Morenestratigrafi i sentrale Sør Norge : resultater av en moreneundersøkelse i Hjellådalen, Dombås, korrelert med isbevegelser og morener i Gudbrandsdalen og tilgrensede strøk
The stratigraphy of Weichselian tills from an area situated between the main ice divide in central South Norway and the watershed to the north during most of the last glaciation, has been investigated. The till traps of this area, with high natural sections, are of considerable lithostatigraphical interest. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of striae, combined with till fabric measurements and studies of texture, structure, petrography and mineralogy of the tills, the author has correlated different regional till units with four main phases of the last glaciation. The extension and distribution of the tills have been determined, partly depending on the relative position of the ice divide. The tills, often covering waterlaid sediments presumed to have been deposited in the Gudbrandsdalen Interstadial, always consists of more or less fresh material without signs of interglacial or preglacial weathering. The significance of various boulder layers is discussed.