Browsing Master theses by Title
Now showing items 84-103 of 147
Multi-Method Approach of System Dynamics And Agent-Based Modeling: A Practical Case Study of the Norwegian Dairy Supply Chain
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)A multi-method, hybrid model was developed combining system dynamics and agent-based modeling for the Norwegian dairy product supply chain. The model and relevant data was adapted from an ongoing work in developing a purely ... -
Nabolagsorganisering og sosial bærekraft
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å sette miljøvennlige handlinger i et nytt lys. For å gjøre det er det utført en studie som ser på mennesker som har fokus på bærekraft på en lokal skala; nemlig nabolaget. Masteroppgaven ... -
Natur i endring: Skogekspansjon og gjengroing i et kystlandskap over 70 år - En studie i Isdalen, Bergen kommune
(Master thesis, 2021-08-02)Flere steder i Norge og verden er det observert at skog- og tregrenser har ekspandert gjennom de siste 100 årene. Spesielt alpine områder har vært mye undersøkt, mens kystlandskapet til dels er blitt neglisjert. Målet for ... -
Navigating Demographic Transitions: Analyzing Refugee Population Dynamics and Urban Relocation in the Kinn Municipality
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis explores the demographic challenges and policy responses within Kinn Kommune, focusing on the projected population decline and regional strategies aimed at mitigating outmigration and fostering community ... -
Nye tanker om bolig i Bergen - en studie av Delegården og sosial bærekraft i boligutvikling
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03) -
Observation of cetaceans’ population dynamic in the Black Sea waters including the negative impact of Russian Invasion: A System Dynamics Approach
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)This research focuses on the representation of the population dynamics of cetaceans in the Black Sea. The impact of a full-scale Russian invasion is also taken into account. With the help of the approach of System Dynamics, ... -
Perceptions of individual lifestyle changes in Norway's sustainability transition
(Master thesis, 2022-05-16)By ratifying the Paris Agreement in 2015, Norway pledged to attempt to keep the global temperature rise to below 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Through the agreement, Norway has committed to cutting 40% of emissions, ... -
Pilot Study: Effectiveness of System Dynamics based Interactive Learning Environment SD/ILE as an interdisciplinary educational tool in K-12 classrooms
(Master thesis, 2021-06-14)Systems thinking is a methodology used to explore and understand the interrelationships within complex systems. One of the key concepts in systems thinking are the feedback loops. This research aims to assess the effectiveness ... -
Plast i produksjonssystem - en studie av fiskeri- og havbruksnæringen i Hordaland
(Master thesis, 2020-06-20)Marin plastforsøpling har fått stor oppmerksomhet den siste tiden. Dette har medført et økt fokus rundt problemstillinger vedrørende bærekraftig plastavfallsbehandling. Dette studiet tar utgangspunkt i fiskeri- og ... -
Population dynamic modeling to further improve the understanding of the impact of the level of the Proportion of Illegally Killed Elephants (PIKE) on elephant populations at a Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) site in Kenya.
(Master thesis, 2021-08-17)Elephants play an important role in ecosystem function and help maintain suitable habitats for many other species as well as maintain ecosystem health. However, African Elephant populations have declined by 60% over the ... -
Raw Material Inventory Control Analysis: A Case Study for a Manufacturing Firm in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02) -
Refugee Integration in Norway: A System Dynamics Modeling Approach
(Master thesis, 2022-11-28)In the past decade, there has been a continuous rise of a number of refugees globally. Many countries are therefore expected to help and welcome more refugees. However, many studies have shown that among the immigrants, ... -
Rekonstruksjon av bre- og klimahistorien ved Glombreen basert på kvartærgeologisk kartlegging og innsjøsedimenter i Selstaddalen, Meløy i Nordland
(Master thesis, 2022-08-01)Formålet i denne studien var å rekonstruere bre- og klimahistorien basert på kvartærgeologisk kartlegging og innsjøsedimenter i Selstaddalen, Meløy kommune. Det ble sommeren 2017 utført kartlegging i dalen og sedimentkjernetaking ... -
Rekonstruksjon av samspillet mellom bre- og havnivåfluktuasjoner under deglasiasjonen ved Renså i Tjeldsund, Nord-Norge
(Master thesis, 2021-08-02)I denne studien er bre- og havnivåfluktuasjoner i Rensådalen i Tjeldsund kommune, Troms og Finnmark under siste fase av deglasiasjonen etter siste istid rekonstruert. Arbeidet ble gjort gjennom kvartærgeologisk kartlegging, ... -
Rise and fall of an ice-cored moraine A case study from Semskfjellet, Saltfjellet, northern Norway - investigating the role of hydrological processes in the decay of an ice-cored moraine
(Master thesis, 2022-05-16)Nedbrytning av iskjernemorener som demmer bresjøer utgjør en mulig naturfare. Det er derfor viktig å studere og forstå hvordan dynamikken i iskjernemorener påvirkes av endringer i klima, for å kunne forebygge og minimere ... -
Rule compliance in public forests: A pilot experiment
(Master thesis, 2020-07-14)Illegal logging is a serious issue that not only has dire environmental and social consequences, but also bring forwards the issue of poor governance of common pool resources. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute ... -
Scales of Energy Justice: Solar power and energy poverty alleviation
(Master thesis, 2020-06-20)The threats climate change poses require rapid and wide decarbonization efforts in the energy sector. Historically, traditional, large-scale energy operations have frequently led to energy-related injustices. Energy poverty ... -
Senglasial- og holocen strandforskyvning for østlige deler av Hinnøya
(Master thesis, 2022-08-01)En strandforskyvningskurve har i denne studien blitt konstruert for et område øst på Hinnøya i Nord-Norge. Totalt ble fem sediment kjerner hentet med «russer bor» fra to isolasjons basseng analysert. Bassengene; Medkilvatnet ... -
Shortage of General Physicians' Impact on Medical Malpractice Deaths, The Case of Quebec
(Master thesis, 2022-11-28)In 2012, A study was released showing that more than 40,000 lives were claimed because of medical malpractice in Canada; it is estimated that more than 9,000 of these deaths happened in Quebec in the same year (Charney, ... -
Simulation-based Assessment of Cholera Epidemic Response: Al-Hudaydah, Yemen
(Master thesis, 2022-05-31)