The Sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea: Recent Excavations in the Northern Area. Results and Problems
The excavations in the northern area of the sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea, organized by the Norwegian Institute at Athens during the period 1990-94, investigated the area directly in front of the 'ramp' emerging from the northern flank of the classical temple and identified a long stratigraphical sequence, from the modern occupation back to the early archaic period. This area was probably always used as an open courtyard, with few and small structures with the only exception of a big mud-brick wall in east-west direction, probably the northern limit of the sanctuary area in the 6th century B.C. The evidence recovered gives indications about the presence of early archaic and Geometric layers, which should be investigated by future excavations.
Papers from the third international seminar on Ancient Arcadia, held at the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 7-10 May 2002
The Norwegian Institute at AthensSeries
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