Browsing Master theses by Title
Now showing items 153-172 of 220
Optimizing Feeder Network Design with Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Hyperheuristic Approach
(Master thesis, 2023-07-01)BORA : Yes Across the globe, hundreds of shipping networks form an intricate web of trade routes forming the backbone of international commerce. These networks are responsible for an estimated 80 percent of all cargo ... -
Optimizing marine insurance brokerage
(Master thesis, 2019-06-26)Insurance coverages for marine shipping fleets are often created by a broker, who negotiates underwriter insurance offers on behalf of the fleet owner. The broker evaluates different combinations of offers, searching for ... -
Optimizing storage of fish feed – An experimental study on maximizing the available space at Skretting's storage facility.
(Master thesis, 2021-10-17)In this Master's thesis I develop a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) optimization model. The model is designed to propose storage placements for upcoming production of fish feed. -
Overlapping Community Detection using Cluster Editing with Vertex Splitting
(Master thesis, 2022-11-21)The problem Cluster Editing with Vertex Splitting models the task of overlapping community detection by yielding a cluster graph wherein a vertex of the input graph may be split so that it is present in several clusters. ... -
Parallel Community Detection in Incremental Graphs
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)The problem of community detection in large, expanding real-world networks presents significant challenges due to the scale and complexity of these networks. Traditional algorithms struggle to provide optimal solutions or ... -
Parameterized Complexity of Fair Graph Clustering
(Master thesis, 2022-08-29)The problem of $\alpha-$ \textsl{BALANCED CLUSTER VERTEX DELETION} where \(\alpha \geq 1 \) is some constant, asks whether it is possible to delete at most \(k\) vertecies from a vertex colored graph such that that it ... -
Polar Codes and LDPC Codes in 5G New Radio
(Master thesis, 2022-06-30) -
Practical implementation of a parametrized binary matrix clustering algorithm
(Master thesis, 2021-11-22)In the [Fomin et al., 2020b] paper, the authors gave an exact parameterized algorithm for the Binary r-Means clustering problem, parameterized by $k+r$, with the runtime of $2^{\mathcal{O} (\sqrt{rk log(k+r) logr})}*nm$. ... -
Prediction of Hyper-Congestion in Transport Systems
(Master thesis, 2022-12-01) -
Processing and Fusion of Transport platooning sensor data
(Master thesis, 2022-06-01)In this thesis we are considering a data set which a group of researchers gathered, while conducting a transport platooning field experiment. We are assisting in the processing and fusion of the data, gathered during this ... -
Properties of locally checkable vertex partitioning problems in digraphs
(Master thesis, 2022-05-31)While, for undirected graphs, locally checkable vertex subset and partitioning problems have been studied extensively, the equivalent directed problems have not received nearly as much attention yet. We take a closer look ... -
Prototyping and Evaluation of Sensor Data Integration in Cloud Platforms
(Master thesis, 2022-09-01)The SFI Smart Ocean centre has initiated a long-running project which consists of developing a wireless and autonomous marine observation system for monitoring of underwater environments and structures. The increasing ... -
Quantum Computing, how it is jeopardizing RSA, and Post-Quantum Cryptography
(Master thesis, 2020-12-19)Quantum computers are a fact and with the quantum computers follows quantum algorithms. How will quantum computing affect how we look at public-key cryptography? And more specifically: how will it affect the most widely ... -
Refactoring of Ocean Data Processing and Visualization Software Using Scientific Workflow Modeling
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)The Arctic Package is a MATLAB software package for modeling and visualization of acoustic propagation. It aims to improve the accessibility and understanding of ocean processes and how they affect the climate. This thesis ... -
Relative NAND-clause growth in Neg refutations
(Master thesis, 2022-01-18)Any given propositional discourse can be expressed as a NAND-OR theory – a set of OR-clauses (disjunctions of literals) and NAND-clauses (negated conjunctions e.g. ¬(x∧y)) – making NAND-OR theories similar to traditional ... -
Resource Scheduling - Evaluating Solving Using Satisfiability Modulo Theory
(Master thesis, 2023-06-29) -
Room of Errors - Feasibility and Design of a Simulation Training Concept in VR with Intentional Simulation Errors
(Master thesis, 2022-06-01)In 2020, 13.1 percent of somatic hospital stays in Norway led to hospital-acquired complications or injuries. One way of working to prevent these events may be found in the education of health personnel. Nursing study ... -
Routing of Offshore Survey Vessels
(Master thesis, 2021-10-11) -
Rule learning of the Atomic dataset using Transformers
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)Models used for machine learning are used for a multitude of tasks that require some type of reasoning. Language models have been very capable of capturing patterns and regularities found in natural language, but their ... -
Rule mining on extended knowledge graphs
(Master thesis, 2022-06-01)