Browsing Master theses by Title
Now showing items 117-136 of 147
The Effects of Human Activities on The Ecosystem of Kelp Forests in Norway: A System Dynamics Modelling Approach
(Master thesis, 2023-03-22)This thesis aims to contribute to existing knowledge about the ecosystem of kelp forests in Norway. The thesis revolves around the creation of a model that is a simplified conceptual representation of the ecosystem, which ... -
The Electric Scooter: a sustainable form of urban micro-mobility transport? A Geographical Overview
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Urbanisation has been overgrown in recent years, and the ever-increasing demand for efficient transportation options has pointed to significant challenges for cities around the globe. It became a pressing concern for ... -
The emotional outreach of climate direct actions: alterations of art and space. Stopp Oljeletinga's alliance building strategy from an activist geographic approach
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Stopp Oljeletinga (SOL), Norwegian climate activist campaign, has in late 2022 performed two closely timed protest actions which saw the momentary alteration of Edward Munch’ “Scream” and Gustav Vigeland’s “Monolittplatået” ... -
The green transition in a hybrid totality Heterodox views on the zero-emission prospect
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The thesis takes as research objective the prospect of a pathway to a zero-emission economy in the climate transition literature, coined the Transition Question. It is posited that the prescriptive politics for the climate ... -
(Master thesis, 2021-06-18)Illegal gold mining is arguably the most challenging national issue in Ghana today. This unbridled rush for gold has unleashed inestimable damages to the economy of Ghana including child labor, environmental stress, loss ... -
The impact of exchange rate policy on the level of trade competitiveness in Ukraine
(Master thesis, 2023-06-10)The impact of the exchange rate on the trade positions of national producers and on the development of domestic production is one of the critical issues for developing countries. Before the start of the full-scale invasion ... -
The impact of interactive learning environments on the methods of learning used today
(Master thesis, 2022-06-03)There have been changes in the world since technology made its entrance. The way of study at school, or the way of earning higher competence of subjects, have been brought online. There are dynamic changes to the ways of ... -
The impact of the existing hydro-based Norwegian electricity market on the potential of offshore wind
(Master thesis, 2019-06-21) -
The Impact of Tourist Behavior Intention on Panda Ecotourism Based on System Dynamics -- A case study of panda eco-tourism project in China
(Master thesis, 2019-06-13)In recent years, tourism is becoming more and more popular, government has put forward an ecological tourism on giant pandas in Sichuan Province, aiming at promoting local tourism and promoting economic development. At the ... -
The Long Road to Nowhere: Population, Transportation and Home Working in Bergen
(Master thesis, 2021-07-11) -
The Obesity Epidemic in Turkey: A System Dynamics and Behavioral Economics Approach in the context of an Obesogenic System
(Master thesis, 2022-08-09)Obesity is an increasing problem across the world, and it has risen dramatically in the last decades. It is a major risk factor for noncommunicable diseases which are the world’s leading cause of death. In Turkey, the ... -
Tid, makt og medvirkning i planprosesser - en case-studie fra jernbaneutviklingen i Moss
(Master thesis, 2019-05-15)Denne oppgaven er en case-studie av en over 25 år lang planprosess knyttet til jernbaneutvik-ling i Moss. Studiet prøver å identifisere hva slags utfordringer knyttet til tid, makt og medvirkning som oppstår i en så lang ... -
To våtmarksområder i endring over 70 år: Naturtypekartlegging og økologisk tilstandsvurdering av Ulsetstemma og Krosslivatnet i Åsane i Bergen
(Master thesis, 2020-06-23)Forvaltning av våtmark- og ferskvannsystemer havner ofte i konflikt med annen verdiskapning tilknyttet urbanisering. Slike blå-grønne infrastrukturer er svært viktige. De er grønne lunger som tilbyr både økologiske og ... -
Traces, causes, and consequences of the Glacier Lake Outburst Floods from Austerdalsisen, Mo i Rana, between 1941 to 1958.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs) present themselves as large-scale natural hazards being highly destructive and potentially life-threatening. This study investigated traces, causes and consequences of the GLOFs that ... -
Trafikkreduksjon og bilfrihet i Bergen
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)Dette studiet tar for seg tematikken bilfrihet og reduksjon av personbiltrafikk i Bergen. Formålet har vært å undersøke hovedproblemstillingen hvordan Bergen kommune arbeider for en bilfri by. Oppgaven har tatt utgangspunkt ... -
Transitioning to Electric Vehicles in the US
(Master thesis, 2022-12-12)Concerns about growing greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels have become increasingly pressing in recent years and reducing energy use and shifting to cleaner fuels have become explicit political goals. The US is ... -
Tuning in on the Global Tuna Value Chain. A Political Ecology Perspective on Food Loss and Waste
(Master thesis, 2021-08-02)This master thesis explores the food loss and waste of tuna resources in the global tuna value chains. The aim is to understand how the global system of governance affects the access to and utilisation of tuna resources ... -
Tørkesommeren 2018: En casestudie av jordbrukets resiliens til ekstremværhendelser og utvikling av klimatilpasningsstrategier
(Master thesis, 2020-06-17)Endrede værmønstre og mer ekstremvær som følge av klimaendringene er en av de største utfordringene for jordbruk og matsikkerhet. Tørken som rammet Norge og store deler av Europa sommeren 2018 understreker at også norsk ...