dc.contributor.author | Fossbakk, Helena | |
dc.contributor.author | Medhaug, Siri Håland | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-07-02T07:09:07Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020-07-02 | |
dc.date.submitted | 2020-07-01T22:00:37Z | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://hdl.handle.net/1956/23211 | |
dc.description.abstract | Dette er en delrapportering fra en undersøkelse utført av Eikeland, Manger og Asbjørnsen (2016), og datamateriale er hentet fra deres undersøkelse. Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke kvinnelige innsatte sine motivasjons- og hinderfaktorer for å ta eller ikke ta utdanning under soning. Studiens hypoteser angående motivasjon var at ulike soningsforhold medfører forskjeller i motivasjon i opplæringssituasjoner, og at rapportert dysleksi har konsekvenser for motivasjon i opplæringssituasjoner. Videre undersøkte studien to hypoteser om hinder for å ta opplæring i fengsel: at ulike soningsforhold påvirker opplevde hinder for å ta opplæring, og at kvinnelige innsatte med og uten rapportert dysleksi opplever ulike hinder for opplæring. Studien benyttet Principal Components Analysis, Mann-Whitney U test og reliabilitetsanalyser (Cronbachs alfa) for å undersøke hypotesene. Utvalget bestod av 79 kvinner i norske fengsel. Studien avdekket ikke signifikante forskjeller i rapportert motivasjon mellom innsatte i kvinnefengsel og blandingsfengsel, eller mellom innsatte med og uten dysleksi. Studien avdekket en signifikant forskjell i rapporterte hinder mellom kvinner i kvinnefengsel og blandingsfengsel innen faktoren Holdninger og preferanser. Videre analyser avdekket også en signifikant forskjell innad i to hinderfaktorer mellom innsatte med og uten dysleksi innen faktorene Råd og datatilgang og Vansker. Studien konkluderer med at utvalget opplever lik grad av motivasjon uavhengig av soningsforhold og rapportert dysleksi. Hvilke hinder de innsatte opplever for å ta opplæring blir derimot påvirket både av soningsforhold og rapportert dysleksi. Nøkkelord: Motivasjon, hinder, dysleksi, fengselsopplæring, kvinnelige innsatte | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | The current study is part of a larger research project examining prison education in Norway. The data used in this study were collected by Eikeland, Manger and Asbjørnsen (2016). The aim of the present study was to examine the motivation and perceived barriers of female prisoners to participate in prison education. The study's hypotheses regarding motivation were that different incarceration facilities lead to differences in motivation in educational situations, and that reported dyslexia influences motivation in educational situations. In addition, the study examined two hypotheses about perceived barriers to participation in prison education: that different incarceration facilities affect perceived barriers to participation in education, and that female inmates with and without reported dyslexia experience different barriers to participation. The study used Principal Components Analysis, Mann-Whitney U test and reliability analyzes (Cronbach's alpha) to test the hypotheses. The sample consisted of 79 women in Norwegian prisons. The study did not reveal significant differences in reported motivation between prison inmates in womens’ prisons and mixed gender institutions, and between inmates with and without dyslexia. The study revealed a significant difference in reported barriers between women in women's prisons and mixed gender institutions within the factor Attitudes and Preferences. Further analyzes also revealed a significant difference within two barrier factors, Advice and Computer Access and Difficulties, between inmates with and without dyslexia.factors. The study concludes that the inmates experience an equal degree of motivation regardless of prison conditions and reported dyslexia. On the other hand, the barriers experienced by inmates are affected by both different incarceration facilities and reported dyslexia. Key words: Motivation, barriers, dyslexia, prison education, women prisoners | en_US |
dc.language.iso | nob | |
dc.publisher | The University of Bergen | |
dc.rights | Copyright the Author. All rights reserved | |
dc.subject | Motivasjon | |
dc.subject | dysleksi | |
dc.subject | prison education | |
dc.subject | dyslexia | |
dc.subject | hinder | |
dc.subject | fengselsopplæring | |
dc.subject | barriers | |
dc.subject | kvinnelige innsatte Motivation | |
dc.subject | women prisoners | |
dc.title | Kvinnelige innsatte i norske fengsler og deres selvrapporterte motivasjon og hinder for å ta opplæring i fengsel | |
dc.title.alternative | Female prisoners in Norway and their self-reported motivation and perceived barriers to participation in prison education | |
dc.type | Master thesis | |
dc.date.updated | 2020-07-01T22:00:37Z | |
dc.rights.holder | Copyright the Author. All rights reserved | |
dc.description.degree | Masteroppgave i logopedi | |
dc.description.localcode | LOGO345 | |
dc.description.localcode | MAPS-LOG06 | |
dc.subject.nus | 799999 | |
fs.subjectcode | LOGO345 | |
fs.unitcode | 17-32-0 | |
dc.date.embargoenddate | 2021-06-12 | |