Equilibrium: koret som sosialt felt
There are a number of different relations between the members in a choir, and between the members and their conductor. Each member has their own reason (or reasons) for being in the choir, and these reasons influence their choises and their attitudes. This paritcular choir is a chamber choir affiliated with a church in Norway. The church provides a rehersal room, and in return expects the choir to support the singing at Sunday services, and to give concerts. The choir also receives some financial support from the local church. For some members, the affialiation with the church is very important. It is part of their religious service. For others, the consequences of being connected with a church are not desirable, but accepted because they appreciate the conductor, the repertoire and the singing itself. Some members read music, others do not. Some members seem to be more valuable then others, as a result of gender and other values that are formed in the social field that this choir represents. The average age of both the women and the men in this chior is 55,16 years. This is representative of their homogeny, with regards to both age and in fact social class. In this Thesis, i study the different practises in the choir, and discuss how these practises are influenced both by the church-affiliation, the homogeny of the members, and the role of the conductor. I analyse the different findings with main focus on the theories provided by Pierre Bordieu regarding social fields, different forms of capital, and the concept of habitus as form of social upbringing, thus shaping individual cognitive patterns of thought. I also use Michel Foucault´s theories on discourse and power to look at the values int the choir, and how hidden power shapes behaviour. Occasionally, i also refer to Michael Polany´s thoughts on tacit knowledge to point out how the choir and/or conductor incorporates knowledge.
The University of BergenHøgskolen i Bergen
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