Blar i Centre for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK) på tittel
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Tarrying with Sexual Matters. Thinking Change from Lacan to Badiou
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-02-23)This dissertation interrogates the significance of Alain Badiou's traversal of the antiphilosophy of Jacques Lacan, and the implications of that traversal for Badiou's thinking on the preconditions for the subject ... -
«Transvestittbehandlingsspørsmålet»: Helsetilbod ved transseksualisme i Noreg 1952–1979
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)I Noreg starta ein fagleg diskusjon kring genuin transvestisme og moglegheiter for å gi eit behandlingstilbod til personar med denne tilstanden tidleg på 1950-talet. Kva sette i gang denne diskusjonen og kva vart utfallet ... -
Veiled Nannies and Secular Futures in France
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article focuses on recent French efforts to expand legal regulation of religious symbols to childcare. Controversies over ‘veiled nannies’ serve as points of departure for investigating laïcité – French secularism – ... -
Waiting as a redemptive state - The ‘Lampedusa in Hamburg’ and the offer from the Hamburg government
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This paper explores an offer of possible legalization that the Hamburg government gave to a group of 350 illegalized West-African migrants in 2013. Based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out in 2017, when the majority of ... -
Working to ‘Wait Well’ : Exploring the temporalities of irregular migration in Germany
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-01-21)During the past two decades migration and border scholars have increasingly recognised the role of time and temporality in the European states’ governing of migration and in the production of migrant irregularity. This ...