Blar i Master theses på emneord "design"
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Designing a prototype of a book series wiki with spoiler control
(Master thesis, 2021-12-01)Spoilers can be defined as learning plot points in a narrative before the creator of the narrative intended, and are generally thought of in a negative light. There are however studies that show that spoilers can positively ... -
Displaying rainy days in Bergen(s Tidende): Combining weather and news in a user-friendly way
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)This thesis studies users', especially Bergenser's, relationship to weather with the aim to make a prototype of weather widgets for Bergens Tidende's digital platforms. By applying Design Science Research methodologies, a ... -
Reducing academic procrastination: Designing an artifact to aid students
(Master thesis, 2021-06-15) -
TV 2’s Innholdsunivers - en vurdering av vår utviklingsprosess og prototype
(Master thesis, 2022-05-31)Masteroppgaven har som hensikt å drøfte gruppeprosjektets utviklingsprosess og resultat. Gruppeprosjektet utført som del av mastergraden har samarbeidet med mediebedriften TV 2 og hatt som målsetting å fornye TV 2 med fokus ...