjugate gradient ... -
Hidden Markov and Hidden Semi-Markov models on Financial Timeseries
(Master thesis, 2020-09-11) -
Higher-order Boussinesq systems: Modeling, numerics and applications
(Master thesis, 2019-06-22) -
HomologyBasis: Fast Computation of Persistent Homology
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)Simplicial complexes are used in topological data analysis (TDA) to extract topological features of the data. The HomologyBasis algorithm is proposed as an efficient method for the computation of the topological features ... -
Image-Derived Forces in an Elastic Image Registration Model
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)In this work, we explore the role of image-derived forces in an elastic image registration model, and investigate the possibility of accurately estimating displacement fields. Further, we propose a novel, physically ... -
Individual-Based Modelling As a Tool for Sustainable Red Deer Management
(Master thesis, 2019-06-15)Being able to predict how a population of red deer evolve over time for different hunting strategies, can be helpful for wildlife management in their decision-making as means for achieving a sustainable red deer population. ... -
Inferring CRCs progression dynamic with HyperTraPS
(Master thesis, 2021-07-07) -
Infinity-categorical Thom spectra
(Master thesis, 2022-06-01) -
Iterative methods for solving the Multiple Network Poroelastic Theory (MPET) model
(Master thesis, 2022-01-17) -
Itererte modular og linne n-kategoriar
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01)Me ser på iterasjon av operasjonen "(dei endeleg-genererte frie) modulane til" med utgangspunkt i ein kommutativ rig, altså ein kommutativ ring som ikkje nødvendigvis har additive inversar. I første omgang dannar desse ...