Browsing Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens by Subject "VDP::Humaniora: 000::Historie: 070::Oldtidens historie: 080"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
The First Five Lectures
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Book, 1991) -
Greek trophy monuments
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2004) -
L' agora di Megalopoli vista da Pausania: alla ricerca del tempo perduto in una citta sinecizzata
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2005)In his organization of the material, Pausanias is interested in a coherent recomposition of the literary evidence rather than in the precise topographical reconstruction of the different sites. The case of the agoni of ... -
La Fin des Maux. Un nom-Pausanias-et un symbole (d'Homere a Pausanias le Periegete, en passant par Platon)
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2004) -
The pilgrimage to Olympia. Settings and sentiments
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2004) -
Polybios to Pausanias: Arkadian Identity in the Roman Empire
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2005)Many ancient statements about Arkadia date from the Roman period, and most of what we hear from Arkadians themselves, directly from Polybios, and indirectly via Pausanias, belongs in this context. This source material ... -
Synoikizing Megalopolis: The Scope of the Synoikism and the Interests of Local Arkadian Communities
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2005)This paper examines what can be deduced about the political interplay among Arkadian communities over the planning of the synoikism of Megalopolis, despite the divergence of Diodorus 15.72.4 and Pausanias 8.27.3-4 on the ... -
The Theatres of Roman Arcadia, Pausanias and the History of the Religion
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2005)When studying Roman Greece, scholars often rely on the descriptions given by the ancient literary sources. Ancient sources, however, are very contradictory and sketch quite different images of the conditions of Arcadia ... -
Η τά μάλιστα λεωφόρος (Pausanias 8.54.5) in Arkadia
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2005)There are three main passages between Tegea and the valley of Achladokambos, the ancient Hysiai: a) the northern, around the hill of Mouchli, called unanimously Gyros; b) one south of Mouchli, formerly known by locals as ...