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dc.contributor.authorOusman, Nadiaen_US
dc.description.abstractMålsetting: Beskrive benzeneksponering blant laboranter, mekanikere og prosessoperatører innen norsk offshore petroleumsindustri i perioden 2002-2018, og sammenlikne denne eksponeringen med den norske yrkeshygieniske grenseverdien for benzen. Vi ønsket også å undersøke om benzeneksponeringen har blitt redusert etter 2007 sammenliknet me2003 og 2019, hvorav siste innsamling var kun fra Equinor. En database med beskrivende variabler var basert på målingene fra Equinor. På bakgrunn av økt fokus på eksponering for benzen og dets helseeffekter rundt 2007, ble benzeneksponeringen til de tre utvalgte yrkesgruppene sammenliknet før og etter dette årstallet. Deskriptiv statistikk, ANOVA, post-hoc Bonferroni-test og uavhengig t-test ble utført for å beskrive eksponeringen. Resultatene ble loge-transformert før statistiske analyser på grunn av skjevfordelte data. Resultater: Ved personlige langtidsmålinger (60 min) i perioden 2002-2018 var det ingen statistisk forskjell mellom gjennomsnittlig benzeneksponering for laboranter (AM = 0,02 ppm; GM = 0,008 ppm), mekanikere (0,07 ppm; 0,006 ppm) og prosessoperatører (0,07 ppm; 0,006 ppm). Ved statistisk testing i tråd med anbefalingene i Norsk Standard, var eksponeringen i samsvar med grenseverdien (0,6 ppm) for alle tre yrkesgruppene. Mekanikere hadde en signifikant høyere eksponering i perioden 2008-2018 sammenliknet med perioden 2002-2007, mens det ikke var noen forskjell mellom de to tidsperiodene for de andre yrkesgruppene. Arbeidsoppgavene som medførte høyest benzeneksponering var arbeid på flotasjonsanlegg (AM = 0,89; GM = 0,54 ppm), lossing/mottak av pigg (0,69 ppm; 0,35 ppm), manuell rengjøring av utstyr forurenset med råolje (0,49 ppm; 0,03 ppm) og overhaling av diverse utstyr (0,51 ppm; 0,08 ppm). Konklusjon: Til tros for at eksponeringen for de tre utvalgte yrkesgruppene var lavere enn dagens yrkeshygieniske grenseverdi, bør det arbeides for å redusere eksponeringen mest mulig siden benzen er et sikkert karsinogen samt at grenseverdien trolig vil bli redusert. En ytterligere reduksjon i benzeneksponering kan oppnås ved å fokusere på arbeidsoppgaver der eksponeringen er høy.en_US
dc.description.abstractObjectives: Describe benzene exposure among laboratory technicians, mechanics and process operators in the Norwegian offshore petroleum industry during the period 2002-2018, and compare this exposure with the Norwegian occupational exposure limit (OEL) for benzene. We also wanted to investigate whether the benzene exposure has been reduced after 2007. Another objective was to describe the benzene exposure for the work tasks assumed to have highest exposure levels. Method: Exposure measurements performed on installations in the Norwegian offshore industry were collected in three rounds between 2003 and 2019, in which the last round included measurements Equinor only. A database of descriptive variables was developed based on these exposure measurements from Equinor. Based on increased focus on exposure to benzene and its health effects around 2007, the benzene exposure for the three selected occupational groups was compared before and after this year. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, post-hoc Bonferroni test and independent t-test were performed to describe the exposure. The results were log-transformed before statistical analysis due to skewed data. Results: For personal long-term measurements (60 min) in the period 2002-2018, there was no statistical difference between the average benzene exposure for laboratory technicians (AM=0.02 ppm; GM=0.008 ppm), mechanics (0.07 ppm; 0.006 ppm) and process operators (0.07 ppm; 0.006 ppm). In statistical testing in line with the recommendations in the Norwegian Standard, the exposure was in compliance with the OEL (0.6 ppm) for all three occupational groups. Mechanics had a significantly higher exposure in the period 2008-2018 compared with the period 2002-2007, while there was no difference between the two time periods for the other occupational groups. The tasks that resulted in the highest benzene exposure were work on flotation plants (AM=0.89; GM=0.54 ppm), reception of pipeline cleaning equipment (0.69 ppm; 0.35 ppm), manual cleaning of equipment contaminated with crude oil (0.49 ppm; 0.03 ppm) and maintenance of various equipment (0.51 ppm; 0.08 ppm). Conclusion: Despite the fact that exposure for the three selected occupational groups was lower than today's occupational exposure limit, efforts should be made to further reduce exposure as benzene is a known carcinogen and the limit value is likely to be reduced. A further reduction in benzene exposure can be achieved by focusing on work tasks where the exposure is high.en_US
dc.publisherThe University of Bergen
dc.subjectKjemisk eksponering
dc.titleEksponering for benzen blant laboranter, mekanikere og prosess-operatører i norsk offshore petroleumsindustri i perioden 2002-2018.en_US
dc.title.alternativeBenzene exposure among laboratory technicians, mechanics and process operators in the Norwegian offshore petroleum industry during the period 2002-2018.
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.rights.holderCopyright the Author. All rights reserved

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