Blar i The Norwegian Institute at Athens på tittel
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The Rizokastro near Aliveri, Euboea, in the context of Frankish castle architecture in Greece
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2017)Σκοπός της μελέτης είναι μια προσπάθεια προσέγγισης της οικοδομικής ιστορίας και της αρχιτεκτονικής ενός ελάχιστα γνωστού αλλά σημαντικού μνημείου της Φραγκοκρατίας στην Εύβοια, του Ριζόκαστρου που βρίσκεται κοντά στο χωριό ... -
The sanctuary of Alea at Tegea in the pre-Classical period
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 3, Chapter, 2014) -
The sanctuary of Alea at Tegea: the topographical evidence
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 4, Chapter, 2014) -
The sanctuary of Athena Alea and its setting
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 4, Chapter, 2014) -
The sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea: excavation in the northern sector, 2004
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 4, Chapter, 2014) -
The sceptic's luck: on fortuitous tranquillity
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 2, Chapter, 2014) -
The settlements of the Middle and Late Byzantine period in Euboea
(Chapter, 2017) -
The Theatres of Roman Arcadia, Pausanias and the History of the Religion
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2005)When studying Roman Greece, scholars often rely on the descriptions given by the ancient literary sources. Ancient sources, however, are very contradictory and sketch quite different images of the conditions of Arcadia ... -
Theory of Museology : Main Schools of Thought 1960-2000
(Papers and monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens;13, Book, 2021) -
The three ages of man. Myth and symbol between Chiusi and Athens
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2004) -
To lock up Eleusis. A question of liminal space
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2002) -
To see or not to see: a study in maritime visibility
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2017)Η Ελλάδα είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένη με τη θάλασσα που την περιβάλλει και οι θαλάσσιες μετακινήσεις έπαιζαν ανέκαθεν σημαντικό ρόλο στην ιστορία της. Το ίδιο ισχύει και στην περίπτωση της Εύβοιας, καθώς η γεωγραφική της θέση ... -
Tongue-tied Aphrodite: the paradeigmata in the "Hymn to Aphrodite"
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 2, Chapter, 2014) -
The Topography of Ancient Tegea: New Discoveries and Old Problems
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2005)The city of Tegea was one of the most important cities on the Peloponnese in antiquity, but it has until now remained strangely unknown in archaeological research. The Norwegian Arcadia Survey (1998 - 2001) focused its ... -
Traces of ritual in Middle Helladic funeral contexts including an assessment of geographical location
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2004) -
Traces of Tribal Puberty Initiation in Arcadian Religion: a Survey of Pausanias´ Tales
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2005)This article explores one possible area of continuity from ancient times in Arkadian religion, namely how myths may reflect Arkadian rituals for inclusion of young girls and boys into society. In Pausanias' eighth book, ... -
The transformations of the armed Aphrodite
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 1995) -
Translating a "paradeigma" in Sophocles: "Oedipus Tyrannus" 1193
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 2, Chapter, 2014) -
Transvestite virgin with a cause: The Acta Pauli et Thecla and late antique proto-"feminism"
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 1995) -
The Triad of Zeus Soter, Artemis Soteira and Megalopolis at Megalopolis
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2005)The sanctuary of Zeus the Saviour at Megalopolis was probably established in 371 B.C. The three cult statues, depicting Zeus Soter, Artemis Soteira and Megalopolis, are described by Pausanias, who attributes them to the ...