Browsing Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT) by Title
Now showing items 72-91 of 175
Hvordan kan aktører i Vestland bidra til bærekraftig omstilling i små og mellomstore bedrifter?
(Master thesis, 2023-04-20)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker problemstillingen: Hvordan kan aktører i Vestland bidra til bærekraftig omstilling i små og mellomstore bedrifter (heretter SMB-er). Oppgaven reflekterer erfaringer og observasjoner fra et ... -
Hvorfor ser naturmangfold så ofte ut til å tape overfor andre interesser i konsekvensutredninger etter Statens vegvesen sin håndbok V712?
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)Denne masteroppgaven er en kartlegging av utfordringer som bidrar til å svare på problemstillingen; ‘hvorfor ser naturmangfold så ofte ut til å tape overfor andre interesser i konsekvensutredninger etter Statens vegvesen ... -
Implementing co-created citizen science in five environmental epidemiological studies in the CitieS-Health project
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background and aim Scientists and scientific institutions are adopting more extensive participatory models, hoping to revisit the existing relationship between science and society. Though citizen science has become more ... -
The Impossible Moderation of Pardo-Guerra. A Review of Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra’s The Quantified Scholar. How Research Evaluation Transformed the British Social Sciences
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, a Mexican born scholar with considerable experience of working in the UK, now an associate professor at the University of California, San Diego, takes us on a leisurely stroll along the predicaments ... -
Improving the reliability of cohesion policy databases
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)In this contribution, we present an innovative data-driven model to reconstruct a reliable temporal pattern for time-lagged statistical monetary figures. Our research cuts across several domains regarding the production ... -
Indicator development as a site of collective imagination? The case of European Commission policies on the circular economy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In recent years the concept of the circular economy gained prominence in EU policy-making. The circular economy promotes a future in which linear ‘make-use-dispose’ cultures are replaced by more circular models. In this ... -
Insect decline, an emerging global environmental risk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Earth’s entomofauna seems in an ongoing state of collapse. Insect decline could pose a global risk to key insect-mediated ecosystem functions and services such as soil and freshwater functions (nutrient cycling, soil ... -
Insect feeds in salmon aquaculture: sociotechnical imagination and responsible story-telling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Salmon aquaculture is a growing industry with increasing challenges of feed sustainability and availability. This global sustainability issue has led to calls for novel feeds. Aquafly, a Norwegian research project, has ... -
Intellectual Practicians: An Exploration of Professionalism among Upper Secondary School Teachers with Icelandic Mother Tongue Teachers as a Contextualized Empirical Case
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-05-21)The study Intellectual practicians explores an educational practice; more particularly that of mother tongue teachers in upper secondary school in Iceland as experienced and described by some of these teachers. The study’s ... -
The interaction between cultural heritage and community resilience in disaster-affected volcanic regions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Research on cultural heritage and disasters often focuses on the vulnerability of heritage and ways to disaster-proof it against geophysical, societal, and environmental hazards. However, heritage might in turn also increase ... -
The interdependence of substance use, satisfaction with life, and psychological distress: a dynamic structural equation model analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Introduction: Longitudinal studies with annual follow-up including psychological and social variables in substance use disorder recovery are scarce. We investigated whether levels of substance use, satisfaction with life, ... -
Introduction. Post-truth – another fork in modernity’s path
(Chapter, 2021)This text provides an introduction to the volume as a whole, focusing on topics that were much discussed during its preparation and writing. It gives a critical overview of some main events, public and academic discussions, ... -
Investigating the process of ethical approval in citizen science research: The case of Public Health
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Undertaking citizen science research in Public Health involving human subjects poses significant challenges concerning the traditional process of ethical approval. It requires an extension of the ethics of protection of ... -
Irrigated areas drive irrigation water withdrawals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)A sustainable management of global freshwater resources requires reliable estimates of the water demanded by irrigated agriculture. This has been attempted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) through country ... -
Is VARS more intuitive and efficient than Sobol’ indices?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Variogram Analysis of Response Surfaces (VARS) has been proposed by Razavi and Gupta as a new comprehensive framework in sensitivity analysis. According to these authors, VARS provides a more intuitive notion of ... -
Kjønnsperspektivet i bærekraftsledelse: En kvalitativ studie om kvinnelige bærekraftsansvarliges erfaringer i norske bedrifter
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker bærekraftsrollen i norske bedrifter gjennom et kjønnsperspektiv. Med fokus på hvordan denne rollen oppleves og utføres av kvinner, skal oppgaven undersøke utfordringene og mulighetene et ... -
Knowledge and Its Legitimacy, an Exploratory (Meta)Ethical Framework-Based Analysis of Narratives on Coastal Flooding Risks in a Changing Climate
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Knowledge quality assessment (KQA) has been developed in order to analyze the role of knowledge in situations of high stakes and urgency when characterized by deep uncertainty and ignorance. Governing coastal flood risk ... -
Large variations in global irrigation withdrawals caused by uncertain irrigation efficiencies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)An assessment of the human impact on the global water cycle requires estimating the volume of water withdrawn for irrigated agriculture. A key parameter in this calculation is the irrigation efficiency, which corrects for ... -
Learning together: facing the challenges of sustainability transitions by engaging uncertainty tolerance and post-normal science
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Current efforts towards sustainability tend to focus on maintaining existing systems and structures, by relying on reductionist approaches to problem solving. Increasingly, there is a call for more effective action in ... -
Limiting the carbon dioxide emission aboard an offshore salmon farm by introducing a wind and battery system.
(Master thesis, 2023-05-16)Oppgåva vil sjå på moglegheita til å bruke vindkraft og batteri til å avgrense bruken av dieselgenerator, og dermed kutte utslepp av karbondioksid med 80 % om bord dei planlagde offshore lakseoppdrettsanlegga til SalMar ...